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When I joined this board there was question after question regarding the recruiting process. I believe there were also a lot of new posters when I joined. It seems lately it's mostly the regulars talking about the game rather than helping those going through the process.

Let's try to help people rather than discourage them. Some people need help on how to ask questions. For some reason one inexperienced, young uncle got walked through the process after starting off a little off the wall. Yet another person got ripped into for complaining their son was disrepected by a coach in the process of an early offer. I can see where the question might have ticked some people off. Maybe the poster thought this site was full of parents whose players got early offers.

Maybe we need to help some of these people through the questions and not just the process. People also have to remember by being from different parts of the country poster may respond differently. If you're from the midwest don't be offended by the way someone from the northeast might respond. Take the positives from the message. If you're from the northeast try not to be so harsh in your answers. It's not that there's a right and wrong, it's a matter of communication.

A thirteen year old kid posted an inappropriate message that was deleted. I'm going to repost the question in a proper manner so he can get an answer.

** The dream is free. Work ethic sold separately. **

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When you first joined this bored you were kicked off. Big Grin

I don't disagree with you. Sometimes the posts from new posters comes off as arrogant (you remember that right) and need some tough love to bring them down to earth!

I promise to do a better job at answering questions. I will keep in mind that I am one from one of the farthest points south of the US and will use that "southern" hospitality to the fullest.

However, IMO, to properly make the person understand the question, one must understand the process. So I can't promise that I can answer a question without getting into how it works! Razz

Just having fun with you, keep up the good work!
Originally posted by TPM:
When you first joined this bored you were kicked off. Big Grin

I don't disagree with you. Sometimes the posts from new posters comes off as arrogant (you remember that right) and need some tough love to bring them down to earth!

I promise to do a better job at answering questions. I will keep in mind that I am one from one of the farthest points south of the US and will use that "southern" hospitality to the fullest.

However, IMO, to properly make the person understand the question, one must understand the process. So I can't promise that I can answer a question without getting into how it works! Razz

Just having fun with you, keep up the good work!
There's two sides to it. Sometimes members are too tough on new people. A couple of people were tough on me. I came from a youth baseball board were if someone gave you a hard time, you gave it back double. But, the important thing is we need more Indians to keep the board alive and interesting.
I think what happens here is that some new posters come here thinking this is like most other forum sites where bragging and arguing are the norm, and objective information is non existent. So a newbie, intentionally or not, starts out bragging about junior and quickly finds out that is not that type of website. Sometimes diplomatically and sometimes not. If they stay around long enough they realize that it is not a personal attach but more of a orientation about what the HSBBW is about.

I compare this site to the Borg from Star Trek. New posters are assimilated into the culture of this site. Although we are not told what to think we are schooled on how to ask questions or give advice without insulting someone or bragging too much.

HSBBW is a unique sight and it will remain that way if new knowledgable people join and the wise old timers stay and we all play together in a respectful and civil manner.

Although an occasional good argument can be entertaining and good for a 6-7 page thread in the dead of winter.
Last edited by fillsfan
fillsfan said.....I think what happens here is that some new posters come here thinking this is like most other forum sites where bragging and arguing are the norm, and objective information is non existent. So a newbie, intentionally or not, starts out bragging about junior and quickly finds out that is not that type of website. Sometimes diplomatically and sometimes not. If they stay around long enough they realize that it is not a personal attach but more of a orientation about what the HSBBW is about.

I compare this site to the Borg from Star Trek. New posters are assimilated into the culture of this site. Although we are not told what to think we are schooled on how to ask questions or give advice without insulting someone or bragging too much.

HSBBW is a unique sight and it will remain that way if new knowledgable people join and the wise old timers stay and we all play together in a respectful and civil manner.

Although an occasional good argument can be entertaining and good for a 6-7 page thread in the dead of winter.


