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Originally posted by vabaseballfan:
Awesome post Bucktail. Agree 100% about the importance of intangibles and how crucial they can be towards team success and I really enjoyed reading your articulation of Woodbridges' run last year. Easy team to pull for.

That said, having a first baseman who hits .600 with 12 jacks will help snag a few wins, too!

Thanks and That's True,
Do you want to take him in for a few months?
I could use a break on the Grocery Bills !!!!!
Originally posted by Bucktail88:
Originally posted by vabaseballfan:
Awesome post Bucktail. Agree 100% about the importance of intangibles and how crucial they can be towards team success and I really enjoyed reading your articulation of Woodbridges' run last year. Easy team to pull for.

That said, having a first baseman who hits .600 with 12 jacks will help snag a few wins, too!

Thanks and That's True,
Do you want to take him in for a few months?
I could use a break on the Grocery Bills !!!!!

hahaha...That's funny Bucktail and I know your "pain"...from what I have seen your grocery bill is money well spent! Good luck to you guys this year.
Last edited by dblemup
Given the comments, this year's winner has already been determined, or, at the very least, restricted to Northern Virginia teams.

Don't think that's true. People are only commenting on the teams they know up here. What teams do you know that are good down there. I think Ocean Lakes will be good this year. My son played ball this fall with some kids on that team.
Last edited by golfball
To the question re Hermitage (Central Region/Colonial District):

I think they have 2 quality lefties in junior Chris Burnett and sophomore Jamie Rooker. That gives them the ability to pull upsets over the Deep Runs, Godwins and Freemans of the district. But with both being underclassmen, I don't know how consistent you can expect them to be. Also, not sure how much offense or defense they'll have. My understanding is that they have lost some players to the new high school, so I expect them to struggle.

I would expect them and Tucker to be roughly equal in the standings at the end of May -- above the city schools but not in the running for the top spots by any means.
Last edited by Midlo Dad
Don't think that's true. People are only commenting on the teams they know up here. What teams do you know that are good down there. I think Ocean Lakes will be good this year. My son played ball this fall with some kids on that team

Correct, that is what I'm trying to pull outta you guys down here. Certainly there have to be a couple of programs that can make some noise. How about it Redbird, Driller? You guys are closer than I am these days.
Originally posted by El gato:

Given the comments, this year's winner has already been determined, or, at the very least, restricted to Northern Virginia teams.

el slight on ANY teams south or west of NOVA...that is most of what I see...not enough knowledge to comment on the rest...chime in...I KNOW there is a TON of good baseball other than in NOVA...
Haven't heard much from the guys in the S/SE areas of the state yet -- maybe they have yet to find this discussion string. Would love to hear some opinions about what's happening in those areas and how their programs are shaping up for the upcoming season.

Bucktail, I have been away for a couple of days, but returned and read your post. It was well-written and provided some great insight into how Woodbridge did so well and played all the way into the State finals last year. You're right, the teams that can pull together and truly believe in each other will almost always prevail over all other teams. Last year must have been something special to see from within that program. I apologize for using the term that they "will fold" in States -- that was too abrupt, and I didn't mean to come across like that. I was merely trying to make the point that, in general, teams that have played consistently higher levels of competition throughout the season are much better prepared to face the difficulties they will encounter in the Regional and State tournaments, and those teams will have a better chance to play up to their potential. I could have made my point better, and I'm sorry I didn't do so. Sounds like, even if Woodbridge struggles a bit with their youth this upcoming season, they are rebuilding again from the ground up, so I'll look for them to be in the mix for at least the next 2-3 years. Will be fun to see what happens.
From the Southeastern District....Western Branch is the favorite returning it's entire team with at least 3 D1 caliber players including 2 pitchers in Thompson and Johsonbaugh. Expect them to be more effective offensively this year to go with the strong pitching and and sound defensive team. I believe they will go undefeated in the district unless someone throws a lights out game at them. If they score 4 or more they probably won't lose to very many teams. This is a very talented, balanced and well coached team. Anything less than getting out of regionals would have to be a disappointing result for them.

As for the rest:

Last years District champ Great Bridge returns it's outfield and middle infield as well as one of it's top two pitchers. They will be strong but won't be as deep and well rounded as last years team. Wiley Lee in what could be his swan song as a High School coach makes them the favorite to be the 2nd place team and move to Regionals with Western Branch.

Hickory has a new coach so we will see if he can squeeze more W's out of that group. Look for them to be an improved team.

Indian River graduated a lot and probably steps back a bit.

Grassfield lost POY who was and top pitcher and power threat in Cody Cox. They will be solid but also may not be quite as strong as last year.

