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Spring training has just begun and it didnt take Ozzie long to get his mouth going again. He should have taken McCarthy's comments for what they were worth honest reflection of his time in Chicago . Doesnt he know when to zip it up ? I hope this is his last year as skipper. His act is getting old.
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Ozzie is Ozzie and always will be. If things ar going well, he is OK. I've always thought that Ozzie was the right guy at the right time for the sox in '05, but could very easily be the wrong guy as well at another time.

A lot like Ditka was....the right guy for a couple of years, then his act grew old and then he was the wrong guy.
Spoken like a couple of Cub fans with nothing to do on a Sunday morning/afternoon.

Sox will be fine. Will be competing in the toughest division in all of baseball. McCarthy wasn't ready to play as his 5 losses (for what few appearances he had) and 9.7896 era will attest. When you hear about his experiences with the night life in Chicago and going partying with Brian Anderson, you now know why Brian had the year that he had: he didn't know if he was "hittin'" on a babe or on a baseball!

Cubs, in the meanwhile, will discover that they have no pitching and their new manager will go nuts and blame everyone for picking up Soriano and two broken-armed pitchers in the off season.

I thought the Cubs would take another 50 years to win anything.

Change that, make it another 250 years. Everyone else will be playing baseball on the moon and the Cubbies will still be wondering what has happened to them.

Go White Sox!

I didn't think there was a literal translation for Been's post. You know, when someone brings up the obvious, that Ozzie Guillen is a fool and an embarrassment, all that follows is the usual anti-Cubs ranting. It is so easy to rip young players, especially after they've been traded. This is pure company line with Guillen trying to say that Kenny Williams made a good trade. How many times will Guillen have to apologize after each one of these outbursts before Sox fans see what he is, or isn't.

Beenthere, I'll throw this out just to hear your response. The coach you hate, and wanted fired, Lovie Smith has more class in his little finger than Ozzie Guillen has in his entire body. You Sox fans love Ozzie; well you've got him.
Last edited by itsrosy
What a bunch of smack that got started here. A pure diversion by the fans of the Flubs. The Trib can add all the talent they want but the Flubs will still be lucky to go .500. Lets face it, the park they call Wrigley Field is a piece of crrrrrrrrr...ap. Their fans can't talk baseball because they haven't been able to watch good baseball for generations. I hope the Trib sells them and the new owners moves them to Indy, or Toledo. The best thing about the Flubs the next couple of years will be watching Lou go off like an ICBM.





Originally posted by sulltiger24:

we will see what you have to say when the cubs are in the playoffs and big mouth ozzie is home on his couch watching . Sox finish no better than second in that division ...cubbies win theirs.

sulltiger24, they'll have to do that over my beloved Cardinals. Tough Row to Hoe! Of course 83 wins in a year does not a jugernaut make!!!
How did the Cubs pitching staff do this afternoon?

lolololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololol 1/2.

Go White Sox!

Go Ozzie!

Anyone who reads the clown in the Sun-Times needs their head examined! Most negative columnist in sports history! I wonder how many varsity sports he played in high school and college? Anyone know?

FastballDad...Tell us, please, when did the Cubs last win a World Series? It was so long ago, we didn't even have global warming!
Last edited by BeenthereIL
Ozzie got it done - has a ring, knows how to relate to players and bring out the best in them. I didnt care much for him when he played. Cant argue the fact that he produced as a manager. As for the loose cannon mouth, I have seen and heard worse, right here on this site. Sulltiger try for once to look at the positive attrtibutes. I hear the guy is one of the most promising young managers in the bunch. He is extremely gifted and effective at outsmarting the oppo. I hear he listens carefully to suggestions and is open minded. He also mixes well with Management (contrary to what you have all read) most importantly he is a positive influence from the bench. You show me a better bench coach with better instincts. He takes care of the younger guys in particular the non-english speaking players makes them feel at home. Sulltiger before you fire off another tearful pm to the web management I must tell you I am a cub fan to. I get behind both teams and enjoy the environs at both ballparks.
One thing never seems to change. No matter how well the sox do, their fans feel compelled to compare them with the Cubs.

The sox were good in '05. The Angels were good in '04, and what happened to them?. That's it. Those sox fans who feel the sox are one of the Elite Teams in MLB will see soon enough that their time has come and's over.

