My nephew has a blossoming dilemma on his hands with respect to choosing between a top level DIV-1 JUCO immediately (potential full scholly) or potentially, a mid-to-high level DIV-1 University.
As a younger (Oct birthday) senior (2007 grad) he had planned on taking an extra semester to bolster his marks and work to raise money, and come out as a 2008 instead. During the summer, despite limited exposure, he had some interest from DIV-1 4-year programs, but little developed. However, since the summer showcase season he has made significant progress with his pitching in all facets including velocity - adding 3MPH already this fall - now up to 87MHP. Recruiter from a top-level JUCO in Texas was very impressed during recent camp and has suggested that all-expenses (except food) was in the offering if he agreed to attend next Fall. Further discussions are forthcoming.
The dilemma is, given his significant off-season progress should he forego the immediate opportunity with the JUCO and see what develops this Spring/Summer as a 2008? The same opportunity could be available next year, but then again, there are no guarantees, right?
Of course, we understand that there are many other things to consider ie, academic fit, playing time, money, etc. - but are there any other considerations that might not be readily apparent? All periferal things being equal, what differences in calibre are there between a top JUCO and DIV-1 University? Any other thoughts?
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