Look for Nansmond River to make strides as a young group gained valuable experiance last year.

The pick for the biggest jump is probably going to be Oscar Smith. The program is on the upswing and had a very strong finish to build from. Look for a .500+ record and a playoff berth in the expanded district playoffs this year.

Lakeland, Kings Fork and Deep Creek will struggle against the top 3 or 4 teams but could bite some of the middle of the pack if they aren't ready to go.

Over in Virgina Beach the usual suspects will be there again including Cox, First Colonial and Ocean Lakes. Kellam has a very young group and should be a factor all year.
DBLEMUP- I am glad you explained yourself because I thought your "fold" comment was misguided. From where I sit a 27-0 team that loses the State Championship game against one of the States best pitchers doesn't constitute a fold. Woodbridge certainly didn't have anything to be ashamed of losing to West Springfield. From what I heard, Woodbridges 2 top pitchers were worn out and had nothing left in the tank.

As far as this year goes, I am going with Western Branch, Kellam, James River, Hanover, Woodbridge and WT Woodson, McLean and South County.

I am going to make a prediction now that the State Champion for the next 4-5 years will not come from the Northern Region. The Northern Region will have its best shot this year but after that, forget about it. I have been around the travel ball world for some years and the depth of talent in the Northern Region is drying up. The Richmond and H-R areas should dominate States for the foreseeable future.
Last edited by hawksball
Originally posted by hawksball:
After reading my post, I edited to stay on point and not offend anyone.

Originally posted by joemktg:
Originally posted by hawksball:
Too much NVTBL ... and not enough high end travel.

hawksball: what constitutes high end travel?

Hey need to do some more editing. I have NEVER said or implied that any team "folded". ..or made any bold predictions as you have...I'm just here to hear about the teams and players...and occasionally offer some input on the ones I know.
Originally posted by hawksball:
After reading my post, I edited to stay on point and not offend anyone.

Honestly, no offense taken. Actually, I'm very interested in your POV regarding what you see over the next 4-5 years, and the rationale as to why you're predicting what you're predicting.

Assuming a random distribution of genetics, what are the factors that would cause one region to surpass another region from 2012 to 2016?
Ok DBLMUP we each have our opinions and are here for the same reasons. I was responding to your quote,

"Woodbridge will probably get to the Regionals again without having played any strong teams, pretty much like last year. That will allow them to go into the States again this year, but once they come up against the stronger teams at that level, they will fold again."

My bold prediction was a response to your bold assertaton. Smile

Hey need to do some more editing. I have NEVER said or implied that any team "folded". ..or made any bold predictions as you have...I'm just here to hear about the teams and players...and occasionally offer some input on the ones I know.[/QUOTE]

My opinion is based on what I have seen on the field for the past six to seven years. I have no idea why one area surpasses the other from time to time. Could be a herd mentality where everyone follows what the others do.I know in Richmond playing travel is big and most of the bigger tournaments are played in the area. You get better from playing the best competition.
Originally posted by hawksball:
Ok DBLMUP we each have our opinions and are here for the same reasons. I was responding to your quote,

"Woodbridge will probably get to the Regionals again without having played any strong teams, pretty much like last year. That will allow them to go into the States again this year, but once they come up against the stronger teams at that level, they will fold again."

My bold prediction was a response to your bold assertaton. Smile

Hey need to do some more editing. I have NEVER said or implied that any team "folded". ..or made any bold predictions as you have...I'm just here to hear about the teams and players...and occasionally offer some input on the ones I know.

Except I didn't make that statement. Quote the right I'll help you out...your misquoting is "berryberrybad"...that is a hint...try to get it right...heck, I'll just spell it out for you...I am "dblemup" read my posts. Then there is "berryberrygood" read his posts. We are not the same person...get it? Now edit some more of your work.
Last edited by dblemup
Western Branch will be the #1 team in the Tidewater area, however, they will not go undefeated. There are to many good pitchers in the SE District.

I predict the top 10 (Public/Southside) in our area will be something like this:

1. Western Branch
2. Princess Anne
3. First Colonial
4. Ocean Lakes
5. Great Bridge
6. Kellam
7. Nansmond River
8. Landstown
9. Hickory
10. Grassfield
Bucktail, I have been away for a couple of days, but returned and read your post. It was well-written and provided some great insight into how Woodbridge did so well and played all the way into the State finals last year. You're right, the teams that can pull together and truly believe in each other will almost always prevail over all other teams. Last year must have been something special to see from within that program. I apologize for using the term that they "will fold" in States -- that was too abrupt, and I didn't mean to come across like that. I was merely trying to make the point that, in general, teams that have played consistently higher levels of competition throughout the season are much better prepared to face the difficulties they will encounter in the Regional and State tournaments, and those teams will have a better chance to play up to their potential. I could have made my point better, and I'm sorry I didn't do so. Sounds like, even if Woodbridge struggles a bit with their youth this upcoming season, they are rebuilding again from the ground up, so I'll look for them to be in the mix for at least the next 2-3 years. Will be fun to see what happens.

