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A couple of weeks ago KellerDad started a topic that pointed folks towards the "Donate To The High School Baseball Web" page.

As the site celebrates it's 6th birthday this week / month I would like to say THANK YOU. To KellerDad for the nudge and then to all that have donated recently.

I was very surprised by the response. Donations are just over the $900.00 mark. It's difficult for me to simply offer a "thank you." It seems so insufficient.

My wife asked the other day .... "Why are the readers doing this?" I told her that I wasn't sure, but that it is greatly appreciated.

Some folks sent a donation by regular mail. Most of those had a note as well. I appreciate those comments and thoughts and have kept each one.

Finding the right words to express my appreciation is going nowhere .... so I will close by humbly saying .... "THANK YOU!"

"Doing nothing is still a course of action"

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"Why are the readers doing this?" I, for one, simply needed KellerDad's nudge to realize once more how much I have taken from this site since I found it years ago---and, in reflection, how little I have given back.

I must reiterate that I don't think I would have survived my son's bumpy ride without the assistance and support of the wonderful (and sometimes controversial---but that makes us special) people here who just "get it" concerning baseball and our kids. My appreciation goes to inexpressible lengths, also, so I, too, say again with emphasis: "Thank YOU!!" applaude

And: birthday to the High School Baseball Web!!

Is this heaven?...
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I was hoping to hear what the response was going to be for the anniversary target date...
My contribution was sent snail mail just this morning to arrive by the 14th. greenjump

Lots of baseball info...
More importantly, a few friendships that I really treasure........Too many laughs to count.

Thanks a bunch

By the time you learn how to play the game...
You can't play it anymore ~ Frank Howard

You are the one who deserves the big thank you. In fact, your wife deserves a big thank you, too.

And you deserve much more than that. Our donation is "in the mail". I know! You have heard that one before!

I don't think there is any note attached though. Sorry but you should know that what you have accomplished is so great for young baseball players, parents and fans. This site has been responsible for helping thousands of people interested in baseball.

To think someone would do all of this without any thought of personal gain. You're a hall-of-famer in my book.

No sir, THANK YOU for what YOU have done in today's young baseball world.

YOU have created a place for ALL to learn and enjoy the beginnings of a fun filled day at the baseball park. A place to research the who, what, when, where, why and how of the game we all love so much...

Bob Howdeshell, you are now a Baseball Legend!

A salute' to the Grand Pooh Bah... applaude

Learning day by day on the hsbbweb...

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Mrs. Howdeshell,

You asked Bob why we do this?? I hope that you will be attending the ETSU/WVU series in May because it would be my honor at that game to show you why we do this.

You see, at this series I want nothing more than to introduce you and Bob to my son, #14, a freshman wearing the Blue and Gold of the WVU Mountaineers a school he really, really wanted to attend, and at one time thought about giving up the game of baseball to attend.

He always had a baseball talent, but I trully never knew how much or where he could go with this talent he possessed, as a single mom (at the time) I really didn't know what to do to get him to the next level, the level he wanted all his baseball life but this website, the advise given, the support from all those here is as much a reason why he has the privelage to wear that uniform as his talent. Your husband and this site guided us down the "rainbow to the pot of gold". As I have stated before, without the High School Baseball Web its possible that he could have been one of those whose career ended on the HS field.

He and our entire family owe Bob and this site more than we can ever thank him and you for.


"Baseball, it is said, is only a game. And the Grand Canyon is only a hole."


Thanks Bob,

It's not often one gets to test a product, find out it's better than you could have ever hoped, and then get to freely decide to donate with out being pressured.

I found your site in desperation and it guided my me for my son when we would have been shooting in the dark.

I got another one in the hopper hope you don't fold anytime soon.


The question of Why is pretty simple. Because the information we recieve from this site is worth far more than money!

When the site went down for "retooling" a little more than a year ago, I was heartbroken, because I didn't know if it would ever come back up again.

Giving $20 or more in my mind is CHEAP. We need to make this a yearly tradition. Because I feel, if we can help cover your costs and maybe buy you an extra hot dog at your son's game, then maybe the site will stay "THE BEST BASEBALL SITE" on Al Gore's Invention.
With my son being an '08, you could say our rollercoaster is still ratcheting up to the apex where the real ride will begin. This site is teaching me how to hang on and lean into the curves, but also to throw my hands up in the air once in awhile and just enjoy the thrills. Thanks.

"Son, when you pitch a strike, Mr. Hornsby will let you know."

Without sounding redundant, another check is in the mail. Your efforts in creating and maintaining this site for the free exchange of information and discussion is really what the internet should be about.

Although I am not a regular poster, I am however, a regular reader, I prefer the more quiet participation. The site has wonderfully informative, and most participants are so willingly helpful in assisting with information for the young athletes.

With my oldest son, as a HS senior, about to make that next step both educationally and athletically, HSBBW has help me to guide him through the college maze, allowing me the pleasure of being able to provide solid parental support. The school decision will ultimately be his.

However, up here in the frigid Northeast part of the county (i.e. Vermont), where summer is only one day in July, and where showcases, camps and recruiting opportunities are incredibily limited, I find now, as a Legion Baseball Coach, that many parents ask me what course to pursue for the best interest of their student athlete...and I have but one starting suggestion..... GO and CHECK OUT THE HSBBWeb.

Again, THANKS for myself, my son, and the parents which I will direct to this site in the future. Keep up the great work.

Ray Obuchowski
South Royalton, Vermont

"Even if you're on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit there." -
Will Rogers
Thanks Bob. I too have been spreading the word about this web site. A parent has to take matters into their own hand and this is the place to get the ammo needed for the recruiting wars. Even if your son is not being recruited there is valuable information here as to the ins and outs of being a walkon.

Once the player gets to college the "Ladies" have the dorm life handled.

All we need now is a thread on resumes and how to land that high paying job after college Smile.


"If you don't know where your going, any road will take you there".
As a long time supporter and avid reader. I convey my thanx as well.
Just Paypal'ed the donation. Felt real good.
From the outer reach of the baseball universe, at least it sure seems like that, (Montreal) I proudly say:
Long life to this fabulous and now "incontournable" way of sharing views and knowledge. This arena is one where we all benefit from our mutual love and compassion for this wonderful game and especially the young men who play it. That is quite THE accomplishement Bob.
Heartfelt regards chat
Danny Rich

"Elle est partie"

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