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I'm writing on this topic to see what type stories others might have regarding misleading tournament promises made. Who knows, maybe we can begin to ask the right questions and ultimately hold the hosting tournament directors accountable for delivering on what is promised.

Here are a few recent examples:

1) Teams from the DFW area recently attended a tournament in Baton Rouge advertised as the "LSU/Loiusiana All Star Tournament" and were told that all teams would play at LSU (thus refelcting the higher tournament fees of $200 more than your typical fees).
a) Once arriving and analyzing the schedules, no games were scheduled at LSU
b) some of the 18U teams had backed out that week when they somehow discovered that no games were to be played at LSU. The director then decided to place some 18u teams into the 16U pools , but not all pools.

No discount was offered nor have we received any response for a requested refund of the $200+ fee for not delivering on the LSU game promise. Sounds like "bait and switch" to me.

2) Just finished playing in the "LaGrave Field/Top of the Order" tournament with the following results:
a) Tournament was advertised as the Top of the Order/LaGrave Field Tournament.
b) The Top of the Order web site reflects that the tournament was to be played at LaGrave Field
c) Schedules sent out to the coaches reflected that the 18U semifinal games, 18U final game and the 16U final game would be played today at LaGrave Field.
d) ultimately, NO games were played at LaGrave Field. ALL games were moved at local high school fields.
e) teams were told that LaGrave Field did not "renew the contract". This had to have been known long before the tournament schedules were set.

No refunds were offered but there should be something done to refund the premium fee charged. Sounds like "bait and switch" to me.

It's obvious that these tournaments are fundraisers but to not deliver on promises is NOT right!

Shame on these tournaments. I would discourage anyone from attending future events hosted by these orginazations since they feel no obligation to deliver on products offered:

- Loiusiana All-Stars (Chris Count) - Baton Rouge, LA
- Top of the Order - N.Richland Hills, TX

Can you offer other tournament warnings that we can all learn from?
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I cant really offer any warnings - but have this comment.

The organization you are playing with should know the history of events. A's, Mustangsm Tigers etc do not seem to have this complaint.

So the question I would ask is...
Has this happened in the past years to Top of the Order and Louisiana All Stars?

While we all like to play on top notch facilties like La Grave/LSU (and I would be disappointed if advertised and did not produce) - How many scouts attended the events etc. Perhaps this is not a key thing for younger teams.....
Originally posted by cutter1:
I cant really offer any warnings - but have this comment.

The organization you are playing with should know the history of events. A's, Mustangsm Tigers etc do not seem to have this complaint.

So the question I would ask is...
Has this happened in the past years to Top of the Order and Louisiana All Stars?

While we all like to play on top notch facilties like La Grave/LSU (and I would be disappointed if advertised and did not produce) - How many scouts attended the events etc. Perhaps this is not a key thing for younger teams.....


Thanks for your comments and feedback.

The organization we play for did know the history and we were not the only program to be mislead on these tournaments. DBAT 16's were also impacted at LSU. The tournaments just didn't deliver this year.

As far as the scouts in attendance at 16U events goes, it's my understanding that there are very few at any 16U events, Showcase or otherwise, until you get to the largest of tournaments (PG , AABC, etc) which we will be at later this summer. Even then they are limited.

At 16U, we're just wanting to get quality games at "quality" facilities with quality memories, as promised.

Next summer, all this changes.....

Right on.........

I'm glad that folks are finally getting it.

My question would be.....What the heck do scouts attending have to do with living up to what was advertised?

One poster mentions top area clubs should know about the history instead of expecting what is advertised.


Some may know, I coached for DBAT in the past. During one summer, our team attended the "LSU" tournament. We were fortunate to have some nationally recruited players on our team and were given "special" treatment from the LSU coaches in my opinion. But like you mentioned, we were told several teams would be in attendance only to find out they were not.

As a coach, I could care less what scouts "might" be there. I want my teams to attend a well organized, good competition, and top notch facility tournament.

If those three things are in place, "they" (meaning scouts) will come.

It's about quality folks. If I buy something, I want what I purchased.

I don't see what's wrong with NTXDad wanting the same thing in this situation.
Last edited by Ken Guthrie
NTXDAD: The top of the order tourney(doesn't deserve caps) was a joke as far as I'm concerned. Made several trips to Fort Worth, sat for hours only to one day being told none of our games for that day could be played, on Sat. got there for a 9am game, decided field was to wet, decided to play at noon, then about another 20 minutes decided we couldn't play till 5pm. Nobody checked the fields early enough, poor communication, and every place you went they wanted $5 a head. Disappointed our teams' organization even put us in this tournament. Frown Mad
Don't bother attending the McKinney Marshalls tournaments that they put on either. The ones at Weatherford and Sherman were nothing like they said they would be. We played one game at Weatherford College (out of five games) and played three games at Austin College (supposed to play five) (none at Grayson) scheduling for this tournament was a joke.We want be back.
Last edited by The Beast
We had a disappointing experience at the Houston Heat 18U tourney last weekend. Granted, rains caused lots of problems, but the Heat didn't seem to have any alternative fields lined up as back-ups. (Rain poured in certain parts of the city, but not at all or very little in other parts.) They did not post updates on their website and even our coach didn't have a phone number to get more information.