I couldn't agree more. In addition there is so much information here that people don't know how to access it through a search or ask a question the HSBBWeb way. Yesterday, I was thinking about CD's HSBBWeb WebRadio broadcasts. Most of those broadcasts have so much information specific to recruiting, conditioning, etc...Just great stuff. Unless you spend the time here, researching it, or asking a question about those won't know about them or find them.
Last edited by fenwaysouth
Using the search feature is key, and I have found that people are particularly helpful if you bump an old item or mention in your question that you searched but didn't find recent information. People (in general, not just here) are a lot more accommodating if you demonstrate that you already put forth an effort.

I also have to say that the personal support and prayers are bonutiful here and that's a huge value. It's also nice that if someone starts of with "I just have to share/brag" everyone knows what to expect. Hey, we've all been proud and want to share. As long as folks make it clear they know they are doing that and don't go on and on, it's usually accepted in the spirit in which it is intended.

Bottom line: this board is the only reason 2013 will play college baseball somewhere at some level and we are very grateful. Without it we would have assumed that scouts find talent on their own.
Originally posted by RJM:
When I joined this board there was question after question regarding the recruiting process. I believe there were also a lot of new posters when I joined. It seems lately it's mostly the regulars talking about the game rather than helping those going through the process.

Let's try to help people rather than discourage them. Some people need help on how to ask questions. For some reason one inexperienced, young uncle got walked through the process after starting off a little off the wall. Yet another person got ripped into for complaining their son was disrepected by a coach in the process of an early offer. I can see where the question might have ticked some people off. Maybe the poster thought this site was full of parents whose players got early offers.

Maybe we need to help some of these people through the questions and not just the process. People also have to remember by being from different parts of the country poster may respond differently. If you're from the midwest don't be offended by the way someone from the northeast might respond. Take the positives from the message. If you're from the northeast try not to be so harsh in your answers. It's not that there's a right and wrong, it's a matter of communication.

A thirteen year old kid posted an inappropriate message that was deleted. I'm going to repost the question in a proper manner so he can get an answer.

I tend to agree with you, and it has been one of my few criticisms of this forum.

The bad news is there are a couple of posters who when you see they responded, you cringe because you know the response is probably not positive. That is especially true for new posters to the forum, which is not really the way the administration would hope they are greeted.
Trouble is that the internet tends to make people act/respond in ways they probably do not act in person. Then again some are probably caustic in real life as well.

The good news is that the overwhelming majority of posters here are very nice, and give of their time and knowledge graciously.
They do not care that the question has been asked and answered dozens of times, they are still putting their best foot forward in an effort to be polite and helpful. They also realize that most parents have a bias when it comes to their sons, and try to kindly steer them into a more realistic way of seeing the picture from an outside perspective.
The goal should be to avoid trying to "drum some sense into them" in the beginning because it can certainly be a way of turning off people to the site. Remember the vast majority of the adult posters are at least in their 30's, some much older. They may be professionals that are very sharp in their fields or life in general, and do not take kindly to being spoken to in a condescending manner. We also need to remember they are typically coming here to gain knowledge and to help their kids. If all parents took the time to help their kids like that, this country would be in better shape.

The aforementioned is especially true of the kids who come here looking for help/advice. Sure they may come here thinking they are the next A-Rod or Nolan Ryan, but the goal should be to educate them in a positive way, not beat them down and discourage them right off the bat.

The bottom line is that this board serves many people who are fortunate enough to find it. While the majority of regulars do it proud, the few curmudgeons need to either lighten up or keep their caustic opinions to themselves.
I suspect they are policed by the majority more than we know out of the public eye.
Thanks RJM for this topic. As a relative newbie on here. I have to say I have learned a great deal about how to get 2014 the opportunity to play baseball beyond high school. I have,also, learned what to and what not to say on HSBWW. Tough lesson to be honest, I got shot down as a proud parent quickly. I have grown to care for how the posters on here are passionate about this game we all love and therefore understand how they so quickly respond.

