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curious if anyone can offer an opinion on the doyle baseball academy, we are looking at vacationing in florida over the spring break, options are cocoa beach expo, a small private showcase in west fla, or 5 days at the doyle academy. Learning and instruction might be secondary to potential contact with college coaches. Can anyone reccomend Doyle camps as a useful contact tool? Or are we potentially better off budgeting for a couple pg showcases? he's currently a junior.
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I don't have first hand knowledge of the academy. Not sure that he would gain any real exposure at any academy during a five day period, over Spring Break, before his Junior year.

If he would benefit from the number of reps he would get during those five days, and working closely with small group and presumably great coaching, AND he wants to do so .... I think that would be of great benefit.

He has his Junior year yet to play and loads of important exposure time will come this Summer. For those reasons, I'd go the Academy route if he wants to and it looks good.
I know the folks at Doyle very well and speak with the founder several times a week. If you want you can PM me.

My guys have worked with both Denny and Blake and have attended their Academy (all 3 weeks in a row) several times.

Excellent Professional instruction in an awesome setting (Tigertown).

Many pro players have received instruction from this group includig JD and Stephen Drew, Gary Sheffield, Jody Reed to name a few.
Last edited by floridafan

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