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Tim McCarver: More Homers Caused by Global Warming

"It has not been proven, but I think ultimately it will be proven that the air is thinner now, there have been climactic changes over the last 50 years in the world, and I think that’s one of the reasons balls are carrying much better now than I remember," McCarver said during Saturday's game between the Milwaukee Brewers and the St. Louis Cardinals.

Joe Buck then asked, “So that’s your ‘inconvenient truth’ about Major League Baseball?”

"Well," the former catcher responded, "I think they’re going to find that out one of these days, yes I do."
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Originally posted by SultanofSwat:
Tim McCarver: More Homers Caused by Global Warming

"It has not been proven, but I think ultimately it will be proven that the air is thinner now, there have been climactic changes over the last 50 years in the world, and I think that’s one of the reasons balls are carrying much better now than I remember," McCarver said during Saturday's game between the Milwaukee Brewers and the St. Louis Cardinals.

Joe Buck then asked, “So that’s your ‘inconvenient truth’ about Major League Baseball?”

"Well," the former catcher responded, "I think they’re going to find that out one of these days, yes I do."

I didn't hear it because the TV is muted whenever he's announcing.
From this point forward, these will be called "McCarverisms". "Wow" is all I can say about that theory.

Facts be d-a-m-n-e-d, but it is good entertainment value if you like listening to crazy people broadcast your baseball games. I think Fox Sports should stir the pot here, and see what Tim has to say about Religion, Bigfoot, Crop Circles, UFOs and Presidential politics...maybe those are all inter-related too? I would stick around to listen to that conversation and explanation! It would be an advertisers dream and a revenue boost for Fox Sports. I think I may have invented a new reality show..."S-h-*-t Tim says"

Just think, someone at Fox Sports actually made the decision to pay this guy money to represent their network. Either he has compromising pictures of a Fox Sports Exec or they mixed up the audution tapes. I wish someone would explain his baseball broadcasting talents to me, because I'm just not seeing it in any way, shape or form.
Last edited by fenwaysouth

    "I'm just not seeing it in any way, shape or form."

Look around 'In the Virtual Cloud' fenwaysouth, I think Tim's in there too...

Your commentary was excellent! I'll definitely tune into "S-h-*-t Tim says" if it makes it on air.

"Didja' hear "S-h-*-t Tim says" is gonna' be on Fox®?"......"Yup. They haven't even aired one episode yet and it's already been renewed for next season. Goldmine Blago! Goldmine!"

Last edited by gotwood4sale
The ultimate nightmare would be a three man booth of John Sterling, Suzyn Waldman and Tim McCarver. Waiting in the wings is Joe Morgan. Anyone not familar with Sterling and Waldman try listening to a Yankees game. It makes we wonder how many Mets fans are Yankees fans who went screaming into the night after listening to these two. Harry Carey was inept. But he was hysterically funny. If Joe Buck had a different last name where would he be announcing games?
Last edited by RJM
The ultimate nightmare would be a three man booth of John Sterling, Suzyn Waldman and Tim McCarver.

It would be Armageddon.

I don't know how Sterling does it.....not turn to Suzyn Waldman a thousand times a broadcast and say...."no sh*t Suzyn!". I was held captive in my car three weekends ago driving home from Ithaca to Richmond. Yankees/Angels was the only baseball game on Sunday night. So I listened and kept an open mind. Not such a good idea. I really believe that Sterling ignores her during the whole broadcast. I challenge any Yankee fan to listen to an upcoming game and tell me any different. He completely ignores her, and he is so busy pitching product that he barely has time to do the play by the Yankees need the money.... Forgetaboutit!
Last edited by fenwaysouth

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