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Well, Marcus and East played 12 innings tonight at Panther Park -- a well-played game for the first scrimmage -- not too many booted balls or atrocious mental mistakes. Two home runs for Marcus. As expected, both teams threw several pitchers. East pitched 5 guys over the 12 frames. Presley (Tech commit) looked the best for Marcus -- nice arm and some nasty stuff -- I don't remember seeing pro scouts at early Feb scrimmages in the past, but a few were there to see Ryan. Michael Chase and Ryan Poynter pitched well for East. Each team had 2-3 hitters with multi-hit games. Unfortunately, OBN's son was hit in the head with a pitch in the 1st inning and had to sit out the rest of the night --- but reports are that he is ok. It was nice seeing you, OBN.

Ok, for those of you in suspense....I think it was East 10, Marcus 9. Smile

It was preseason for the umps too but they did a pretty decent job overall --- Thanks to the Collin County Chapter for stepping in tonight.

All in all, a good night in chilly weather....and a valuable exercise.

PD nice to catch up with you and shame I had to leave so early. Think my son must have a target on his head it was his second major hit in the head over a 2 day period, first time was w/o helmet (he was on the mound) and resulted in a CAT scan this time with helmet on.... Frown both the P. East trainer and our coach felt it best we leave and go get him checked out again.....(he wasn't too happy about that) my night at the field was cut short..... Good news as you said no major problems just out for a couple of days......

How did PD Jr do on the mound?????? Sorry I missed him pitch.

You are right, Ryan P has been a welcomed addition to the team and he brings with him some nasty stuff........before I left I did catch 07 C. Bright hit one over it is nice to have him up on Varsity this year and he not only adds a big bat but a strong arm......I think I heard that the 2nd homer was from one of our newest Varsity members, if so he is a Soph.

Next scrimmage, weather permitting, for Marcus is this Saturday at Marcus.

Good Luck to P. East this season and to PD Jr........and thanks for the talk, as always it was great seeing you and your wife, give Mike a HI for me....
Last edited by oldbat-never
Wyliedad -- PantherSon is not hurt -- it was OBN's son that earned a HBP last night. Smile Jeff is fine and played a good game last night. But watching is indeed hard when your son is out.

PantherSon did not throw last night, OBN -- he is currently #6 on the depth chart and we only threw 5 pitchers. Big Grin I suppose I'll have to have a talk with the coach!
Last edited by Panther Dad

Glad B took after his mom on the skull material content ( Big Grin). I am sure he is chomping at the bit to get back out there.

I am also sure he will be equally angry and take it out on our poor little boys from Northwest in the scrimmage with you all a week from Saturday. Tell him it wasn't our fault, Northwest doesn't throw at hitters this early in the year (sorry, PD, just kiddin' Wink)
Rowlett look like early season form against Burleson/Denton Ryan. Few bobbles here and there. Pitching looks to be on track with 8 pitchers getting in some work. Some power at the plate with Hamblin, Loy, Kimmry, Hay and Castilla. All in all wasn't a bad night for the Eagles. Not perfect by any means but servicable.

By the way, how's the flu effecting teams?

I'm Baaaaack!
OBN... answering your question... TCA scrimmaged Prestonwood Monday to a scoreless tie. I would say the pitchers are slightly ahead of the hitters on our teams! Both sides employed a strict pitch count so no one threw more than two innings. It was well played defensively despite the fact we are breaking in a new middle infield and had several freshman playing as two starters are still in other sports. PCA was also missing a couple with 7 of 9 starters in attendance it appeared.

Amazingly, there were four scouts at the first scrimmage of the year! No doubt to check out Rupp and maybe a couple of other seniors. Next up... Jesuit on Saturday at their place.
Originally posted by collikar:
JAFO - How were your other sophs besides Loy?

Loy's a Junior. Couple of sophs on early season roster. Should be able to contribute. Juniors are coming around and seemed to hold their own last night in the scrimmages. Looked like some jitters in a few, but nothing some playing time won't cure. Should be a solid year for us.

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