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Originally posted by Tiger Paw Mom:
If anyone watches or listens to Glen Beck, very disturbing reports on the stealing of school buses around the country and their walkie talkie equipment and theories.

This is a vulnerable time for us, it disturbs me.

God Bless America.

I caught the very tail end of his report and was wondering what it was all about.

Could you briefly enlighten us regarding his or other's theories on this subject?

Last edited by gotwood4sale
Since Beslan, there have been many feeling out ventures testing security at schools on school buses here in Tampa.

The common thread is the fact that all involved are USF foreign students from Middle Eastern nations.

Middle school and elementary school children are most vulnerable should the bus driver not be attentive as to who is boarding the bus.
Last edited by Quincy
in my opinion, i think september 11th should be a day where children and adults stay home from school and work to remember the fallen loved ones and firefighters that died on that day. it's just a matter of respect. not having today off, to me, means that people do not really think much of this event when really, it was a horrible tragedy. it's just a day where you have to take time off from school and work to pay respects. that's my opinion.
I understand somervilleboy617 what your saying.

But we don't have a day off for Dec. 7, Either.
And I'll tell you why I think we don't have that day off.
It's a day to remember, But it is also a day that we need the be Vigilent, and a day that we need to work to understand why were the greatest country in the World.
Not because we take the day off.
But we will not REST until they pay for the Mistake off attacking the most powerful and the most Forgiving Nation The World has ever Known.
And PAY they Will.
in my opinion, i think september 11th should be a day where children and adults stay home from school and work to remember the fallen loved ones and firefighters that died on that day.

An official day off would end up being like the rest of the artificial holidays. We all would sleep in, hit the golf coarse, the Mall, and just kick back.

In August this Mid-Westerner sat at the top of that hole in NY for 3 hours reading excerpts and memories from survivors, talking with those who were there and then spent the next 5 nights looking at the hole in the NYC skyline where the towers stood while watching baseball in Staten Island. I don't want a "special" day for 9/11, I want everyday to remind me of the pain and suffering our friends from NY went through and continue to go through.

Never in my wildest dreams did I think that FDR's famous line "December 7, 1941— a date which will live in infamy" would have a historical mirror image. We have no day off on 12/7 as it is a day much like 9/11. Those two days we should remember every day.
Last edited by rz1
Originally posted by somervilleboy617:
no doubt, that's a good point too. i just dont understand why we are still in iraq. for what purpose? several young soldiers are dying for no reason and saddam hussein was hung back in december.

'Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe to assure the survival and the success of liberty.

This much we pledge--and more.' - JFK 1961
Do you have any idea what kind of message we would be sending those that still work today to destroy us if we just left? When things got tough during WW2 what if we had just left? Isnt it time we made a stand and stood for something? This country has to learn that our freedom is not free. They came over here and bombed us with our own planes. Dont you remember that those planes had people on them? Those buildings had people in them. What if your family members were on those planes or in those buildings? Dont you realize as an American they actually were your family members. We must sustain our resolve. We must fight and endure whatever the cost. We must prevail no matter what it takes. This county has to learn that there are things worth fighting for. Our freedom from those that wish to do us harm. We did not start this fight. We have to finish it. God Bless America. God Bless those families that lost their loved ones and forever had their lives changed in an instant. And God Bless our men and women in the armed forces. They are my hero's. They are the protectors of freedom.
Instead of a day off for students they should watch the news footage from that day. Once a year to remind them that as kids of this great nation they have a duty to protect the liberties and rights that those souls who parished on that day stood for. That the heros are the firefighters and police who ran into the breach, while everyone else ran away, are the true heros. A yearly reminder of those lessons would be worth a lot more than another day off.
Great post, Coach May.

