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What's worse than a 1/4 inch of ice on the road?

10" of snow on top of that.

That's my forecast for the next 24 hours.

Driving 3 miles back from the store there were already cars in the ditch and ambulances on site. I called my daughters at school to give them a heads up and thought I'd share the message for all my "weather challenged" friends online so they can share with their kids.

Please be safe out there, Mother Nature will beat you every time.
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Oh my goodness, snow on top of ice is just the worst. Make all drivers under age 20 - maybe 22 - stay off the roads!

I drove home from work tonight doing 35 mph in a 55 zone, and was a little surprised that the other drivers were also sane enough to go slow. We were all giving the ambulances and snowplows plenty of room!

Be careful out there...


P.S. How many days until Spring?
Last edited by MN-Mom
rz1 and Julie,

Maybe you should think about moving down south and joining us. Smile


I live 32 miles from where I work. Took 2 hours to get home tonight and I felt lucky to get home at all. Several cars in the ditches and it is suppose to get worse tonight and tomorrow. I think it is all headed towards you or maybe its there already. I don't think we are supposed to get that much snow though!

Lots of bad weather from Texas thru the midwest on towards the east. Be careful!
Last edited by PGStaff
Originally posted by PGStaff:
rz1 and Julie,

Maybe you should think about moving down south and joining us. Smile


I live 32 miles from where I work. Took 2 hours to get home tonight and I felt lucky to get home at all. Several cars in the ditches and it is suppose to get worse tonight and tomorrow. I think it is all headed towards you or maybe its there already. I don't think we are supposed to get that much snow though!

Lots of bad weather from Texas thru the midwest on towards the east. Be careful!

Wow, the weather here is why I live here. After I walk my dog for 3 miles I am going to go fishing and get some sun.
I spent the weekend watching my son play baseball in 80Patriot's neighborhood (50s to 60s). The locals were bundled up in jackets, knit caps & gloves. We wore shorts & t-shirts.

But I've spent plenty of winters driving in NY, PA, OH, MN, ND. All you folks north of the Mason-Dixon keep safe in what is starting out like a tough winter driving season ...

and remember the words of the old poem ...

He sprang to his sleigh, to his team gave a whistle, And away they all flew like the down of a thistle. But I heard him exclaim, ere he drove out of sight, "Happy Christmas to all, and spring training's in sight."
Love your poem, spDad!

It is funny watching the national tournaments this time of year. I've seen visitors visibly sweating while the locals are in ski jackets shivvering, players getting faint with the guy next to him wearing his UnderArmour.

Maybe that's how they manage all the TV & films were the guys are wearing suits and the women next to nothing....yet both appear comfortable? Cool
Originally posted by OnePlayer'sPop:
Having been reared in NDak and northern MN, I feel your pain but sure don't miss it as I head off to work in my t-shirt and shorts!

Opp, my son will be going to school at UND next fall. He wants to get out of CA! We are in t-shirts and shorts here too. (Not yesterday cause it got down to 58)

The difference in me and you though is I miss the snow, cold and change of seasons. Also like obeserver44 pointed out, I'll trade it for a drought any day.
Last edited by wvmtner
Update! I live just a tick north of RZ1. We have had just about a foot of snow since last night. It of course is on top of the ice. It is still snowing hard right now. Snowblower has been in the shop since the middle of last month and is still not ready. Plows have went by twice and I have a mess at the end of my driveway.
Last edited by lodi14
Originally posted by MN-Mom:
Our posters from warmer states might not realize how heavy the fluffy white stuff can be. It seems like after every storm, we hear reports of heart attack deaths from shoveling.

Just found out my 81 yr old father-in-law is on his way to the hospital with a broken arm sustained while blowing a path to the paper box. Most will ask why go outside? I see the point, but this is the way we live, and as soon as I can get out of the house I will pick him up and finish what he started. It will be all over in the middle of March.
Last edited by rz1
Just finished reading "One To Remeber: THE RELENTLESS BLIZZARD of MARCH 1966". Manitoba, NDak,SDak and MN were hit with what many called the worst snow storm ever in that area, of course the "old timers" remembered worse. I was 15(yes, that makes me nearly old now) at the time and remember being stranded on the farm for 5 days and looking down at the roof of our barn from atop snow drift. That is a long time to be stuck at home with your brother and sisters!


I lived in Grand Forks while stationed there in the Air Force and my older sister graduated from there. Once your son has been there a while, have him tell you about "The Ralph"....Engalstad Hockey arena. Is your son headed up to UND for hockey? Uff-da!

Nope, baseball. They are going D-1 this year, The coach came down to CA to recruit, Jeff wanted to get out of CA, he went up there for a visit and liked it. He got to go to two Hockey games and thought it was cool. Of course, that was at the end of Oct.

They have his major and he liked what he saw. He knows about the weather and he's been to WV in the winter. We'll see...
Last edited by wvmtner
One thing about the Red River Valley(of the North), there is plenty of flat land to build baseball fields on!

I took my son with me on a trip to NDak/MN for a class reunion when the kid as 11. My mother(a NDak native) provided son with his own personal can of mosquito spray and he was GLAD that Grandma cared enough to send it!

I also remember(from my youth) that even on the hottest days of summer, if you were going to be out for very long after sundown, you brought along a jacket.

Ah.... North Dakota. "Back in the day", attending the University of Montana (didn't think you could get much more backwater than Missoula, Montana), we told NORDAK jokes. One of my favorites of all time...

... about the NorDak coyote who was so stupid, he bit off three legs and was still stuck in the bear trap!

Oh, and one more.... heard about the Nordak terrorist? Tried to blow up a bus and burned his lips on the tailpipe!

Sorry everyone...


Last edited by AcademyDad
We are now well off the topic ... but CadDad ... I enjoyed a nice "spring" weekend in Missoula some years back playing Rugby at their annual Maggotfest (hosted by the Missoula Maggots). It was May, and the days in the valley were cool, the nights were cold, and there was snow on the mountain tops.

The highlight was enjoying breakfast at a place that was half diner/half bar. In the morning, you went in one door, into the traditionally tiled small town diner, where you were served heaping piles of food ... with the optional draft beer. At night, you went in another door, into the traditional dark wood paneled bar. The kicker ... there was no wall separating the two sides.

Do you recall the name of that place ... Otto's or something?


You're referring to one of two possible places. Stockman's Bar & Grill, which was one of the tried & true hangouts.... but more likely the Oxford Cafe, known by locals as the OX. Make sure you read the Menu...

Stockman's neon sign in those days said: Liquor Up Front / Poker In The Rear.

And the OX advertised: Brains & Eggs, Hashbrowns & Gravy. Many, many nights we never got to either haunt until 2:30, 3AM. Many a night we saw "comrades" thrown thru plate glass windows.

Nice memories of a day gone by. But, in all seriousness. University of Montana is one of the least expensive out-of-state schools to attend in America. The town, campus, and total experience is one of the better ones around. The academia is pretty good as well, in natural sciences, forestry, wildlife (both forms), and even in business and pharmacy. Sorry no baseball. I played for the last baseball team there... back in '75.

Nationally ranked every year in 1AA Football. They're still in this year's tourney.


Last edited by AcademyDad

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