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Buckeye 2015 posted:

D1 season gets started tomorrow.  Good luck to everyone here who has someone playing unless at some point this season my son happens to be pitching to 

No offense, but I hope your kid isn't "pitching to" those opposing batters - sounds too much like batting practice.  Should have said something like "unless my son happens to be mowing down your son some time this season".

Good luck this weekend - sort of.  Should have some nice weather.

2017LHPscrewball posted:
Buckeye 2015 posted:

D1 season gets started tomorrow.  Good luck to everyone here who has someone playing unless at some point this season my son happens to be pitching to 

No offense, but I hope your kid isn't "pitching to" those opposing batters - sounds too much like batting practice.  Should have said something like "unless my son happens to be mowing down your son some time this season".

Good luck this weekend - sort of.  Should have some nice weather.'re right....makes it sound a lot better.  But at this point, he's at a northern school that hasn't even been outside on a field yet (other than the football field) so I'm not ready to go to "mowing down" just yet lol.  We'll see how the kids from down south that have been outside every day for a month treat him this weekend and maybe adjust my thinking after that

rynoattack posted:

The team bussed to Chicago today, sat around for 3 hours, and then the flight got cancelled.  Not sure if they will be going to Baylor now.  Ryan said they are looking to maybe charter a flight tomorrow, but not sure if it'll happen. Stinks!  

Damn!  Why don't they just point that bus toward Texas?

MidAtlanticDad posted:
rynoattack posted:

The team bussed to Chicago today, sat around for 3 hours, and then the flight got cancelled.  Not sure if they will be going to Baylor now.  Ryan said they are looking to maybe charter a flight tomorrow, but not sure if it'll happen. Stinks!  



It's crazy.  My wife and I have decided to drive from Dallas to Atlanta, since we were already going to Dallas. We get to Dallas at 2:30 tomorrow, we'll drive 10 hours to Oxford, AL, and stay overnight with my Aunt.  Then we'll drive to the PG Complex, watch the game, see some of my other relatives, drive back to Oxford, sleep over night, drive back to Austin, TX, stay all week at my BIL's, and then watch Purdue play in San Antonio next week.  It's going to be an adventure!  #YOLO

rynoattack posted:

The team bussed to Chicago today, sat around for 3 hours, and then the flight got cancelled.  Not sure if they will be going to Baylor now.  Ryan said they are looking to maybe charter a flight tomorrow, but not sure if it'll happen. Stinks!  

Sons flight out of Chicago was also canceled yesterday d/t  “fog”.  Opening day they had practice

Found out late Friday afternoon that they will get to play tho!  Games delayed til Saturday!  Some guys flying out Friday night, some Saturday morning. Hope you team gets some baseball in somehow. 

Son came in yesterday....tie game bottom 7.....2 on no outs.  Both the runners were summer league teammates of his here in Ohio last summer.  Got a big K on the first batter.....then picked off his buddy at first base for out number 2.  Pop up to SS for third out to get out of a huge game.  8th inning....leadoff walk....passed ball moved the guy to second.  Got a K for the first out....then grounder to 2nd...and as happens all to often with this team, 2B boots it....then to make matters worse, throws it late...and into the dugout.  Guy scored from 2nd to make it 4-3.  Another K and a grounder to 2B....and the kid ends up with the L   2IP, 0H, 2K and the one BB.  

So we just got back from Texas, after driving to Lake Pt. from Dallas, and then going to the Alamo Irish Tourney in San Antonio.  Ryno struggled a bit in both starts.  He had an early inning in both games, where he hit a batter, allowed a lead off hit, poor defense, etc. and it caused him to throw a lot of pitches.  

His control has not been where it needs to be, and I am worried that they will relegate him to the bullpen.  Since this is his first year at Purdue, I don't know how much leash they will give him.  Hoping that he'll get another start this weekend, and prove that he deserves the spot.  Fingers crossed!

RYNO, while its easy to say, this is a real marathon and there will be many ways and lots of time to expose his game to scouts.

My son was penciled in to be a weekend starter as a fr, soph, and Jr. (Heck, he had been drafted out of HS, so how hard could it really be?). Following disastrous spring trips, he lost all those opportunities; ultimately playing himself to the very end of the bull pen (and even beyond the end). One of his outings he threw 5 wild pitches IN A ROW; in another he walked 5 straight guys on 20 pitches. He ranks right up there in school records for walks, wild pitches and hit batters (season and career). He was left off the travel roster for his last game junior year. He took that last thing very hard.

