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McCarver (I'm somewhat embarassed to say) played primarily for the Cardinals, a lot for the Phillies, and just a little bit for the Red Sox and Expos.

I believe he felt hard done by ownership, as he certainly doesn't call Cardinals games as if he wore the Birds On The Bat for 12 seasons. (Of course, he also doesn't call games as if he graduated the seventh grade, either Wink)

I also suspect he felt he should have been tagged at some point to coach, then manage.
Originally posted by Orlando:
McCarver (I'm somewhat embarassed to say) played primarily for the Cardinals, a lot for the Phillies, and just a little bit for the Red Sox and Expos.

The whole Cardinals thing is just an ugly rumor. ;-)

Anyway, I was re-reading the pitching part of his "Baseball For Brain Surgeons..." book the other day and came across a number of errors. He sounds like he knows what he's talking about, but he isn't always.

Maybe I'll say something to Joe Buck next time I see him in the supermarket.
Last edited by thepainguy
Time to resurrect this thread. After watching the Red Sox/Devil Rays on Fox yesterday, I'm already dreading the post season.

McCarver and whoever the clown was doing play-by-play, just ruined the game. They actually said things that were factually wrong. My 13-year old son was correcting them.

And the producers aren't much better. Left handed pitcher gets called for a balk. They never show the camera angle from behind first base. They only showed the center field angle where McCarver declares it is clearly a balk.

Last edited by biggerpapi
Originally posted by YoungGunDad:
Since youz guys turned me on to the fact that I now have the MLB Network on DISH I hope and pray I NEVER have to listen to McCarver or Morgan another day in my life.

Sometimes they broadcast a team I like, which means it is them or nothing. Yesterday I picked nothing.
Originally posted by Dad04:
Originally posted by YoungGunDad:
Since youz guys turned me on to the fact that I now have the MLB Network on DISH I hope and pray I NEVER have to listen to McCarver or Morgan another day in my life.

Sometimes they broadcast a team I like, which means it is them or nothing. Yesterday I picked nothing.

Sometimes, I like part of the broadcast team...I loved Jon Miller on the old sunday night game....but only could bear Joe Morgan so much...
piaa ump said...
Sometimes, I like part of the broadcast team...I loved Jon Miller on the old sunday night game....but only could bear Joe Morgan so much...

I also really liked Jon Miller, and I could tolerate Joe Morgan as long as he was teamed with Miller.

As for McCarver....his broadcasts should be used by the CIA for interogation purposes.
Last edited by fenwaysouth
Originally posted by fenwaysouth:

As for McCarver....his broadcasts should be used by the CIA for interogation purposes.

His last few years in Philly he really only played when Steve Carlton was pitching. He spent many games in the broadcasting booth. He wasn't that bad, because he didn't take himself seriously and offered a player's insight. "Last night, at the restaurant...". (He wasn't as bad a player as he says)

He managed to turn his buffoonery into broadcasting the World Series and giving old sage hotel interviews in a suit, on network tv. ??? I have no idea how he did it. He's gotta be asking himself the same thing. Smile
Originally posted by PopTime:
Kruk is definately good. And TR, I know you're probably familiar with Jerry Remy's work. He does some national stuff on FOX, but mostly RedSox on NESN. Definately someone who could do the job on a larger stage.
Bill Lee filled in Remy for a few games this year. When asked what his biggest thrill doing the broadcast was he replied, "Not having to listen to Remy."
McCarver is a tough listen but his call of the Yankees making a mistake in Game 7 against the Diamondbacks becasue "Rivera gets a lot of jam shots that might go over a drawn in infield" was one of the great pieces of analysis ever becasue two pitches later Gonzalez dropped one about where Derek Jeter would have been standing to win the World Series.

Could be a broken clock is right twice a day situation but still a great call.
I honestly don't remember who it was or even what game /teams. But I can remember spitting my drink all over myself.

Hitter is facing a reliever. Said reliever throws a NASTY slider...I mean NASTY.

Two strike count, batter sort of waves at it as it goes away from him.

One of the announcers says something to the effect of "That was just unhittable."

The other guy says " have to lay off that pitch on two strikes."

Originally posted by Midlo Dad:
There are some who would say, if you can't hit it, you may as well take your chances with the umpire.

Personally I'd rather see a guy battle and at least try to foul it off, but not everyone agrees.

I guess I didn't convey the scene properly. The pitch was just FILTHY. It backdoored the guy something fierce. It was a strike if he doesn't swing. But he, the hitter, was OBVIOUSLY looking for something else. So he literally waved at it right about the time it hit the mitt.

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