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Saw Cunningham play and he is smooth, with quick, soft hands. Good, accurate arm. Good hitter and will get more power when he gets stronger.

Son played little league with Doyle back in 2000. Son was twelve and Doyle was eleven. Son and Doyle split time between pitching and shortstop. Mick could hit then, and I'm sure he can hit now. Very close-knit family. If he put time into developing his skills and training, nobody would come close to him. Real smart kid!! Has definite future in next levels of baseball if family would focus on that.

Binder could be better than he is, but is inconsistent at times in both hitting and fielding.
I have seen Brewer play and he is very good! Ihave seen Cunningham play and he need's to get stronger to be all-state but he looks very good! Doyle is very smooth and just needs to get a stronger arm and work on his hitting,saw the ss from Naperville Johnns, and he looks very good to me if he works on his fielding he has a chance to be all-state.
Last edited by baseball parent IL
Ok" mr know it all" as my favorite poster(PEABODY) call'S you , you name one ! Ryan Anetsberger All-State 2004 was not ranked and never attented a Pg show case! and Dan Brewer who will be All-State was never ranked and did not attend a PG show case.And those 3 mentioned all have attened the PG show cases... What do you think PG is going to say if you dont attend our show case you wont get ranked??? DAH!!
Last edited by O.F.04
OF04, I don't know what PG has ever done to you personally that you harbor such a resentment towards them. But, never mind that.

I believe that if a player never attended a PG Showcase it would be difficult for PG to have a profile on that player. That would make sense. However, I don't think that the absense of a PG profile would keep a player off of a Baseball America player ranking. Whether it be PG, Team One, Blue-Grey or others, they know who the players are and I don't believe that any one of those organizations would intentionally penalize a player because he didn't attend THEIR event. JMO.

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