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yeah bradley is pretty fun. our team is going to be really good this year. our pitching is deep and are D is really solid. our hitting will come around too. ill start at Short and either hit 1st or like 7-9 dont really know yet. yeah yeah yeah well see about that with the OPRF vs. LT series. i got faith in my boys still. good luck this year though.
TO Mr.Dan Brewer(BUshortstop8),very classy of you to mention Mr.Doyle from Benet, there is no doubt you will have a fine career at Bradley. And if you would have indicated to scout's your intrest in the 05 draft, I am willing to bet you would have been drafted in the first 20 round's. But going to Bradley was a very smart move,and Iam sure with your work ethic,come junior year you will be on the scout's list again. Will look forward to watching you play this year,since your school is in my area to watch. Just a bird dog,Iam not important at all.
Last edited by talent4thegame
Porter pitched all fall for us. since we have 3 upper class starting pitches he probably will just come out of the bullpen for us. he didnt play the field at all this fall so he probably wont in the spring. he will be a good pitcher for us though. ooo and Berger i to cant wait to face you. its going to be another fun 4 years. good luck this year. i might be coming to ISU sometime so, ill probably see you if i do come.

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