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Was watching son's practice the other day. On bunt defense Coach was instructing boys to throw to the inside of bag and wanted boys to emphasize it by yelling "inside, inside". Then he instructed my son (the catcher) to throw the ball to the outside of the bag on a bunt close to the first base line and call out "outside, outside". After practice son told me it doesn't make sense to him and I told him it didn't make sense to me either. Is this being taught out there and if so someone please staighten me out?
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Sure, we teach the same thing here.

On a ball in fair territory, you want to throw "inside" because that is a direct line to first base from your current location.

On a ball in foul territory (droppped 3rd strike) you want to throw to the "outside" for the sam reason as a above.

The ball right along the first base line, you want to go one way or another. To me, it really doesn't matter. You just want to get away from the runner.

The whole point is so the catcher is not trying to throw over the runner. And he calls it out so the first baseman (or second baseman on bunts) can set up either direction.

Hope I explained it well enough.
Anything that is to the leftside of first base should be an inside call. The exception would be the blocked third strike that is to the right of first base. Throwing to the outside is the proper location on this one. We want the catcher to call it the firstbaseman can make an easy adjustment and jsut post inside or outside for the throw. I really can not think of anytime on a bunt you would want to go outside. The main thing is to create a good throwing lane between the firtbaseman and the catcher.
The inside/outside call is absolutely ridiculous.

Count the number of times an inside called throw stays inside and vice versa. You are setting your team up for failure. You are setting your firstbaseman up for injury.

The firstbaseman gets in an athletic position so he can react.

The catcher gets the ball and fires it to the bag....right over the top of first base.
Last edited by Chameleon
Overall the catcher has to have a throwing lane to first like someone earlier said. Most bunts are going to be in the IF and you have that throwing lane already created. On a blocked third strike (we don't say dropped we stress catching the catchable and blocking the nasty stuff - just trying to stay positive for the guys) that goes to the right side we have our catchers go to the outside. We have our catchers make the call but it really doesn't matter who makes the call as long as you have the throwing lane.

As for bunts and outside calls / throws we do that with balls on the line. Catchers are taught and have the instinct to come forward. Once they do that they are going have to make a semicircle to approach the ball on the line - it won't be much but their momentum is going towards first or towards foul territory. We teach ours to approach the ball pick it up and go into foul territory for the throwing lane. Besides it is easier to go forward with balance than to go backwards and keep balance. Going forward takes you into foul territory.

Hope that makes sense - it does in my head and when you see it on the field.
by me catcher calls it, because it his throwing angle...

it never made sense to throw outside, and i dnt think i was ever in a situation where i did...i guess maybe if the runner was really running inside, maybe hoping to get hit by the ball, and the ball in like really really close to the line, you'll be quicker by throwing seldom happens, though.
I personally call it myself when i play.often times the runner will try to run in the catchers line to throw to first to make the throw harder.this is why we call inside or outside, so the first baseman knows which side of the bag the ball is comming to and make it easier for them to make a play and also easier on the catcher to get the runner out.

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