He gave up any thought of a future baseball career and took an internship in his field during his rising senior year (turning down Northwoods in the process).

For whatever reason, in his senior year it all came together. That earned him the chance to experience failure at the next level.

Hang in there. Especially for freshman, it's just really, really hard. Even if he heads to the pen, that will mean he has summer innings available. Summer ball provides as much opportunity as the college season to make a mark.

Last edited by Goosegg
Goosegg posted:

RYNO, while its easy to say, this is a real marathon and there will be many ways and lots of time to expose his game to scouts.

My son was penciled in to be a weekend starter as a fr, soph, and Jr. (Heck, he had been drafted out of HS, so how hard could it really be?). Following disastrous spring trips, he lost all those opportunities; ultimately playing himself to the very end of the bull pen (and even beyond the end). One of his outings he threw 5 wild pitches IN A ROW; in another he walked 5 straight guys on 20 pitches. He ranks right up there in school records for walks, wild pitches and hit batters (season and career). He was left off the travel roster for his last game junior year. He took that last thing very hard.

He gave up any thought of a future baseball career and took an internship in his field during his rising senior year (turning down Northwoods in the process).

For whatever reason, in his senior year it all came together. That earned him the chance to experience failure at the next level.

Hang in there. Especially for freshman, it's just really, really hard. Even if he heads to the pen, that will mean he has summer innings available. Summer ball provides as much opportunity as the college season to make a mark.

Wow, that had to be crazy hard to go through as a parent as well.  Being the parent of a pitcher is tough - seeing your kid out there struggling, no matter how old he is, has to be excruciating.  Glad to hear Senior year was better.  HS is bad enough - is this what I have to look forward to ??  Better reconsider this whole recruiting push LOL.

Goose, thanks for sharing that. It was helpful on so many levels.  For us guys who gave sons that have the occasional “wheels come off” moments, it helps to know that someone else has Ben there before. 

For others it is a reminder that even though they have an elite player, the kid is really a tweaked psyche away from a bumpy ride to the dream.  It’s a good reminder to check the ego   

True Story!

1962, the SF Giants pitcher was not effective. It was determined that the "Rookie" was "tipping' his pitches. Every ML team and Major College team has a player watching in the dugout watching each pitcher for this disclosure.

 It can be a "wiggle" of the glove for a curve or a different wind up for a fastball.

As a parent, you may desire to observe closely your son. As a hitter I always wanted to reduce pitches and take advantage of scouting reports.


Last edited by Consultant

I have a couple things to add to the mix here. First off, remember this. Pitching effectively at a high level of competition is EXTREMELY difficult. Guys who make it look easy are special beyond description.

This is a personal example of how fragile the balance can be. I was pitching mid season in MILB, having a tremendous year, at times dominant. In the middle of an inning I just stepped off the rubber & though to myself how all of these people, fans, umpires, players were just waiting on me to act. I just stood there because I could. I stepped back on & proceeded to get absolutely shelled. Every pitch was a missile somewhere & before I knew it I was out of the game wondering what the hell happened. I let the focus slip & the game pays you back for this at the higher levels.

In addition. This was an important lesson I never really could grasp & it is this. You are never really as good or as bad as you think in a particular outing or stretch. When you are out there struggling, you feel as if the entire world is closing in. Everyone is super locked in & just in awe of how much you suck on that particular day. The truth is that the fans are distracted buying beer, your manager is wondering who to get up in the pen & the rest of the team is thinking about their last AB where they took a FB middle & missed it.

You get through & you wonder why you are subjecting yourself to this torture. You think you do not belong. These guys are better than you. You want to quit. You want that deep anxiety in your gut to go away.

Then tomorrow the sun somehow comes up again & you go out & deal & all is right with the world again. This is baseball.

So a little update.  Ryan started against Stetson on Sunday, and he didn't fair to well.  Stetson is a great team, he was up against a big challenge.

1st inning - allows a double, but has a K, and puts a 0 on the board.

2nd inning - Routine ground ball to SS - booted, next batter the 3rd baseman is on the grass to defend the bunt, and the ball goes off of him, they call it a hit.  Next, a ground ball for a FC.  3 Ground Balls 1 out, and 2 on.  Should have been out of the inning.  Walk, Bases loaded double, RBI Single, and he is out of the game.

I thought he was pitching great, and it is unfortunate it didn't work out.  He needed a good start, and he was on his way, but he wasn't able to overcome poor defense.  He is just not there yet this year.

