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trackman conflated my son's stats with the pitcher that he replaced.  Average speed reads 7 mph slower than his top speed.  i can look at the game and see where they didn't differentiate between the two pitchers.  I watched him live on trackman during the game.  He didn't throw even one ball 75mph.  much less average that.  That seems a little sloppy to me.

@Teaching Elder - we ran into the same problem. Son was a closer and Trackman did not differentiate between reliever and closer, lumped son with previous pitcher. Son relieved 3 different occasions that week at PG wwba 17U and only 1 game was recorded (other one was at HS field). I messaged Trackman twice and referenced game changer and play by play showing that son pitched, but received no answer or change in the record. Trackman provides tremendous information about pitching (most of it over my head) but it can be a learning tool for our players.  

PGStaff posted:

All the fields at Lake Point have TrackMan.  It's possible a unit was down for a time at some point.

Well we were there for 17U WWBA and I only think it was running on the 4 fields at the right side of the complex the whole week. I was excited when my son got to pitch at lake pointe and his coach back home was excited to follow on track man but when the game happened track man didn't. We followed games online and never saw more than 4 active games that entire week. Lake Pointe in and of itself was really fantastic and I'm glad my son got to be a part of that tournament for sure!

Track Man is pretty cool. I like it  for following  a game pitch by pitch. Son's team had a handful of games at Lake Point a few weeks ago for a WWBA tourney, and I was able to follow every one of them on TM.  What an enjoyable way to follow his games from many miles away. I believe our Track Man data was pretty accurate for our games based on the in game updates I was getting from parents. Anyway, son really enjoyed being in GA and had great things to say about the Lake Point facility.

Here's what I find interesting about the numbers above.  And I'm not picking on the OP, only wondering how this can happen.  Player's exit velocity is just in the 70/77 percentile, yet distance is in the 94/96 percentile.  How does that happen?  I would think exit velocity would have a much closer correlation to distance...

bballman posted:

Here's what I find interesting about the numbers above.  And I'm not picking on the OP, only wondering how this can happen.  Player's exit velocity is just in the 70/77 percentile, yet distance is in the 94/96 percentile.  How does that happen?  I would think exit velocity would have a much closer correlation to distance...

BBallman, im the OP  and I was wondering the same thing , the one thing that track man doesn't say is how fast was the pitch . the pitch was 75 mph or less . so I would guess the faster the pitch the exit velo would go up .


also this ball hit of the top of the left field fence ,just missed going out .

Last edited by c2019
chf_mom posted:

@Teaching Elder - we ran into the same problem. Son was a closer and Trackman did not differentiate between reliever and closer, lumped son with previous pitcher. Son relieved 3 different occasions that week at PG wwba 17U and only 1 game was recorded (other one was at HS field). I messaged Trackman twice and referenced game changer and play by play showing that son pitched, but received no answer or change in the record. Trackman provides tremendous information about pitching (most of it over my head) but it can be a learning tool for our players.  

PG, if this is true, and it's a pattern, this puts all Trackman data into question and pretty much renders it worthless.

They need to have controls in place to make sure this stuff is accurate and verified.  I would be furious.

Last edited by SultanofSwat

I find it great for following live. We had the same issue at the Jr. Nationals where the pitcher who followed showed up on his numbers. In our case, the pitcher following was a stud who upped the numbers. Still, it's an additional thing offered and I'm happy to have access, especially since it's free. I won't bitch about it, that's for sure.

roothog66 posted:

I find it great for following live. We had the same issue at the Jr. Nationals where the pitcher who followed showed up on his numbers. In our case, the pitcher following was a stud who upped the numbers. Still, it's an additional thing offered and I'm happy to have access, especially since it's free. I won't bitch about it, that's for sure.


I don't know if PG uses trackman for posting their "Best we've recorded" or not.  However, if your kid is listed as between 73 and 83 for his fastball, you might not be as sanguine about it all.  BTW. at $2500 per team to play a tournament, it's not quite a free service.

Anyway, I am thankful for the service the PG provides.  I would say that there were a few places where the experience could have been a little better.  For instance, in our game at LP the score board didn't start operating until well after the game had begun.  At East Cobb Complex they didn't even bother to turn it on.  Those things can make folks feel like they don't matter/aren't as important as Evoshield.  

