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Yes, it will be detrimental.

How much depends on how disciplined you are.  Also how much you are willing to sacrifice.  Socially, friends etc.  disciplined enough to hit off the tee or at the cages after football practice?  Can you keep your grades up?

It might be more fun to play all three.  I really don't know enough about you, your high school seasons, coaches, expectations, your goals, etc. to say for sure how much, or if you could catch up on baseball later.  I think only you know for sure.  Give it some thought.  


Agree with Go44 & Nuke 83...wholeheartedly!

The other important factor(s) is the overlap of sport will likely miss some games/practices while one sport is wrapping up their season...which Coaches don't "cotton to" too well. 

As I recall, you are 5' 8" & 140 #. IMO, a half-way decent "hit" in football would airmail you into the middle of West Texas! Not worth the risk, if baseball is indeed your passion...

Are you more interested in contributing to "a team"...or self fullfillment? 


Last edited by baseballmom

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