Fast forward to yesterday, and he is not the Sunday starter anymore.  I feel bad for him, but the kid that has been elevated to the spot has been killing it.  He deserves his shot.  

Other games this weekend, the starter received great defense against lesser opposition.  5 bb, and thankfully, Purdue turned 4 DP's that game!

At this time, it looks like he may relieve some this weekend, but he is scheduled to start on Tuesday night.  So it sucks that he has been demoted, but he have other opportunities.  

From what I have seen, he can do this, and I believe he will.  I don't know what his role will be, but I'm thinking long reliever.


Just wanted to let you know that son wasn't a weekend starter until his junior year. So don't look at it as a demotion. All games are important. While waiting as weekend starter, he fit into all roles, short reliever, long reliever and closer. They used to call him in just to get the DP and led the league in DP balls. So you never know!

Pitcher is responsible for the W or L.  Unfortunately he always doesn't have a great defense behind him, which can affect the pitchers mental performance. However, as told to me by sons former pitching coach, if the pitcher lets things bother him and not relaxed, the entire defense feels the pressure and falls apart. 

Also the pitcher has to be able to perform to the best of his strengths. Sounds like your son is a contact hitter and he shouldn't try to be anything else but.  It's the pitching coaches job to help the pitcher settle into his role, and I hope that is the case for all the pitchers. He has to figure out their strengths and weaknesses.

Hang in there, season is young, it might just turn out that your sons role isn't as a starter and fit in nicely as a reliever which isn't a bad gig at all!

And remember many of our pitchers have been there and done that! 


Kid came in yesterday in a 2-1 game...we have the lead.....2 on, 1 out....bottom of 7.  A hit and 2 K's to get out of it.....Bottom 8....starts the first guy 3-0 then 10 straight strikes (1 foul ball) for 3 more K's.  Bottom out to left field for first out....has next guy 0-2 and leaves a FB over the plate for a double down the LF line.  Ground out to 3B for out #2.  Has the next guy full count....FB right down the middle....batter drops his bat thinking he just K'd......ball 4.  Next guy gets a bloop single over 1B....then 6th K and a blown save.  Ugh, one pitch ruins what was probably his best outing since he's been

To make it worse, top 10, leadoff single by our cleanup hitter.....son gets a bunt down for SAC and the catcher throws it 2 on nobody down.  Next pitch, batter squares to bunt, pulls it back and the catcher throws down and picks our guy off of 2nd base.  Next two guys get 4 pitch walks....bases loaded, 1 out....and we get nothing.  Load 'em up again in the 11th....nothing.  Lose on a walk off single bottom 12 in a game that ended up well over 4 and did I mention that for whatever reason they are finishing up their spring trip back in the Midwest and the game was 40 at the start and 35 with snow by the 9th??  The joys of mid-major baseball lol

"Has the next guy full count....FB right down the middle....batter drops his bat thinking he just K'd......ball 4."


And then the pressure is really ratchet up because in his mind he's thinking "coach thinks I'm a failure because I broke the cardinal rule."

Batters get a bunch of ways to have a successful at bat.  Pitchers get a bunch of ways to fail.  Don't throw a first pitch strike? Right away you've begun the sequence as a failure.

Teaching Elder posted:

"Has the next guy full count....FB right down the middle....batter drops his bat thinking he just K'd......ball 4."


And then the pressure is really ratchet up because in his mind he's thinking "coach thinks I'm a failure because I broke the cardinal rule."

Batters get a bunch of ways to have a successful at bat.  Pitchers get a bunch of ways to fail.  Don't throw a first pitch strike? Right away you've begun the sequence as a failure.

Fortunately for him the way this year is going, he could probably give up 5 runs in a half an inning and the coaches won't be able to be too hard on him lol.  It's been a bit of a struggle for the staff so far.   He has had a great start...including yesterday 6 appearances, 13.0 IP,  2 ER, 21 K's, 8BB, 2 Saves.   Even with yesterday's result, he's pretty happy with how things have gone.....especially considering every game has been on the out of hotel and no real routine to their days at all.   The K/BB thing has really improved....the past two year's he's been about 1/1 which isn't real effective lol

Teaching Elder posted:

"Has the next guy full count....FB right down the middle....batter drops his bat thinking he just K'd......ball 4."


And then the pressure is really ratchet up because in his mind he's thinking "coach thinks I'm a failure because I broke the cardinal rule."

Batters get a bunch of ways to have a successful at bat.  Pitchers get a bunch of ways to fail.  Don't throw a first pitch strike? Right away you've begun the sequence as a failure.