As for CoachB, you are right....they weren't a jugernaut last year. But once they won the NL, it was easy in the WS vs. The Weaker AL. Prediction: Cards 83 wins again, Cubs 93.
This is what is about to happen: the cubs will soon be dealing with the "tightness" in K-towns shoulder and Marky mark P and his tender this or that. The truth is Wood actualy destroyed his arm in a Texas high school title run. Yes this is true he was over pitched by his hs coaches. That and he still has serious mechanics issues. So does House protege Marky P. All the computer generated bleep that stated mp was a mechanic masterpiece flawless with no visible weakness. WRONG in fact he has several serious flaws that contributed greatly to his sub par career. I also think there is valid concerns about his makeup. He lacks heart and drive, runs to the dugout when he gets an itch. The guy would never make it on the Sox they would run that baby right off the field on the other hand I think Wood would take the bump if his tendon was sticking out where the bone popped through the skin. He is a ball player who just received bad advice on the way up. He could have been corrected, this guy was failed because making adjustments may have taken something off that power curve or blazing fastball. Thats the truth boys!
Beenthere--you dont have to explain mariotti to me . Unfortunately , in todays column he is 100% correct about Guillen ...whether you like Mariotti or not ...he is right for a change .

Slurve--no need to interject my name in your posts along with your snide remarks . Im not asking you...Im telling you . I want absolutely nothing to do with you that clear enough for you to understand ? Or does the pre-school teacher need to send you to the corner for a time out ?
Last edited by sulltiger24
Sulltiger "you talk'n to me" kind of reminds of that guy in the instant classic "Wedding Crashers" the scene at the end in the church when "Sack" addresses his soon to be better half in a manner similar to the way you conduct yourself here. I must ask do you act like this in public? Or do you only get this puffed up hidding behind your screen name. Dont worry about me I havent pm'd anyone and dont plan to. I can handle my debate and posting just fine without having to constantly run to these people that host the site with whiny complaints. Nonsense.........whooosh that was Vince "Slurve" Vaughan flying in with the thundering right cross......BAM-THUD that was Sulltiger hitting the ground. .
Sul, what do we care??? McCarthy isn't a White Sox player any longer, he is a stinking Ranger. WHO CARES! Me and Oz go way back. Back to my teenage days at Oak Forest Bowling Alley in the mid 80s. 152nd and Cicero. Everyone new when Oz was there. He drove this tricked-out Chevy pick-up with a cool paint scheme. Looked like a P-40 Warhawk. Oz used to hit the matinee bowling there with his girlfriend before heading down to Comisky. We bowled a couple games together while our girls watched. I whipped his ***. He bought the pops. He is a great guy. I know.
Last edited by Tuzigoot
Slurve, Ozzie does seem to open his mouth way to much. He can be a big baby when things don't go his way. (Like last season ans soon to be this season) The White Sox are still the second team in Chicago and always will be. Even a World Series championship will never put them ahead of the Cubs in Chicago. It's a Cubs and Bears town. The White Sox will finish in 3rd place in the AL Central this year and will be near the bottom in attendence.
Beenthere, of course the answer is the Cubs have won no WS Championships in the last 7 seasons. Big deal. So the sox win one in a hundred years and you act like they are the stinkin Yankees.

Get over it, the sox are clearly back to
being "also rans."

Here's another your lifetime, the Cubs and sox have won the same amount of WS Championships. Cubs in '07 & '08 and the sox in '17 and '05. (And I didn't mean 2007 & 2008)
Last edited by FastballDad

You and your fellow Cubbie fans should take note of comments made by your new manager, Lou:

"I've only been here four days, but I certainly don't like what I see."

lololololol....And they spent an additional $150 million in long terms contracts in the off season.

You DEFINITELY don't need to wait to order your Cubs World Series tickets, Cub fans, and its only March!!!!!!

Another sorry year to unfold for you...straight from the managers mouth.

Go White Sox!
Im pretty sure Sweet Lou will limit his tantrums to events taking place on the field . Every time Ozzie hears about some comment made by a former player a thousand miles away , he feels a need to spout off to the media making himself look like an idiot...certainly not a big league manager.

Been there---of course McCarthy didnt fare too well ---he is a starter ---not a middle reliever .
He will be 15 game winner for rangers.
Last edited by sulltiger24
The Chicago White Sox have established themselves as the BEST in assessing, developing, and LAUNCHING pitching. I trust Kenny, Ozzie and Coop.

The Flubs, what are they good at? No farm system, can't compete at the big league level, bad coaching etc. etc.

I can't stand the lack of usual or normal mental clarity or coherence in the Flubber's posts. Some very irrational fans out there.
Last edited by Tuzigoot

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