Hawksball, for your edification, I am reposting the above quote from my message last night. You can go back and read the entire post, if you'd like. As you can see, I apologized -- twice -- for my message about "folding" and my choice of words. I feel that this is strong enough. I regret that you apparently didn't see the message, or that it wasn't enough for you. I also regret that somehow, dbmlemup got dragged into this.
Originally posted by berryberrygood:
Bucktail, I have been away for a couple of days, but returned and read your post. It was well-written and provided some great insight into how Woodbridge did so well and played all the way into the State finals last year. You're right, the teams that can pull together and truly believe in each other will almost always prevail over all other teams. Last year must have been something special to see from within that program. I apologize for using the term that they "will fold" in States -- that was too abrupt, and I didn't mean to come across like that. I was merely trying to make the point that, in general, teams that have played consistently higher levels of competition throughout the season are much better prepared to face the difficulties they will encounter in the Regional and State tournaments, and those teams will have a better chance to play up to their potential. I could have made my point better, and I'm sorry I didn't do so. Sounds like, even if Woodbridge struggles a bit with their youth this upcoming season, they are rebuilding again from the ground up, so I'll look for them to be in the mix for at least the next 2-3 years. Will be fun to see what happens.

Hawksball, for your edification, I am reposting the above quote from my message last night. You can go back and read the entire post, if you'd like. As you can see, I apologized -- twice -- for my message about "folding" and my choice of words. I feel that this is strong enough. I regret that you apparently didn't see the message, or that it wasn't enough for you. I also regret that somehow, dbmlemup got dragged into this.

no worries...let's all get back on point....
yeah Oscar Smith is on the uprise.dont know too much about the district except Western branch is suppuose to be really strong.and that nansemond river i believe has alot of srs. that has played together a while.And Great Bridge is always good.And has a top notch pitcher coming back.Grassfield has Jason ingraham coming back to pitch.Hickory has Campbell other than that dont know much.yeah oscar Smith i think has a chance to make the new 6 teams. playoffs.look for troy applin garrett mcneil and david loudon lead them pitching.tim brock,steven lorkieciewz hit over .300 last year.oscar smith also has caleb ferrell.well see about the others.Indian river lost alot.they will probably be lead by roger hall p.and Robert White p.Glendon barcliff and a kid catcher.Deep Creek Lakeland and King's Fork should battle with Indian River at the bottom.
Originally posted by saipanwarrior:
Western Branch . . . will not go undefeated. There are to many good pitchers in the SE District.

[QUOTE] Originally posted by luvbaseball:
From the Southeastern District....Western Branch . . . I believe they will go undefeated in the district unless someone throws a lights out game at them. If they score 4 or more they probably won't lose to very many teams. This is a very talented, balanced and well coached team. Anything less than getting out of regionals would have to be a disappointing result for them. [QUOTE]

While I hope luvbaseball is right, I agree with Saipanwarrior that it is unlikely that Western Branch will have an undefeated season. It is just too difficult, particularly in such a baseball-rich district, to accomplish such a feat. (Anyone know when the last time that the Southeastern District had an undefeated baseball team at the end of regular season?)

WB had some extremely good luck last year in escaping with wins, winning 7 games by 2 or fewer runs. In the final two weeks of regular season, WB beat King's Fork 6-5 in a game that was tied at the end of 6 1/2. Oscar Smith led WB 3-0 into the bottom of the 5th inning in a game which WB pulled out 7-3. Any team in the SED could beat any other team in the SED on a given night. And this year, WB will have a bull's eye on its backs that was not there last year.

Then look at the post season, WB wins a 2-1 game over Grassfield to even get to the Eastern Regionals and then plays a 12-inning game with Menchville and an 8-inning game with Gloucester.

If I am correct in the Eastern Regionals rotation, the Southeastern District will line up against the Peninsula in the first rounds. The two top 2011 players in the state, according to Perfect Game, play in the Peninsula District - Jake Cave with Kecoughtan and Deshorn Lake with Menchville. Any team facing either Menchville or Kecoughtan in the first round of Eastern Regionals would likely see one of those pitchers. (Yes, I realize that the teams have to make Eastern Regionals which is not a forgone conclusion.) And that one good pitcher could send a team home early.

