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Article was from 5 years ago.... Things are changing rapidly in the world of Baseball

if my Kid threw 95+ would I encourage him to throw year round? No chance

Do I think there are some pitchers who are undertrained?  Absolutely

I suspect there are genetic factors with UCL's ... Some are gonna tear no matter what preventative care is utilized once they get to a certain velocity.  Others can withstand tons of abuse...

Generally speaking I look at Nolan Ryan's mechanics especially his lower half as a blueprint for throwing...

Undertraining can be a Factor (especially high velo with low fitness) but super super fit pitchers blow their arm out too.

I think at the time it was a great post by kyle and a great hope since many pitchers were undertrained and there was that hope that you could build muscles so strong they protect the ligaments.


However now every pitcher lifts, does rubber bands and often also weighted balls and they get hurt more than ever.

Now I don't think they get hurt because of the working out. It probably even helps a little but not enough to offset the increased velo.

In short fitness is important but it is not really curing the injury problem, pitchers still  get hurt.

I think the fitness helped with shoulder injuries but then the body finds another weakest link.

Last edited by Dominik85

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