On Saturday night, they told our coach that we should just pack up and go home. To our coach's credit, he insisted that they work us into the schedule on Sunday. He mentioned that Scott Mayer with the South Texas Sliders was encountering rain problems in San Antonio with the 16U tournament he was organizing, but was bending over backwards to fit teams in, scheduling games as late as 11:45 p.m. and midnight. The Houston Heat's response: "Well, Scott Mayer is an over-achiever."

It's a pity more tournament organizers aren't "over-achievers" IMO.
OK OK I give - but note that i said
- How many scouts attended the events etc. Perhaps this is not a key thing for younger teams.....

That means 16U does not care as much about scouts.

KG - you are right, I should have read my post before I posted (maybe i shud have been in bed!) What I meant to say was check the history of the past events put on by the organization (if it is available) and that the events put on by groups like the A's, Mustangs, Tigers, DBat do not seem to have the same problems

Granted - not every event will turn out perfect as some things are beyond the control of the organizer. But in this event the poor communications obviously sparked the post.

I agree with getting what you pay for; but give me good competition on some of the local quality HS fields if you cant play at adverstised locations and communicate why it was moved from LaGrave. Then I am not as unhappy.
Originally posted by Baseball_Mom_times_3:
The LaGrave tournament this past weekend wasn't bait and switch. LaGrave, at the last minute, backed out because they had to have some maintenance done and it was the only time they said they could have the workers there. It was very last minute and it upset the coaches.

If this was communicated then I'm sure we would have had a little more understanding. However, our Coach was informed after the semi-final game was complete on Saturday at 2pm (by the Tournament Director) that the final game would not be played at LaGrave due to LaGrave not renewing the "contract". To me, this is clearly "Bait-n-Switch".
I can understand your frustration with not playing at the preferred field but with all the rain we have had the past few months I think you are pretty lucky to be getting in all these tournament games....we have attended out of town tournaments that have been rained out (not particularly anyone's fault but Mother Nature's) ....I know you are disappointed about your field locations but on the bright side you are getting in games. There are others that would gladly trade with you and play on a lesser field than be washed out.
Last edited by cheapseats
Originally posted by cheapseats:
I can understand your frustration with not playing at the preferred field but with all the rain we have had the past few months I think you are pretty lucky to be getting in all these tournament games....we have attended out of town tournaments that have been rained out (not particularly anyone's fault but Mother Nature's) ....I know you are disappointed about your field locations but on the bright side you are getting in games. There are others that would gladly trade with you and play on a lesser field than be washed out.

We too have been bitten by the rain bug this season. Who hasn't? However, this "Bait-n-Switch" has happened to use twice in the last 30 days. It's time it stops.

You're trying to compare something that can be controlled (facilities, scheduling, communicating, etc) with something none of us can control (Mother Nature)

As far as getting to play, yes it worked out and we're happy we got to play but what does that have to do with having paid a premium to play on a premium field with no refund? That premium now goes into the tournament directors pocket. How, and why, it that fair?
Originally posted by NTXDAD:
You're trying to compare something that can be controlled (facilities, scheduling, communicating, etc) with something none of us can control (Mother Nature)

Nope, not trying to compare....just saying it could be worse.....
I guess I am just tryin to make lemonade out of lemons. Smile

We appreciate you warning the rest of us...there may be fewer DFW teams participating in these tournaments next year.
Last edited by cheapseats
Can anyone honestly admit that any of these "Showcase" tournaments really measure up to the billing. East Cobb, maybe if you lucky enough to get on one of the main fields at a decent time.

These are moneymakers, and this is a business. Like it or not when it turns into a business, there are going to be scams, ripoffs, and disappointments.

It is what it is and to some degree you just have to sit back and try to enjoy it. If you are in it for the exposure, well do your homework. I recommend letting the schools your interested in know when you'll be playing. If they are interested, they'll show.

I remember last fall in Houston, the only college coach present other than the host, was the one my son called to let know he was playing. Be proactive, and don't think they all coming just because the sponsor "says so".
KG- I agree with your point, but it's understandable that a team wants good competition. I remember tournaments when I was much younger where we'd go to (random place) Houston and end up playing teams from Dallas. Now is that the directors fault? Of course not; however, it just doesn't add too much to the overall experience. I understand the problems, and yet I try to live by what I've been told many times: life is unfair, deal with it.
BB is full of hype. The organizers are trying to draw as many players as possible. Some times things just don't work out. I remember one showcase that half the US coaches didn't show up because they were blocked by custums. No work visas. They made the mistake of saying they were working a showcase.
Many showcases list the scouts/coaches/teams that are coming and lots don't show.

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