All it takes is single elimination, or one very good pitcher having a very good game, or some rainouts with makeups packed into one week, or an opponent psyched to knock off a team, to prevent that perfect district record or to knock a team out of the Eastern Regionals early.
In the SED (in no particular order)

Western Branch should come out on top with SS/P Nick Thompson (ECU commit), P/1B/OF Shane Johnsonbaugh and P Eisenhower on the hill. OF Garrett Brooks (ECU) and 3B Brandon Doggett will be solid bats in the lineup. 1B CJ McAndrews needs to add pop to the lineup.

Great Bridge has some talent in P/1B Andrew Flaherty (Army), MIF Hunter Higgerson (Radford), MIF Justin Lee (NSU), OF Preston Grissom, and OF Brian Beard. 2013 P Connor Jones should throw important innings and 2011 P Bart Gumpert should have a good season. Some other kids could emerge like 3B Charlie Cody or P Luke Suttmiller.

Nansemond will be led by 2012's SS Brandon Lowe and OF/P Kyle Moore. OF/P Ryan O'Hara should contribute as well. I don't know that they have the horses to win the district.

Grassfield can shut out anyone with P/1B Jason Ingraham (W&M) on the bump. I think runs may be hard to come by for this group. Returners include 2011's OF Ryan Bermeister, 3B Jordan Miller, IF Tyler Ashnault and 2012 C Nykolai Ellis.

Hickory has P/1B TJ Lighton (VMI) on the hill but needs another arm. 2012's SS Matt Campbell (UNC) and 2B Tyler Best will be a pretty good DP combo up the middle. OF's Evan McCloud, Zach Neice and Shane Tew make for as solid an OF as in the Region. Catcher and #2 starter are ther biggest question marks.

In the Beach

OL will be the top dog with P/1B Shawn Morimando (ECU), SS Alex Lambert and 3B Killian Strenn leading the way. The big question here is if their #2 is good enough and how the schedule lines up.

FC will be a contender for a spot in Regionals with SS TJ Costen (South Carolina), P/3B Ryan Cook (Richmond). If 2B/P Michael Reinerth is throwing as hard as reported, they will have a great #2 arm.

PA will have 2 top arms in Greg Tomchick (ODU) and Chase Lemaster (Radford) but may struggle to score runs, which was the case last year.

Kellam is young with only 2 seniors - P Ian Shiner (NSU) and P Mitch Downing (USNA Prep School) - but the youngsters have faced top competition since they were 9. They return 6 starters (C Christian Younce, 1B Kurt Sinnen, 2B Kyle Morrison, P/3B Sam Sinnen, P/LF Mitch Moynihan, CF/P Turner Bishop) that need to produce for them to be in the hunt. Hoping for some Woodbridge chemistry. Smile

Bayside will be tough with seniors C Tommy Kane, P/1B Casey King and IF Cody Snider.

Salem has 2 solid arms in 2012's P/CF Connor Staskey and C/P Alex Newman. Pete Zell always has his kids playing hard and with emotion. They can never be counted out.

Cox may have a tough go at it this year. I'm not sure where the innings will come from besides P Garyson Crouse.

Landstown will have P Jeremy Sandifer (NSU), IF/P Scott Hurrell (Charlotte) and OF Dylan Kirby returning.

Disclaimer: This is my opinion. If I didn't mention a team or a player, it's not a slight...I just didn't know enough about them to sound somewhat intelligent. The above is in no particular order.
Last edited by redbird5
The 98 Team finished finished second in regionals beating Maury 20 to 0 and Green Run 16 - 4 before losing the regional championship to Woodside 7 - 3 but still earning a trip to the state tournament. They beat a then 10th ranked in the nation Mills Godwin team in the first round before dropping a tough one to Jason Dooley and George Washington - Danville. Dooley pitched a great game and went on to be the player of the year d3 at Averett the following year
I totally agree with Redbird about the Beach, I think OL is the strongest team and when it comes to the Beach Tournament, I favor PA beacuse of the pitching. I think Kellam is the Key to FC, sounds crazy, but FC needs Kellam to knock off a few top teams incase FC has a bad game or let down, they have 2 tough pitchers but unproven for a whole season, Kellam is my number 2 team because of sound defense and great catcher, and Turner Bishop, Bayside will score runs and Tommy Kane, catcher, will slow down teams.
Last edited by redbird5
My comment about Western Branch going undefeated is based on the fact they did win some tight ones last year and have the entire lineup and pitching coming back. I'd expect them to build on that experiance and score more runs and be even stingier on D. I did say it would take a lights out performance from a pitcher to beat them. I would be surprised if they lose any district games they score 4 or more in which I expect them to do at least 14 or 15 times this year. If they lose it will be something like 2-1 against a solid ball club and several of them exist in SE. Compared to the competition I have not seen a bigger gap in returning players in the SE in at least 10 years. I think they will be the favorite every time they take the field in district play but that's why they play the games.

