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Returns from Tommy John surgery may seem routine. Recovery can be full of grief, angst and isolation

This is an interesting article about Daulton Jefferies and the emotional aspects of TJ surgery for a ballplayer that broke into the MLB relatively recently. It’s especially timely for me, as my son will be going through the process in a week or so.

The article talks about identity crisis and the loss of connection to something that's been there all of his life. We tell our kids that baseball is something they do, not who they are… However, if you received positive attention for something at age 5, and your still getting attention for it as a young adult (20+ years later) how can it not be part of your self-identity?

For my son, without diminishing the blessing it is to have the tools and opportunities to be a pro athlete. Watching from the sideline as a parent you get an understanding of the year-round commitment, extreme physical and emotional effort required for the role.

The job itself is nothing but challenges with the upcoming surgery and rehab being the next ones in his journey. Nobody wishes for adversity, but it's inevitable and I couldn't be more proud of his choices and how he continues to navigate his path.

Baseball is blessing and a very tough gig…

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Wishing him the best. I have seen the gamut of emotions after surgery. My son said at one point that he had wasted his whole life. He did make so many sacrifices along the way and missed out on a lot. That said. I reminded him of the friends, the relationships, the moments.  Mine had to have the nerve moved a year later ( I advise doing it all at once), but he is finally starting to feel good again.  It is a tough game…I feel like we are all good on adversity at this point

Wishing your son a speedy recovery @jucodad. My son is going through the rehab now (internal brace). He's fortunate to have teammates and people he trains with that have been through it. He was absolutely despondent the first few days after surgery, but quickly got past that. 

The toughest thing for him was even with others telling him what he was going through was normal, especially with things like setbacks, he'd grow frustrated when progress stalled.

I kind of lost my groove on checking hsbbweb but saw a blurb on local Cleveland social media about Trevor and was shocked.  I am sorry to hear this but send my encouragements to the young man and his family.  I usually don't follow pro ball much until the weather gets nicer.  The new coach of the Guardians is a young, grinder type ex-player who was beloved in Oakland.  My son knows him well as they were roommates and teammates in the Tampa organization.  Tough to replace Tito Francona but I admire what the Guardians (Indians) did.

My son was offered a draft out of HS. Declined, made a poor choice of college, transferred, covid, TJ, hand injury kept him out of the first month that year back, broken ribs kept him out the first three weeks next year back. He did some good things those last two years. Helped the team to a place they hadn't been in a long time.

Sometimes life comes at you hard.

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