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I don't understand the hatred for Tebow.  He is living the dream and doing it somewhat successfully.  I know many of you think it is a media hype but he is also being successful.  He is a great role model and that goes a good way for me.  I'm tired of the great athletes who are terrible role models.  I know I know.  He is taking some kids spot but if he could not play at all they would not keep him.  He just proved he has a place in the game. 

On a different note:  Congrats to Will Craig for the west.  Great guy and player also.  Played with my middle son.

PitchingFan posted:

I don't understand the hatred for Tebow.  He is living the dream and doing it somewhat successfully.  I know many of you think it is a media hype but he is also being successful.  He is a great role model and that goes a good way for me.  I'm tired of the great athletes who are terrible role models.  I know I know.  He is taking some kids spot but if he could not play at all they would not keep him.  He just proved he has a place in the game. 

On a different note:  Congrats to Will Craig for the west.  Great guy and player also.  Played with my middle son.

I know why Tebow is hated. A particular linebacker for the Ravens kills 2 people. No punishment. Tebow prays before a game or mentions his faith. Media “He is forcing religion, get rid of him etc”. Absolutely ridiculous. Goes to show just how rigged and backwards the system is.

I certainly hope Tebow gets called up. I will be buying a jersey of his. (Already have 1) Better than spending money on players that kneel and disrespect the flag.

Last edited by 00
RJM posted:

If I want role models I’ll go to church. I don’t like seeing a publicity stunt get more credit than legitimate, aspiring major leaguers. I don’t like seeing a guy who is only there on his name getting more credit than players who worked for it and earned it.

Explain how he is taking someone else’s spot. If these aspiring majors leaguers want to play in the big leagues, they need to perform better. How is Tebow being there stopping the 3rd baseman from hitting .350?

00 posted:
RJM posted:

If I want role models I’ll go to church. I don’t like seeing a publicity stunt get more credit than legitimate, aspiring major leaguers. I don’t like seeing a guy who is only there on his name getting more credit than players who worked for it and earned it.

Explain how he is taking someone else’s spot. If these aspiring majors leaguers want to play in the big leagues, they need to perform better. How is Tebow being there stopping the 3rd baseman from hitting .350?

If you read my post accurately I didn’t say he was taking someone’s spot. I’m talking about the all star game. Three legitimate prospects hit homers and Tebow, a publicity stunt gets the headline for a double. That’s absurd. These players are better. They deserve the headlines and the credit. 

I’ll be glad when Tebow fails and heads for DWTS for his publicity stunt tour. Then his worshippers can attempt to convince the board he’s the next coming of Fred Astaire and Gene Kelly rolled into one. 

Last edited by RJM
RJM posted:

If I want role models I’ll go to church. I don’t like seeing a publicity stunt get more credit than legitimate, aspiring major leaguers. I don’t like seeing a guy who is only there on his name getting more credit than players who worked for it and earned it.

Then instead of starting yet another thread about Tebow, start a thread about the top MiLB prospects and how they did in the all-star game.  The irony of your thread . . . . . . .

Last edited by Nuke83
Buckeye 2015 posted:

Well, the headline is from the USA Today website.....they are a business.  I'm fairly certain this headline got a lot more readers than if it had said "Luigi Rodriguez Homers In Eastern League All Star Game"......

You are right, USA Today is a business, so is MLB.


No one said they hated Tebow, that is a very unfair statement. For me, my dislike is the organization. They are using him.

He will be 31, playing against much younger pitchers. Move him to AAA, let's see how he does. 

And when they do, make him remain with the team, not give him permission to leave for 2 days to be a football analyst. No one else is given that opportunity.  They wont even let guys leave early to finish a last semester. 


00 posted:
PitchingFan posted:

I don't understand the hatred for Tebow.  He is living the dream and doing it somewhat successfully.  I know many of you think it is a media hype but he is also being successful.  He is a great role model and that goes a good way for me.  I'm tired of the great athletes who are terrible role models.  I know I know.  He is taking some kids spot but if he could not play at all they would not keep him.  He just proved he has a place in the game. 

On a different note:  Congrats to Will Craig for the west.  Great guy and player also.  Played with my middle son.

