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too bad the ny yankees didnt make it to the world series .... again.

maybe if they realized they had some prospects in their minor league system in the past they would be there. here are kids from their AA team in norwich from 2001 and 2002

marcus thames - tigers
john rodriguez - world series champ cardinals
juan rivera - angels
andy phillips - yankees
scott seabol - cardinals 05
randy flores - world series champ cardinals
brandon claussen - reds
mike vento - nationals
brian myrow - dodgers 05
john ford griffin - blue jays
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the yankees problem is they give up on young arms.

look at the Cardinal's the whole bullpin (looper aside) is young. plus game one starter Anthony Reyes is a star in the making.

the yankees have brought up two superstar position player currently on the roster. Jeter and Cano.

yanks need pitching, to bad they will prolly spend big bucks on pitching free agents the offseason.
Speaking about the yankee's and ARod at third base.

For some reason I just don't see Arod making the transition to third very well.

I for one think he is to tall for third.
To much arm's and leg's to play a position made for a Bulldog.
Does not take advantage of his size and range like at SS,
Were your moevment's can be a little more fluid.

And would have been better for Jeter to have moved to 2nd are 3rd..
But you can't make that move now, it's to late.

If Arod want's to stay in NY, he should move to OF.

Are he should get into some serious Training to become a Bulldog style 3rd baseman.
That might mean he has to join a few Tough guy fighting event's, are a special guest fighter in the UFC.

It's a non glamour position, but take's a lot of Gut's to play the hot corner. JMHO. EH
I know, But he struggled this year.
He's getting older, and BIGGER.
It happen's to all of us.LOL
And I feel he need's to get dirty and reinvent the position to fit his strength's.
For a big man.
Maybe play back farther and move jeter closer to the middle.
Anticipate the bunt and move in with his speed, for the throw to first.
I just think he's to big for third, unless he adapt's? EH
none of those guys would have done much or anything for the Yankees.

Thames had a respectable 1st half
Rivera did have a career year(nevertheless wouldnt have been enough)
Flores wouldve been a middle of the line RP.

I see your point about the yankees farm system,but do you think any of those guys would have been enough to get the yankees back to the world series?
New York is the most demanding city in the world.The pressure is 24/7 in every factor of life there. Fans demand results now,no time for rookies to develope here,no time for allstars to adapt,you have to perform right now.Move this team to anyother city in the world,and we would praise all there accomplishments and A-Rod would be the celebrated allstar that he is.
Originally posted by theEH:
Too big? He is 6-3", 225. Rolen is 6-4', 240.

Arod was that big at 18,
He's taller then 6'3".

and Rolen get's Dirty??

He was that big at 18? What's your point? Every roster I see says he is 6-3". Why should we take your word for it that he is bigger than 6-3" and not MLB's?

Who cares if Rolen "gets dirty"? He gets to the ball and has won 7 Gold Gloves. Only Mike Schmidt has won more. Wouldn't you say he is a prototypical 3B then?

Your perception of what a 3B should be is not necessarily right. I would bet the Yankees know a little more about A-Rod's capabilities at the position than you do. They see him daily while you watch him on TV when he is on.
Redbird5, We can tell your still upset about your Yankee's Loss.
Like I said I watched Arod come up thru the seattle organization.
Have you been next to Arod?
He's a big man. His hand's are 6'3"
And what I mean by Rolen get's dirty, Is that 3rd is a bulldog type position.
If you don't understand what I'm saying,
Get in line behind my better half.
Cause she don't understand me either.

You have to admit Arod did not look good this year.

WHY? That's what I want to know from you Redbird5. Why?
Don't just say he had a bad year.
I made an observation and I think that he need's to go back and train harder to be a 3rd baseman.
And that he need's to get MEAN.
Mentally tough.
Quit trying to be the media darling and get DIRTY.

Guess what, you can't buy MEAN??

And my perception of third, Is just that. My perception.

One little talk from the yankee's coaching staff and Arod just perked right up didn't he.
They can see him in person all they want to.
They sure did not help him this year??

Like I said you can't buy MEAN.
If you don't understand about getting mean and dirty.
Then there's nothing else I can post that will explain my position.

Bash A-Rod if it makes you feel better, but the fact is when it's all said and done you are witnessing one of the greatest players to have ever played the game. Besides a few media gaffes--and we'd all be guilty of that--he is first-class gentleman who plays the game with respect. He is a 5-tool player who studies the game and is consistently amongst the best in terms of defensive and offensive talent.

And I'm a Mariner fan. My entire family and all my friends bashed A-Rod just like New York is bashing him now. None of it is deserved. #1 anyone who claims they would turn down 250 mil is either a liar or a fool. #2 there is a serious jelousy aspect.. it's certain fun to make fun of the guy who has it all. #3 it's Jeter who lives in the ritzy penthouse and cradles the media, not Alex. Alex.. you listening? C'mon back to the Northwest and tell 'em all to shove it!
"Bash A-Rod if it makes you feel better"

Bum, read my post's. I never bashed Arod.
I said he needed to get better.
And not phsyically as much as mentally.

I said I think he need's to adapt to playing 3rd base.
To his strength's.
I think he is capable of making an impact, for generation to come at 3rd.
Just the way they look at Cal Ripken jr. and how he changed the SS position.
With out Cal, there would be no Arod at SS.
Big men did not play SS.

So don't get me wrong, I like Arod.
I'm from the NW, and watched Arod, Griffey, Buhner, Randy,
and my favorite, Edger Martinez for many year's.

We all know that NY is a tough place to play.
And Arod need's to get tough to continue to play there.
That's all I'm saying. EH

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