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He is on a hot streak in the postseason. Every move he makes is working. Last night in game 5 I thought he was pulling the starting arm, Garcia, too early. I thought Garcia could get out of a jam and save the pen, which has been worked hard. Dotel comes in and puts the fire out and the St. Louis pen pitches great baseball the rest of the way. Earlier, he bunted his #8 hitter, Punto, with runners on 1st and 2nd. I just knew he would let him try to drive a run in with the pitcher on deck. The pitcher comes up, puts the ball in play, and the Red Birds get a run. MLB Network mentioned that La Russa may have known his pitcher had a good chance of putting the ball in play, because the Brewer's starting arm, Greinke, had produced only one swing and miss all night up to that point. In game #4 he starts Allen in the outfield due to Lance Berkman having poor career numbers against lefty, Randy Wolf. I would have probably still had Berkman in the lineup, because he returned to form in 2011 and I feel you have to trust your best players to come through, but La Russa's call worked, as Allen hit a bomb. I do not know if I have seen a manager be on this kind of roll, while being almost unorthodox in his managerial decisions. Their bullpen has almost pitched as many innings as their starting staff in the NLCS. Good stuff.
I have a love and passion for this game, and I want to be a great coach!!!
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A lot of people don't like LaRussa because of the unorthodox way (think pitchers hit 8th) he manages.

FWIW, his IQ falls within genius level (member of mensis).

But the biggest thing of all that is working is that he has a staff that beleives in what he is doing and why he is doing it, if you don't have that trust behind you, it doesn't work.

Having a family member in the organization, I will be the first to say that I never imagined after all that has happened this year (injuries, bullpen falling apart, Pujols struggling) that they would be where they would be as of today.

I guess a lot of folks didn't either, makes for an incredible story for October.
Last edited by TPM
People look into things what they want, but I love his intensity and the fact his handprints all over his team game in and game out. I am an Atlanta Braves fan, and I feel Atlanta's coaching staff too often seemed to be inocent bystanders, as opposed to active participants in the baseball games. Many want to take away from his many wins by talking about his many losses, but many of those losses came toward the end in Oakland, when they were gutted of talent. Also, baseball is not like other sports. In baseball your starting nine changes everyday, due to the position of pitcher. If I coulds start my ace pitcher game in and game out as a basketball coach would start his star shooting guard, I would have less losses.
Originally posted by fanofgame:

This must be exciting time for you. Actually having a son in the organization.Enjoy it.Since Braves outsted I am rooting for the Cards.Hope all is well.

It's good baseball so I am excited, what it does for those not on the roster, at this point, I have no clue.
Many of these players are my sons teammates and former roommates (and might be when some return to AAA) so I find that really fun stuff.

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