I know why Tebow is hated. A particular linebacker for the Ravens kills 2 people. No punishment. Tebow prays before a game or mentions his faith. Media “He is forcing religion, get rid of him etc”. Absolutely ridiculous. Goes to show just how rigged and backwards the system is.

I certainly hope Tebow gets called up. I will be buying a jersey of his. (Already have 1) Better than spending money on players that kneel and disrespect the flag.

The media didn't do that and players are not disrespecting the flag by kneeling.

This is a prime example of how Tebow worshippers are out of touch with reality.

Luigi Rodriguez, 25yo - .311 - 10 - 33 - .500 slg - .878 ops

Jan Hernandez, 23yo - .292 - 10 - 43 - .465 - .807

Deivi Gruillon, 22yo - .287 - 12 - 40 - .520 - .836

Tim Tebow, 30yo - .270 - 5 - 33 - .390 - .727

Let’s play which one doesn’t belong with the others. 



Last edited by RJM

Let me stick a toe in here.....USA Today is a national paper.....the three prospects mentioned are known by F.A.F. and maybe a few hard core baseball nuts so they pay attention to the star and not the other guys.  Welcome to America folks.  Tebow spent 4 years on professional football on National TV and then took a step down to play in Denver and a few other places in the NFL on regional TV.  

Result: he has more name recognition than nearly every professional baseball player in the world.  He does something noteworthy and gets a headline.  There might be about a dozen players in Washington next week that are as well known than he is ….but IMO none are better known than him. 

Impact:  World continues to spin on its access and we have more proof of what a great country the USA is that we have the time and energy to focus on this at all.


If Tebow were willing to be a football player and not just a quarterback he'd probably be in the NFL now, as a jack of all trades special team type.  He could play H-back, be a devastating weapon on 2 point conversions and be the emergency QB.  To me a guy who says "I'm only going to play the position I want" has a bit too much ego.

My view is that I doubt he's taking the slot of any legitimate prospects.  More likely, he is taking the slot of someone else who won't make it either.  If I am right, then he's almost doing someone else a favor - gives them a chance to get on with their life.

To me, its all kind of silly stuff, but doesn't really matter in the end.  Headlines, not headlines...doesn't really affect me.

As for the kneeling - Tebow/NFL players - I can see both sides of the issue in both cases.  Both Tebow and the NFL players have received plenty of support...and plenty of disdain.  Equal opportunity I guess.

I wish more folks would try to understand why someone does something they don't personally agree with rather than just hate them for it.  For me, seeing both sides of both kind of makes for some interesting thought exercises and as I get older, that can be kinda fun.  

RJM posted:
00 posted:
RJM posted:

If I want role models I’ll go to church. I don’t like seeing a publicity stunt get more credit than legitimate, aspiring major leaguers. I don’t like seeing a guy who is only there on his name getting more credit than players who worked for it and earned it.

Explain how he is taking someone else’s spot. If these aspiring majors leaguers want to play in the big leagues, they need to perform better. How is Tebow being there stopping the 3rd baseman from hitting .350?

If you read my post accurately I didn’t say he was taking someone’s spot. I’m talking about the all star game. Three legitimate prospects hit homers and Tebow, a publicity stunt gets the headline for a double. That’s absurd. These players are better. They deserve the headlines and the credit. 

I’ll be glad when Tebow fails and heads for DWTS for his publicity stunt tour. Then his worshippers can attempt to convince the board he’s the next coming of Fred Astaire and Gene Kelly rolled into one. 

Without tebow nobobdy would care about the minor league ASG. Tebow isn't a legitimate prospect but he is a celebrity for non sports reasons. Life isn't fair, the kardashians and jenners have no talent and yet they have millions of followers and their own tv shows while some very talented actors and singers live on the streets.


Popularity in the social media age works way different than it works before. Also Tebow is not taking attention away,he artificially generates interest for something uninteresting.and yes of course this interest is not coming from his skills.

It isn't even "media overhyping his Christianity" or something like that, he just became a social media star like justin bieber or kim kardashian which happens due to very complex reasons.