First pitch, FB down for a strike, is the most effective weapon any pitcher has at any level of BB.

TPM posted:


Just wanted to let you know that son wasn't a weekend starter until his junior year. So don't look at it as a demotion. All games are important. While waiting as weekend starter, he fit into all roles, short reliever, long reliever and closer. They used to call him in just to get the DP and led the league in DP balls. So you never know!

Pitcher is responsible for the W or L.  Unfortunately he always doesn't have a great defense behind him, which can affect the pitchers mental performance. However, as told to me by sons former pitching coach, if the pitcher lets things bother him and not relaxed, the entire defense feels the pressure and falls apart. 

Also the pitcher has to be able to perform to the best of his strengths. Sounds like your son is a contact hitter and he shouldn't try to be anything else but.  It's the pitching coaches job to help the pitcher settle into his role, and I hope that is the case for all the pitchers. He has to figure out their strengths and weaknesses.

Hang in there, season is young, it might just turn out that your sons role isn't as a starter and fit in nicely as a reliever which isn't a bad gig at all!

And remember many of our pitchers have been there and done that! 


Thanks for the encouragement.  I have told him the same things.  As a reliever, he will probably throw less innings, so I told him that he could probably pitch in a summer league.  He's never done that before, because his PC's have always thought he threw enough in season innings.  

He was really upset on Sunday, but he has responded well, and he had a bullpen yesterday.  PC didn't seem down on him, and he did make an adjustment to his glove hand.  Said it will help him to hide his pitches a little more.  Hopefully that will help.  

When I talked to him last night, I told him that I thought the other kid was pitching lights out, and that he deserved the opportunity to start.  Ryan said he agreed, and I think the other guy's dominance has made it easier to accept.  If the other guy was struggling also, it would be harder to take.

I have watched him pitch this year, I think he has pitched better than the numbers show.  For whatever reason, his defense hasn't played as well when he is pitching, which has caused ground balls to be hits or errors that could have been outs.  I really believe he will get on a roll soon, and turn out to be an asset to the team.

Steve A. posted:
Teaching Elder posted:

"First pitch, FB down for a strike, is the most effective weapon any pitcher has at any level of BB."


I think you may have missed my point.


I am agreeing with your point!

I'm so confused lol.   I actually was confused after the first post about pressure of breaking the cardinal rule when he threw a full count FB right down the middle   ....but it's cold and snowy here and I want to get outside and watch some baseball.....maybe my head just isn't working right lol 

My point simply was that an awful lot of pressure is put onto pitcher's shoulders that can inhibit their ability to throw freely and confidently.    Anytime that a player is trying to not screw up, they are going to screw up.

Coaches can inadvertently put undue pressure on a pitcher by shouting, "Don't walk this guy!"  or by pounding this idea that free bases are breaking a cardinal rule.    The pitcher thinks to himself, "The very last thing that I want to do is walk this guy or hit him with a pitch.  I'd better not throw a curve ball that might get away, and I'd better try to will a strike.  I'll aim harder."  The result is disaster.

With hitters coaches have gone to a quality at bat approach, giving hitters lots of opportunities to be successful and maintain a good mindset.  Have a seven or eight pitch at bat but strike out.  "Hey!  High five! QAB, baby!"  No such thing seems to exist for pitchers.

Teaching Elder posted:

My point simply was that an awful lot of pressure is put onto pitcher's shoulders that can inhibit their ability to throw freely and confidently.    Anytime that a player is trying to not screw up, they are going to screw up.

Coaches can inadvertently put undue pressure on a pitcher by shouting, "Don't walk this guy!"  or by pounding this idea that free bases are breaking a cardinal rule.    The pitcher thinks to himself, "The very last thing that I want to do is walk this guy or hit him with a pitch.  I'd better not throw a curve ball that might get away, and I'd better try to will a strike.  I'll aim harder."  The result is disaster.

Gotcha...that's kinda what I was     It's funny, son gets so frustrated when his PC comes out to talk to him...and he does it often.   My son has been pitching since he was 9....and was also an all state SS in HS.    He understands the game lol    He doesn't need a PC to tell him "hey don't walk this guy".    Also, he likes to work FAST and is at his best when he does....even in tight situations and it drives him crazy when the coach comes out just to talk.   He has made it very well known to his catchers that unless is' an emergency that they better not come to the mound     Yesterday in 35 degree weather, the PC came out with a guy on second...1 out in the bottom of the 9th.  I asked my son afterwards what he said....son said "nothing....I told him it's cold...just let me pitch".  

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