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I have always supported equal opportunity for female athletes with two reservations: 1) There should be a demand for the sport. There should not be recruiting of female athletes just to field a team just so you can comply with title IX if there really isn't a demand for the team by the female population at the school, and 2) the fielding of female teams should not push reverse discrimination of the male athlete in the traditional sports. In other words don’t cut the track, baseball, wrestling, and such scholarships so you can equalize men and women’s scholarship numbers while keeping football with 84 scholarships. If football HAS to remain at 84 then it, footballs 84 scholarships, should be removed from the equation and teams should equalized from there, if there is the fore mentioned demand.
Any federal funds provided to a colleges sports program should be divided equally. If the school can support more men's activities through private donations/attendance fees/contracts/concessions, then I don't hink it should be mandated that it be split equally. It sucks watching women row a boat on full scholarship while many good baseball players have to have 2nd jobs or workstudy to get by. I think a good AD will support Mens and Womens college sports fairly if they want to be successful and attract good student athlete of both gender.
Last edited by Blackheart
Michael’s Dad and Blackheart,

Those are excellent suggestions, although you are applying way too much logic and common sense for the NCAA to use.

In addition to other reasons to exempt football, another is that both men and women have the opportunity to compete for football scholarships. It is not a sport limited to gender as is women’s softball for example or one of the “invent a sport” activities designed strictly for women such as crew.
Last edited by SBK
Finally some common sense.

My senior son, who was a sophomore at the time, bet the star of the girls basketball team who was a recruited athlete to a big name basketball program that is still alive in the women's NCAA's, that he could beat her 1 on 1 in a pickup game to 11.

He is a good basketball player but did not play on the high school varsity.

Final score 11-0 in favor of my son. It wasn't pretty.

There is a difference between men and women in athletic competitions of any sort. Maybe they'll recognize it with the funding.
My brother-in-law ran track in college. He said the men's team had more than twice as many members as the women's team. He said that in order for the women to spend their half of the track budget they flew to meets and stayed at the nicer hotels while the men bussed and stayed at lesser accommadations.

If that's the way it really is, doesn't sound right to spend the money just to spend the money.
Originally posted by bkekcs:
My brother-in-law ran track in college. He said the men's team had more than twice as many members as the women's team. He said that in order for the women to spend their half of the track budget they flew to meets and stayed at the nicer hotels while the men bussed and stayed at lesser accommadations.

If that's the way it really is, doesn't sound right to spend the money just to spend the money.

Welcome to the way the American Government works.

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