Dominik85 posted:
RJM posted:
00 posted:
RJM posted:

If I want role models I’ll go to church. I don’t like seeing a publicity stunt get more credit than legitimate, aspiring major leaguers. I don’t like seeing a guy who is only there on his name getting more credit than players who worked for it and earned it.

Explain how he is taking someone else’s spot. If these aspiring majors leaguers want to play in the big leagues, they need to perform better. How is Tebow being there stopping the 3rd baseman from hitting .350?

If you read my post accurately I didn’t say he was taking someone’s spot. I’m talking about the all star game. Three legitimate prospects hit homers and Tebow, a publicity stunt gets the headline for a double. That’s absurd. These players are better. They deserve the headlines and the credit. 

I’ll be glad when Tebow fails and heads for DWTS for his publicity stunt tour. Then his worshippers can attempt to convince the board he’s the next coming of Fred Astaire and Gene Kelly rolled into one. 

Without tebow nobobdy would care about the minor league ASG. Tebow isn't a legitimate prospect but he is a celebrity for non sports reasons. Life isn't fair, the kardashians and jenners have no talent and yet they have millions of followers and their own tv shows while some very talented actors and singers live on the streets.


Popularity in the social media age works way different than it works before. Also Tebow is not taking attention away,he artificially generates interest for something uninteresting.and yes of course this interest is not coming from his skills.

It isn't even "media overhyping his Christianity" or something like that, he just became a social media star like justin bieber or kim kardashian which happens due to very complex reasons.




Maybe what minor league baseball needs is less baseball players and more celebrities playing the game.

You guys are chumps.  I just received an email from a Nigerian prince.  Turns out he needs to get his family's millions out from being held by corrupt leaders of a coup.  By helping him, I'm going to be making $123mm.   So, while you smucks are sitting around watching the Mets and arguing, I will be buying the Mets, promoting Tebow to the MLB club and putting Kirk Cameron at second.

It is plain and simple why these keep coming up, either here or in the media, anti-Tebow sentiment is another way people express their leftist political opinions on a sports site. That is why they use loaded words like "Tebow worshippers" to call people who say your Tebow dislike isn't a rational thought pattern. That is why they try to pass off insane opinions like kneeling for the national anthem isn't meant as disrespect. That is why they tell you wacky theories like he is only there and being used to make a billion dollars for the minor league owners by selling hotdogs and beer. Sad, but it seems like these wacky thought processes are being taught to more and more and younger and younger people.

Ja'Crispy posted:

It is plain and simple why these keep coming up, either here or in the media, anti-Tebow sentiment is another way people express their leftist political opinions on a sports site. That is why they use loaded words like "Tebow worshippers" to call people who say your Tebow dislike isn't a rational thought pattern. That is why they try to pass off insane opinions like kneeling for the national anthem isn't meant as disrespect. That is why they tell you wacky theories like he is only there and being used to make a billion dollars for the minor league owners by selling hotdogs and beer. Sad, but it seems like these wacky thought processes are being taught to more and more and younger and younger people.

You should confine your political comments to political discussion boards. You know what they say when you assume. Since I started the thread it appears the “leftist political comments” are aimed at me.

While politically I’m a right leaning libertarian, personally I would be considered quite conservative. What this means is I don’t believe people have to live by my rules as long as they aren’t harming the general public. I don’t care if someone is gay even though I’m straight. I don’t care if someone smokes pot as long as they don’t get in a car even though I rarely even drink.

I don’t consider myself insane or irrational. But if you want to go toe to toe on politics or personal insults I would be more than happy to oblige you. Chances are I’m more informed. It’s obvious by your personal insults who is more rational here. 

Your flag comments display you aren’t informed. While the NFL players have repeatedly told people what the kneeling is about Fox News keeps telling people it’s about disrespect of America, the flag and veterans. Anyone who believes blacks get the same treatment from police as whites are living with blinders on. Most of my black friends have been pulled over for being black. Where did you get the expensive car? Why are you in this neighborhood after dark? It’s their car. They live there. 

I don’t care if Tebow is the the second coming of God as some believe him to be or an atheist. He is not a MLB prospect even if the Mets call him up for publicity. I get tired of hearing what a great baseball player he is from those who obviously don’t know the game..