Great idea, deldad. In the schools in my area, on Veterans Day, instead of taking the day off to go shopping for mattresses, the schools have Veterans Day programs and invite veterans in to be honored. Maybe they should replay the events of September 11 as a reminder and tribute to not only those who died, but to those who helped others to survive.
Last edited by play baseball
Include in that film the thousands of New Yorkers and Washingtonians who rushed to donate blood or who headed downtown after the towers fell and to the Pentagon to see if they could be of help.

Include also the operating engineers and construction workers who left their sites and hurried downtown with their cranes and other equiptment to help.
Last edited by Quincy
This day and other days such as Veterans Day, Memorial Day are days that should be reflected upon and remembered everyday of your lives.

I lost lots of my European family in the Holocaust. That was also a major event that changed many, many lives, forever. Yet no one has any idea or a clue as to what day it is. But it doesn't matter, as long as those remembered are always remembered and why we need to keep remembering.
Originally posted by theEH:
I understand somervilleboy617 what your saying.

But we don't have a day off for Dec. 7, Either.
And I'll tell you why I think we don't have that day off.
It's a day to remember, But it is also a day that we need the be Vigilent, and a day that we need to work to understand why were the greatest country in the World.
Not because we take the day off.
But we will not REST until they pay for the Mistake off attacking the most powerful and the most Forgiving Nation The World has ever Known.
And PAY they Will.

Good post EH
"The nation who forgets its defenders will, in turn, be forgotten"

My family was in New York in July 2001. Somewhere at home there is a picture of my dad, my brother, and I on the ferry coming back from the Statute of Liberty. Directly behind us were the Twin Towers...

War has been waged against us by stealth and deceit and murder. This nation is peaceful, but fierce when stirred to anger. This conflict was begun on the timing and terms of others. It will end in a way, and at an hour, of our choosing.
--George W. Bush, Speech at National Cathedral, September 14, 2001
Originally posted by Tiger Paw Mom:
Yes I caught the end too. Beck is very disturbed at the fact that our children may be the next target but nothing is being said about it to us.

I do beleive he is doing a week long series on these theories, brought about by some author of some book?


In 2004 US troops in Iraq found 2 computer disks containing photos and evacuation plans etc on our local grammer school! This is where my children went to school when they were young!This happened right before Beslan siege!
This spring the baker in the supermarket where I shop was arrested for the plot to attack Fort Dix !
These are very scary times
I was in the 5th grade when this happened.I understood about previous wars,hatred,etc.Until I saw the 2nd plane hit the tower of the world trade center,I didnt realize how real hatred was.It was just something I had read about in books,maybe heard of on the news.

may those innocent souls rest in peace,never forget the brave people aboard united flight 91 either.

To think that a group of people hates what freedom stands for so much is sickening,and may god bless the troops who so bravely fight at the epicenter of this hate.Agree with the purpose of this war or not,remember that troops are following orders.They are people like you and me
Last edited by futurecatcher27
I will always hold the firefighters, police officers, soldiers and the passengers of flight 93 in a special place in my heart.

The firefighters make the choice everyday to run into a burning building when everyone else is running out. They make a decision every day to risk their own lives so that others may live.

The passengers of Flight 93 made a decision that faithful day to give their lives as a sacrifice so that others may live. They were selfless, these people had families and they knew they would never be able to hug or kiss them ever again. These were not people who had been trained for this, these were everyday people like you and me. The decision they made that day, will make them Heroes Forever.

Our soldiers have made the choice that my life and the lives of my family are more important than theirs. The time they spend away from their families is time I get to spend with mine. The sacrifices they make everyday, ensures that I have freedoms that other countries wish they had. They make sacrifices so that we as Americans don't have to.

Police Officers risk their lives everyday during traffic stops, trying to make the roads safer for our families. They risk their lives by trying to keep drugs off our streets and out of the hands of our children. They risk their lives trying to save the same people who would take their lives in a heartbeat.

If I had that choice to make today, I would hope that I would have as much strength and courage as these people shown to me. I pray that I would be able to give my life so that another could live.

I will never forget!!
Last edited by gunnersmom

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