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My middle son is experiencing tightness in his throwing shoulder and limited flexibility. No sharp pain or dull pain, just discomfort. I have shut him down.

I believe that the onset of his condition began when he began long tossing every day without my knowledge, and without resting between workouts.

I of course will be scheduling a visit to our favorite sports doctor, but just thought I would seek feedback in the meantime.

Of course I fear rotator cuff stuff, but from what I have read it appears that a significant amount of pain may be associated with that injury, as well as instability or looseness in the shoulder, neither of which are present.

He has no history of any injuries.

The Journey Continues!

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Well, it just so happens that son had basically discomfort and tightness in the exact same area prior to the season starting.

The Sports Ortho diagnosed him with a strained scapula. All the small and very minute muscles that support the scapula muscles needed strengthened and conditioned. Because they were weak his scapula had become extremely tight and sore.

Remedy: physical therapy for 3-4 weeks, e-stem/ultrasound, sports massage in the scapula area. Maybe some anti-inflammatories for the discomfort.

Let us know the results after you get back from the Sports Ortho!
What motions bother him?

Arm straight out to the side= abduction
Arm straight out front=flexion
Arm straight back=extension
Bending at the elbow with arm at side, opening arm up= external rotation
Bending at the elbow with arm at side, closing arm=internal rotation

This will possibly give us a better idea of the muscle group... can LOL all you want sport. But son wasn't laughing when he missed basically all spring his sophomore year at his JUCO. Why do you find that so hilarious? A strained scapula is a strained scapula. I had even called the Team Dr. for the UGA football team who is a friend of mine and he knew exactly what this Sports Ortho had diagnosed.

The second part of the weak muscles, etc. was me adlibbing mostly what son had relayed back to me.

Please enlighten us if you know more.
My advice is, see the doctor and listen to the doctor, and don't let your fears run away with you.

It could be a lot of things but frankly it doesn't sound too serious. Get the visit done quickly so that you can hope it's nothing and he doesn't miss any time.

Among other things, you may just have some spasming going on. Loosening up thoroughly and taking ibuprofen daily can help that in the short term; a few trips to the chiropractor might be all you need long term.

Hope it's nothing serious, good luck!

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