Last edited by RJM
RJM posted:
Ja'Crispy posted:

It is plain and simple why these keep coming up, either here or in the media, anti-Tebow sentiment is another way people express their leftist political opinions on a sports site. That is why they use loaded words like "Tebow worshippers" to call people who say your Tebow dislike isn't a rational thought pattern. That is why they try to pass off insane opinions like kneeling for the national anthem isn't meant as disrespect. That is why they tell you wacky theories like he is only there and being used to make a billion dollars for the minor league owners by selling hotdogs and beer. Sad, but it seems like these wacky thought processes are being taught to more and more and younger and younger people.

You should confine your political comments to political discussion boards. You know what they say when you assume. Since I started the thread it appears the “leftist political comments” are aimed at me.-I stand by my assertion that anti-Tebow sentiment is a way to express leftist political views on a sports site, whether here, USA Today, or ESPN. This has been going on for years and not a new game. My comments were more of an amalgamation of all above above comments but ok I'll bite.

While politically I’m a right leaning libertarian, personally I would be considered quite conservative. What this means is I don’t believe people have to live by my rules as long as they aren’t harming the general public. I don’t care if someone is gay even though I’m straight. I don’t care if someone smokes pot as long as they don’t get in a car even though I rarely even drink.

I don’t consider myself insane or irrational. But if you want to go toe to toe on politics or personal insults I would be more than happy to oblige you. Chances are I’m more informed. It’s obvious by your personal insults who is more rational here.-Chances are I am more informed on world economic or political issues. I have absolutely no need to back down from someone accusing me of being ill informed on those items. I stand by using loaded words like Tebow worshippers constitutes a personal attack on individuals who may have different views than you.

Your flag comments display you aren’t informed. While the NFL players have repeatedly told people what the kneeling is about Fox News keeps telling people it’s about disrespect of America, the flag and veterans. Anyone who believes blacks get the same treatment from police as whites are living with blinders on. Most of my black friends have been pulled over for being black. Where did you get the expensive car? Why are you in this neighborhood after dark? It’s their car. They live there.-The kneeling for the anthem was always meant to be a stick in the eye and try to get a misinformed political opinion across. The Ferguson narrative was a complete falsehood. Hands up don't shoot never happened and we know all of this from the grand jury testimonies. Of course your all and most people examples are again loaded words in arguments and certainly not facts. We do know statistically young males commit more crimes than older women, so I would bet money that young white males are pulled over at a higher rate than old minority women.  I also believe the system in America is racist and skewed viciously against African-Americans, but probably for not the same reasons you do.

I don’t care if Tebow is the the second coming of God as some believe him to be or an atheist. He is not a MLB prospect even if the Mets call him up for publicity. I get tired of hearing what a great baseball player he is from those who obviously don’t know the game.. I don't think anyone was arguing him being a great baseball player, but maybe he is better player than the strawmen in your arguments.


Ja'Crispy posted:

It is plain and simple why these keep coming up, either here or in the media, anti-Tebow sentiment is another way people express their leftist political opinions on a sports site. That is why they use loaded words like "Tebow worshippers" to call people who say your Tebow dislike isn't a rational thought pattern. That is why they try to pass off insane opinions like kneeling for the national anthem isn't meant as disrespect. That is why they tell you wacky theories like he is only there and being used to make a billion dollars for the minor league owners by selling hotdogs and beer. Sad, but it seems like these wacky thought processes are being taught to more and more and younger and younger people.

I dont get into that kneeling or patriot stuff but he is a professional and open to fair criticism. It has nothing to do with being on the left. 

He is a really nice guy, no one is disputing that. Problem is, he is a really, really nice guy, and people have taken advantage of that. That, in this case ,  would be the Mets organization, who once again are a disappointment to their loyal fans. They cannot put a decent product on the field and can't keep guys healthy. As of today they are 13.5 games back and in last place in their division. 

 Tebow isnt going to change that and being used as a distraction.


