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I wasn't sure which forum to post this, so I picked here. Anyways, when in a tournament or showcase game, as far as scouting goes, is it better for an outfield to dive for a ball (to show effort) and perhaps miss (assuming the OF is not backed up and give up the extra base, or should he just play it safe by letting the ball drop and hold the runner. My opinion is to try to make the play and take the risk and show the effort. I have been curious about this. Perhaps PGStaff could provide a response. Thanks a bunch as always!
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2013 Dad,

In a showcase game, it would be best to show the effort and try to make the catch. However, diving after a ball that is not catchable can look bad to everyone.

In a Tournament game, everything depends on the situation. Just like any other game a team is trying to win. In other words late in a game with a one run lead the major job is to play no extra bases. With a larger lead late in the game try for any or all outs.

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