I believe in KISS - Keep It Simple Stupid - in regards to rules. The more rules you have the more problems you're going to have to deal with. Now that doesn't mean that I support not having discipline because without discipline the team will fall apart. Preach to your kids that doing the right thing all the time is important. They all know right from wrong but the problem is the making the right choice - especially in the face of peer pressure. This also gives you the wiggle room to handle similar situations on their own merit instead of blanket punishments. Blanket punishments are the easy way out but aren't always fair.
For example - you have a rule if you miss practice you can't play the next game. So let's say Player A misses because he has to go to his aunt's birthday party. I have no problem sitting this player. But Player B misses because his aunt passed away and he has to go to the funeral. I have no problem with this and won't sit the kid.
Typical rules that all programs should have
1. Don't be late (sad this has to be a rule because it should be common sense)
2. Be prepared with all your equipment (Look above)
3. Always represent yourself, your family, your school and your team with respect