TPM posted:
Ja'Crispy posted:

It is plain and simple why these keep coming up, either here or in the media, anti-Tebow sentiment is another way people express their leftist political opinions on a sports site. That is why they use loaded words like "Tebow worshippers" to call people who say your Tebow dislike isn't a rational thought pattern. That is why they try to pass off insane opinions like kneeling for the national anthem isn't meant as disrespect. That is why they tell you wacky theories like he is only there and being used to make a billion dollars for the minor league owners by selling hotdogs and beer. Sad, but it seems like these wacky thought processes are being taught to more and more and younger and younger people.

I dont get into that kneeling or patriot stuff but he is a professional and open to fair criticism. It has nothing to do with being on the left. 

He is a really nice guy, no one is disputing that. Problem is, he is a really, really nice guy, and people have taken advantage of that. That, in this case ,  would be the Mets organization, who once again are a disappointment to their loyal fans. They cannot put a decent product on the field and can't keep guys healthy. As of today they are 13.5 games back and in last place in their division. 

 Tebow isnt going to change that and being used as a distraction.


I would be considered by many to be a right winger, not far right. Without getting into my specifics political views, I 100% agree with TPM.  If Tebow makes it as an MLB'er for several years, not just a "cup of coffee" then I will admit that I am wrong but until then.....


ps: And I like Tebow, appears to be a great Christian guy. I didn't think he would make it as an NFL quarterback either .

Last edited by RedFishFool
RJM posted:
Dominik85 posted:
RJM posted:
00 posted:
RJM posted:

If I want role models I’ll go to church. I don’t like seeing a publicity stunt get more credit than legitimate, aspiring major leaguers. I don’t like seeing a guy who is only there on his name getting more credit than players who worked for it and earned it.

Explain how he is taking someone else’s spot. If these aspiring majors leaguers want to play in the big leagues, they need to perform better. How is Tebow being there stopping the 3rd baseman from hitting .350?

If you read my post accurately I didn’t say he was taking someone’s spot. I’m talking about the all star game. Three legitimate prospects hit homers and Tebow, a publicity stunt gets the headline for a double. That’s absurd. These players are better. They deserve the headlines and the credit. 

I’ll be glad when Tebow fails and heads for DWTS for his publicity stunt tour. Then his worshippers can attempt to convince the board he’s the next coming of Fred Astaire and Gene Kelly rolled into one. 

Without tebow nobobdy would care about the minor league ASG. Tebow isn't a legitimate prospect but he is a celebrity for non sports reasons. Life isn't fair, the kardashians and jenners have no talent and yet they have millions of followers and their own tv shows while some very talented actors and singers live on the streets.


Popularity in the social media age works way different than it works before. Also Tebow is not taking attention away,he artificially generates interest for something uninteresting.and yes of course this interest is not coming from his skills.

It isn't even "media overhyping his Christianity" or something like that, he just became a social media star like justin bieber or kim kardashian which happens due to very complex reasons.




Maybe what minor league baseball needs is less baseball players and more celebrities playing the game.

I don't care for him being a role model or good human being (I don't want to see the dalai lama or nelson mandela play ball either) but I object at the notion that he takes anything away from baseball.


1. The guy he pushed out was likely a late round non prospect making a McDonald's type salary in the minors

2.minor leaguers make crap money anyway

3. Nobody cares for milb except a handful of super prospects (acuna, vlad jr...), they play in front of empty stadiums and the franchises lose money.

I don't care for Tebow and I don't think he is a prospect but he was filling stadiums, making money and getting media attention to his minor league team and their opponents.

Don't hate tebow but minor league baseball for not being as interesting as a washed up never great ex QB/social media star. Tebow isn't taking away attention, nobody would care about the minors team anyway.

Last edited by Dominik85
TPM posted:
Ja'Crispy posted:

It is plain and simple why these keep coming up, either here or in the media, anti-Tebow sentiment is another way people express their leftist political opinions on a sports site. That is why they use loaded words like "Tebow worshippers" to call people who say your Tebow dislike isn't a rational thought pattern. That is why they try to pass off insane opinions like kneeling for the national anthem isn't meant as disrespect. That is why they tell you wacky theories like he is only there and being used to make a billion dollars for the minor league owners by selling hotdogs and beer. Sad, but it seems like these wacky thought processes are being taught to more and more and younger and younger people.