As for Wiley Lee with his son graduating there is talk that the pull of college is there. Nothing substantial to report but it makes a lot of sense. He is still a young man and he may be ready to try a higher level of coaching at this point in his career. Of course the right opportunity must present itself but I believe he can coach beyond the High School level and if a decent job is there the time may be right for him to take it.
I see a lot of people sleeping on Tucker. I have them in the top 2 with Godwin in the Colonial District. Deep Run will not be as solid as expected in my opinion due to youngness, lack of coaching, and loss of Wes McGuire, and Dylan Gonzales. Tucker gained Gonzales, and Kyle Butler from Freeman. Tucker has everyone returning from last year except Matt Winn, and he will be replaced by Jake Austin, who was 2nd team all district last year. Tucker has Engler, Gonzales, Gorman, Butler, Redshaw, and a few others to pitch and that is all they will need. Not to mention Brandon Pierce at Short stop. This team will be very solid, especially if you base some opionions off of 2 years ago on JV when Tucker and Deep Run tied for 1st in the district, but Tucker gained a couple players, and Deep Run lost a couple.
"P Mitch Downing (USNA Prep School)"
Mitch has signed and will be attending VMI.

Western Branch should come out on top with SS/P Nick Thompson (ECU commit), P/1B/OF Shane Johnsonbaugh and P Eisenhower on the hill. OF Garrett Brooks (ECU) and 3B Brandon Doggett will be solid bats in the lineup. 1B CJ McAndrews needs to add pop to the lineup.

Great Bridge has some talent in P/1B Andrew Flaherty (Army), MIF Hunter Higgerson (Radford), MIF Justin Lee (NSU), OF Preston Grissom, and OF Brian Beard. 2013 P Connor Jones should throw important innings and 2011 P Bart Gumpert should have a good season. Some other kids could emerge like 3B Charlie Cody or P Luke Suttmiller.

Nansemond will be led by 2012's SS Brandon Lowe and OF/P Kyle Moore. OF/P Ryan O'Hara should contribute as well. I don't know that they have the horses to win the district.

Grassfield can shut out anyone with P/1B Jason Ingraham (W&M) on the bump. I think runs may be hard to come by for this group. Returners include 2011's OF Ryan Bermeister, 3B Jordan Miller, IF Tyler Ashnault and 2012 C Nykolai Ellis.

Hickory has P/1B TJ Lighton (VMI) on the hill but needs another arm. 2012's SS Matt Campbell (UNC) and 2B Tyler Best will be a pretty good DP combo up the middle. OF's Evan McCloud, Zach Neice and Shane Tew make for as solid an OF as in the Region. Catcher and #2 starter are ther biggest question marks.

In the Beach

OL will be the top dog with P/1B Shawn Morimando (ECU), SS Alex Lambert and 3B Killian Strenn leading the way. The big question here is if their #2 is good enough and how the schedule lines up.

FC will be a contender for a spot in Regionals with SS TJ Costen (South Carolina), P/3B Ryan Cook (Richmond). If 2B/P Michael Reinerth is throwing as hard as reported, they will have a great #2 arm.

PA will have 2 top arms in Greg Tomchick (ODU) and Chase Lemaster (Radford) but may struggle to score runs, which was the case last year.

Kellam is young with only 2 seniors - P Ian Shiner (NSU) and P Mitch Downing (USNA Prep School) - but the youngsters have faced top competition since they were 9. They return 6 starters (C Christian Younce, 1B Kurt Sinnen, 2B Kyle Morrison, P/3B Sam Sinnen, P/LF Mitch Moynihan, CF/P Turner Bishop) that need to produce for them to be in the hunt. Hoping for some Woodbridge chemistry. Smile

Bayside will be tough with seniors C Tommy Kane, P/1B Casey King and IF Cody Snider.

Salem has 2 solid arms in 2012's P/CF Connor Staskey and C/P Alex Newman. Pete Zell always has his kids playing hard and with emotion. They can never be counted out.

Cox may have a tough go at it this year. I'm not sure where the innings will come from besides P Garyson Crouse.

Landstown will have P Jeremy Sandifer (NSU), IF/P Scott Hurrell (Charlotte) and OF Dylan Kirby returning.

Disclaimer: This is my opinion. If I didn't mention a team or a player, it's not a slight...I just didn't know enough about them to sound somewhat intelligent. The above is in no particular order.[/QUOTE]

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