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I tried the Bautista leg kick in my swing, and also having my hands up higher.

I enjoyed the results of my swing. I felt much more consistent and free flowing. Not to mention, much more power. I've always had a little bit, but I feel like the ball was really coming off my bat well.

I had to hit off a tee in order to be videotaped. I felt smoother when I was being thrown front toss, but I still feel like I found a much better swing.

I didn't bring my better camera so I had to use my phone. My phone doesn't make the highest quality of videos.

I'm not sure if there's a way to embed the video on here, but here's the link:

And also here's the link to my old swing:

I would appreciate any comments. I literally just started doing this swing today, so I'm open to any suggestions, comments, feedback, etc.


P.S. I'm new to this site, but I'm a regular poster on I have the same user name on here that I have on there, so if there are some people that use both sites, that's who I am.

Thanks in advance!
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Sorry about the video. I will try to take a video sometime this week with my better camera. It has 60 fp. I would have used that camera that day, but I forgot to bring it.

You're right about my foot placement. It was hard trying to figure out where my foot was going to land. I think that I pulled all the baseballs off the tee. But during front toss I was hitting left, right, and center pretty easily. Surprisingly easily.
Originally posted by jimster:
I tried the Bautista leg kick in my swing, and also having my hands up higher.

I enjoyed the results of my swing. I felt much more consistent and free flowing. Not to mention, much more power. I've always had a little bit, but I feel like the ball was really coming off my bat well.

I had to hit off a tee in order to be videotaped. I felt smoother when I was being thrown front toss, but I still feel like I found a much better swing.

I didn't bring my better camera so I had to use my phone. My phone doesn't make the highest quality of videos.

I'm not sure if there's a way to embed the video on here, but here's the link:

And also here's the link to my old swing:

I would appreciate any comments. I literally just started doing this swing today, so I'm open to any suggestions, comments, feedback, etc.


P.S. I'm new to this site, but I'm a regular poster on I have the same user name on here that I have on there, so if there are some people that use both sites, that's who I am.

Thanks in advance!

Honestly, I liked your old swing better! I would recommend using the lower half a bit more. Don't see much push from the back side, and the hips look slow to turn?
Hands are in pretty good position when front foot comes down and your swing plane is much better than on the new swing.

The Bautista kick is pretty tough to do, IMO!
You look off-balance to me, and you dip your front shoulder, which helps create the 'rocking' effect that causes an uppercut, which you exhibit.
You will have trouble adjusting to live pitching, IMO, with that swing. Look where your front foot ends up? You are contorting your body and not getting the smooth rotation necessary to adjust to the pitch location and speed.
I see what you're saying.

This swing is by no means game ready, but just from trying it that day I felt much faster through the zone and felt much more power.

I actually noticed myself upper cutting like you mentioned when I went to go hit today.

I'm meeting with my travel coach this weekend and I'm going to see what he thinks about my swing.

He'll probably throw me some short toss or something to simulate pitching.

IMO, I feel like when I'm in this stance I'm be much more loose and free flowing. My old stance, it felt like my load made me stop before I swung.

It's still a work in progress, but I feel like I have found my swing.

I actually like my old swing too, but something just clicked when I tried doing that and I started to smash the ball.

I do disagree with one thing. I think that timing will be about the same with this stance. I feel like that if I start early and slow I'll be able to catch up to anything or adjust to anything.
Originally posted by Bob Williams:

1. Why not use wood bats all the time?
2. Do you use the "high tee"?
3. What team do you play for?
4. How do you hit the slider?
5. What is your objective?


I was hitting with my metal bat at that time because I will be using in the summer and in college. I usually us wood when I practice, but I wanted to use my metal bat that day, so I could make sure I'm getting a good feel for it.

I have used the high tee before. I would have tried to with that tee, but that tee was broken and that is the highest it can go.

I play for the Diamond Boys 18u travel team. I got cut from my high school team. And I'm going to be playing for Mount Union this fall.

I haven't tried to hit anything other than soft toss and tee with this swing, but I would say that I'm a good breaking ball hitter. If I catch the spin early, than I usually hit breaking stuff well.

My objective is to create the most powerful and efficient swing that I can. My goal with the tee was to hit it straight up the middle. My objective for the high leg kick is to have a continuous, powerful swing.

I hope I answered your questions in the way the you meant them to be answered!

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