I dont get into that kneeling or patriot stuff but he is a professional and open to fair criticism. It has nothing to do with being on the left. 

He is a really nice guy, no one is disputing that. Problem is, he is a really, really nice guy, and people have taken advantage of that. That, in this case ,  would be the Mets organization, who once again are a disappointment to their loyal fans. They cannot put a decent product on the field and can't keep guys healthy. As of today they are 13.5 games back and in last place in their division. 

 Tebow isnt going to change that and being used as a distraction.


I agree he is open to criticism as well. I don't think that was an item brought up for debate by anyone. I disagree that politics is not involved as you will find very often the same Tebow critics in all forms of media throwing out snarky Bush, Trump, Fox News ... etc comments. 

I don't know if he is a really nice guy, but he seems to check off all of the boxes. I don't know him personally. The Mets are horrible and can't keep players healthy, but I disagree they are taking advantage of Tebow. The two parties simply negotiated contracts for what they thought was to their benefit. If Tebow is being taking advantage of he should fire his high priced agents. Do the Mets get some benefit to Tebow's name? Yes, probably a small amount. Old School hit it right on the head that in reality virtually nobody knows or cares to pay attention to his minor league career or if he makes a Milb All-Star game. Does Tebow get something out of playing minor league baseball? Yes, but I highly doubt this is some big PR coup to keep his name in the media. He was already on ESPN national TV commenting on college football.

It’s very inaccurate to stare people don’t care about minor league baseball. It is also inaccurate minor league teams lose money.

minor league franchises spike in value

 I live part time in Southern Maine. There is more than enough to do here in the summer. People also think nothing of driving two hours to Red Sox games. But even with two winning seasons in the last ten the SEa Dogs do very well attendance wise. 

The reason minor league baseball is so popular is the price. $10 buys a good seat up close. Every seat in a 5-8,000 seat stadium is up close. 

Last edited by RJM
Ja'Crispy posted:
TPM posted:
Ja'Crispy posted:

It is plain and simple why these keep coming up, either here or in the media, anti-Tebow sentiment is another way people express their leftist political opinions on a sports site. That is why they use loaded words like "Tebow worshippers" to call people who say your Tebow dislike isn't a rational thought pattern. That is why they try to pass off insane opinions like kneeling for the national anthem isn't meant as disrespect. That is why they tell you wacky theories like he is only there and being used to make a billion dollars for the minor league owners by selling hotdogs and beer. Sad, but it seems like these wacky thought processes are being taught to more and more and younger and younger people.

I dont get into that kneeling or patriot stuff but he is a professional and open to fair criticism. It has nothing to do with being on the left. 

He is a really nice guy, no one is disputing that. Problem is, he is a really, really nice guy, and people have taken advantage of that. That, in this case ,  would be the Mets organization, who once again are a disappointment to their loyal fans. They cannot put a decent product on the field and can't keep guys healthy. As of today they are 13.5 games back and in last place in their division. 

 Tebow isnt going to change that and being used as a distraction.


I agree he is open to criticism as well. I don't think that was an item brought up for debate by anyone. I disagree that politics is not involved as you will find very often the same Tebow critics in all forms of media throwing out snarky Bush, Trump, Fox News ... etc comments. 

I don't know if he is a really nice guy, but he seems to check off all of the boxes. I don't know him personally. The Mets are horrible and can't keep players healthy, but I disagree they are taking advantage of Tebow. The two parties simply negotiated contracts for what they thought was to their benefit. If Tebow is being taking advantage of he should fire his high priced agents. Do the Mets get some benefit to Tebow's name? Yes, probably a small amount. Old School hit it right on the head that in reality virtually nobody knows or cares to pay attention to his minor league career or if he makes a Milb All-Star game. Does Tebow get something out of playing minor league baseball? Yes, but I highly doubt this is some big PR coup to keep his name in the media. He was already on ESPN national TV commenting on college football.

Sandy Anderson publicly admitted signing Tebow was a publicity stunt. The area scout refused to put his name on the contract. Tebow was signed by the PR department.

Last edited by RJM
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