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Everyone has mentioned some great pitching coaches on here. However, I would like to warn everyone here of one name that was not mentioned. This individual is probably the most unproffesional scout in Chicagoland area. Words can't describe the things this man is lacking. It's an absolute travesty that he is even a professional scout because he has promised so many kids that he would draft them just so that they will take lessons from him. Then when draft day comes and their names aren't called he comes up with an excuse on to why it wasn't his fault and that he turned the kid in, etc. I've seen this guy in action with more than one kid.

**********Name Deleted By Moderator*************

It's great to know that Chicagoland has this many pitching coaches that people have confidence in.
Last edited by itsrosy
The oldest son had the pleasure of a session
with Bill Copp on Sunday. We were both equally impressed with his approach and knowledge. He is back at school and looking forward starting 2007 season practices tomorrow. He is also looking forward on working some of the techniques taught by Bill over the next weeks and meeting up again with him prior to his spring trip to Arizona. The younger son will be hooking up with Bill as well.
Bill does a great job of teaching the little things
that are so important.
Jim Sakas; North Shore Baseball Academy is a great guy and really cares about the kids. Jim is a Scout for the Arizona Diamondbacks and currently has 5 players on Division 1 rosters.

Sam Sorce is revered in the travel circles, I would guess that also translates to the HS community as well. The younger kids (and their parents) have profound respect for this guy. University of Miami Hall of Famer now coaching Bergen Beach summer team:

Mike Palmer; Dupage Diamondbacks The Dupage Diamondbacks and Orland Hills Sparks have aligned with the Illinois Orioles organization headed by the respected Bill Copp. Mike Palmer will coach the 16U Dbacks this year

Todd Fine at
Always hear great things about him.
Last edited by Ibach
Prefacing this with my lack of baseball knowledge, my son has become a Bill Copp fan. He's a senior RHP who saw 4mph of velocity added in his first two sessions with simple instruction. I can tell they both like each other.
(that or Bill is trying to suck up to me for a free fishing trip)

What I can see, is that Bill really enjoys teaching and being around these young men.
Last edited by CPLZ
Tuzi, Evaluating players, teams, coaches, showcases & camps is subjective and arbitrary for that matter. There is no scientific method here, we try and bring the most qualified and credible sources together before releasing something with our stamp on it. For players, it's pretty much based on projections, for coaches it's past history. Again, not a scientific certainty. We do have many professional contributors and that includes people in the scouting business. Recruiting services are everywhere, prospering on the Internet with huge fan bases. People like these sites, there fun, you can stay informed and when message boards are an option give your own analysis. We do the best we can cross checking information. In short order, you get a pretty good idea who the trusted contributors are. Yes, anyone can send us info, we review everything.
Tuzi, We only utilize approved contributor material. We did however, receive something from one of the 16U East Cobb Captains, that was so well written it could have been published. There is a kid in the Chicagoland area that runs a web site for HS baseketball that is considered a pretty good option for game reviews and player assessments. We like to help the kids, answer questions, give advice, we are there to help. Tuzi, you know it's refreshing to get the kids perspective before they become jaded.
I wonder how you confirm whether the emails you receive are from a kid, parent, coach etc..

Aren't you ever worried about getting played, or purposely given mis-information if everything is coming thru via email.

Ibach, do you speak with your sources via the telephone?

Tuzi, The majority of information posted is from known contributors that have demonstrated the ability to provide credible unbiased information. We have, at times received information that proved to be biased. So to answer your question, yes we have been burned a few times over the years. We don't worry as much about it now, because we have a nationwide network of sound contributors in place.
This is an Internet based company, with the guys spread out. The majority of contributors correspond via email.
Tuzi, you can take one look at the post regarding top 08 and 09's to see that we have an excellent read on the talent at these ages. As we branch out into older divisions we will look to some of the knowledgeable people here to provide quality information.

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