I am on this website almost everyday reading, I find I am here less and less because topics I might be interested in (mostly recruiting questions) are just not asked. I fear there are many more like me.

I do no have the benefit of knowledge of ever having a son (or daughter) that has the desire/potential to play beyond high school. I come here for that. I sometimes ask stupid questions are ask them incorrectly trying to more clear in what I am striving to learn.

I have seen questions put out that I have, that have been harshly answered. Like someone previously said, I am older than 30 (MUCH!!!! Smile ) and a professional in what I do for a living, so I do not take kindly to being scolded for what I do not know or understand, so I simply don't post.

I (and most everyone else that is a newbie) is counting on you the ones that have gone before us to can knowledge in a new area for us. Please be gentle with us.

Lastly, I DO want to THANK all of you "old timers" who continue to be here! You could have simply gone away as the process of your son going on to college, etc happened. You make this website special.
Originally posted by chefmike7777:
I have also learned what to and what not to say on HSBWW. Tough lesson to be honest, I got shot down as a proud parent quickly.

I have seen questions put out that I have, that have been harshly answered. Like someone previously said, I am older than 30 (MUCH!!!! Smile ) and a professional in what I do for a living, so I do not take kindly to being scolded for what I do not know or understand, so I simply don't post.

I am writing this for the "Old Timers" to whom I owe a great deal of respect for the journeys they have traveled and thanks for their willingness to share......

Thanks for cutting to the chase of what, IMHO, is the problem on here with ever posting where, or what JR. is doing.

Sadly, If I were to ever post what JR. was doing, which is highly unlikely, I'd have to add 5 mph to his velocity, take 1 sec off of his 60 time and double his homerun total to have some on here understand or believe where he truly is.

For some new posters it may be bragging, and if it is, let them brag. You all know that eventually the cream rises to the top. Let them have their 15 minutes of fame. But, for many who are looking for answers to the unknown, it might be purely painting a picture of where JR. is and seeking seasoned advise on what to expect and the pitfalls to avoid. Unfortunately, a vocal minority are quick to doubt or judge any accomplishments they themselves haven't seen.

My experience is, for every liar, there are 9 telling the truth. Why crucify the 9 because of the one? Embrace the one and they will learn soon enough. (training a sheep dog)

Sometimes, for many not so obvious reasons, people need a rooftop to scream from whether it be boastful or fear. Let them holler! Then kindly help them down from the roof. This world is cynical enough.

Speaking personally, we have this year alone, gone from the highest of "OMG" highs to the scariest of lows. Sometimes it's good to have a place of solace, to be able to talk to the people who have experienced these emotions without being judged.

Last edited by AGDAD19
Excellent points made by many in this thread. Thanks to RJM for starting it.

As fillsfan said, some new members come on this site thinking it's like other sports forums where members either brag or bash.

I personally think that we should not jump on a newbie bragger. Let them hang around long enough to see what the culture is, long enough to understand that there are some very modest parents here whose sons have reached the highest levels of baseball (and a few players who have, also).

The bashers and arguers? Heck, we can be patient with them, too. Kindly tell them the rules, and if they still don't listen, click the Alert triangle at the bottom of their posts. Smile

As fillsfan said:

"New posters are assimilated into the culture of this site. Although we are not told what to think we are schooled on how to ask questions or give advice without insulting someone or bragging too much.

HSBBW is a unique site and it will remain that way if new knowledgeable people join and the wise old timers stay and we all play together in a respectful and civil manner."

Last edited by MN-Mom

You're welcome papi. That picture, taken in the Northeastern corner of Oregon (very near where Idaho, Oregon, and Washington meet) shows Wallowa Lake in the foreground and the Eagle Cap Wilderness Area in the background. It was in this area where Chief Joseph was born. You can understand, from this picture, why he and his people were reluctant to give it up.

Last edited by gotwood4sale

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