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One big tip I give a lot is to make sure your lead foot glides towards home plate in an arc instead of falling towards home plate.  As a catcher, you may be used to going straight at your target.  Here is what I mean ...



A catcher also goes from low to high (crouch to upright) in the throwing process.  A pitcher does the opposite - tall to small - during their process.  Your body may be used to the catcher's process and might be bringing that to the mound.  Here is what I mean ...



Hope this is helpful!  Good luck!


Originally Posted by NDallasDad:

Not the OP, and not trying to hijack the thread but comments would be apprecated.


Maybe OP is similar if he doesn't have a video.  Son throws (and swings/hits) really hard with shoulders and maybe not as much with legs/hips.



From this angle is doesn't look like he's in a ready stance.  His feet look close together, his hips are low and his weight is back on his heels.  Also, his back is hunched over a bit.  This is a difficult position to throw from.  In a ready stance his feet would be shoulder width or wider, hips up, weight on the balls of his feet.  Also, he is popping straight up before stepping, so he loses his lower body strength.  He should be staying low as he steps and gains ground towards the target.


Originally Posted by NDallasDad:

Not the OP, and not trying to hijack the thread but comments would be apprecated.


Maybe OP is similar if he doesn't have a video.  Son throws (and swings/hits) really hard with shoulders and maybe not as much with legs/hips.

I went to the PG website and found some very decent catcher videos.  Look at the Ucommited 2015's, there are lots of players and catchers. It will show some catcher videos of them throwing to second.  There are some very good video's of some good footwork, ready stance and staying low during the throw.  If this is your son in the videos link above, you should have him look at some of these vid's for some idea's.

Just a thought.


Spread your legs far apart. Keep them firm on the ground. Throw just using your hand and upper body. Keeping your feet firmly planted on the ground.  Try that a few times a day until it feels natural.  Then do the same but now move your leg forward. Do it with mechanical type movements until it feels natural. Then speed up the throw.


Last edited by Florida State Fan
Originally Posted by NDallasDad:

  Also, staying down and eliminating the hop looks like it will help with the push off the back side.  

The hop is what I noticed.

The right foot can drag, laterally,  to the centerline without every hardly leaving the ground, and without gaining ground towards the pitcher--two second instructional video, no ads:


Same thing, but in a MLB game, four seconds long; no ads.


Last edited by freddy77

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