I know that one of Jerry's emphasis is the experience.  He wants everyone to feel as though they got a royal treatment of sorts.   One employee of PG's said, "Disney Land for baseball."  I think that is an excellent model to go along side of the scouting service they provide.   To make that happen, though, means having little things in place.  Like scoreboards working and game tracker keepers who make sure that they know every player's name who is in the game.  I know that errors can happen, and sometimes a coach might not make the proper announcement.    

I am a huge proponent of quality customer service and proper marketing for businesses.  I say these things not to take shots at Jerry.  Rather to let him know, because I think that these things matter to him.  This may sound crazy, but I honestly believe that Jerry would sacrifice his own earnings to a fair degree to do a better job for the baseball community.  He's that kind of guy.

In retrospect, maybe I should have taken this up over PM.  But, it didn't dawn on me at the time.

I love TM , its a awesome tool I wish it was at more parks here in the Midwest , my son happens to be #1 & #5 on the longest balls hit at Lake point this week 15U from our (state).  I was sitting right next to the Game changer young man and asked him right away how far was that? he text people in the booth and they told him in a matter of seconds ,  no complaints , it will only get better. LP is the Holy Grail for youth baseball.

bballman posted:

Here's what I find interesting about the numbers above.  And I'm not picking on the OP, only wondering how this can happen.  Player's exit velocity is just in the 70/77 percentile, yet distance is in the 94/96 percentile.  How does that happen?  I would think exit velocity would have a much closer correlation to distance...

for a given launch angle, it would.  (with wind/humidity being constant)

Go44dad posted:
bballman posted:

Here's what I find interesting about the numbers above.  And I'm not picking on the OP, only wondering how this can happen.  Player's exit velocity is just in the 70/77 percentile, yet distance is in the 94/96 percentile.  How does that happen?  I would think exit velocity would have a much closer correlation to distance...

for a given launch angle, it would.  (with wind/humidity being constant)

go44  I think your right , I have video attached



Videos (1)


I was there for most of the 17u and I 100% assure you that all fields at LP are set up with permanent TrackMan units.  There are times when the scoreboard loses power, but there is a person assigned for every game at LP to run TrackMan.  The other issue that causes problems is when teams enter inaccurate rosters.  That happens much more than it should.  And sometimes there are technical issues. I do know for awhile when I was there one quad lost power for nearly a whole time slot.


Anytime TrackMan is used it requires a tagger/scorer.  So just like keeping score it requires a human being.  So mistakes are always possible.  Not to belittle any pitchers or hitters, but the vast majority of TrackMan data falls into the average to below average range.  Still important to players and parents, but not so important from a scouting perspective.  So anytime a number comes up in the above average to high range, we double check that data against our scout who is getting the velocity on a radar gun. So the TrackMan data that is sold to MLB clubs is extremely accurate.  Then again they are only interested in a certain pool of players.  So any mistakes made there are corrected quickly.  It's not that we don't care about the other pitchers, but our business revolves around finding the best players and giving accurate evaluations.  It might seem unfair, but a 17u pitcher topping out in the 70s with below average TM numbers, is not the pitcher we are most concentrating on.  In fairness, it might still be important to that pitcher we understand and we do want to be accurate.

Anyway all of this is extremely important to us in a different way.  Especially now that we are fully compliant with PitchSmart.  We need to have accurate pitch counts on every pitcher in the tournament.  So adding that to everything else we have a good system to double, even triple check, if a mistake is made.

Faulty rosters cause problems with everything, game changer, TrackMan, our scouts, etc.  In the end we get them correct, but this can take time.  Sometimes people may notice that the scoreboard that shows TrackMan numbers doesn't start until the game is in the second inning.  That is what happens when a teams roster has to be corrected. Everything is automated based on the rosters teams submit.  Most teams are good at this, others not so good.

My suggestion for anyone that notices a mistake is to contact us.  We have several ways to correct mistakes.  The scorekeeping app and TrackMan are run by separate people and both keep pitch counts.  Chances are they don't both make the same mistake. Also, just because TrackMan numbers don't show up on the scoreboard doesn't mean we are not getting them.  Regarding having the wrong TM numbers associated with a pitcher, the only way that can happen is by faulty roster.  If you see a mistake, contact  with the specifics and it will be checked out.

Bottomline, we do make mistakes.  We will improve as we get more accustom to operating TrackMan and fixing other issues.  Truth is we make mistakes that are much more important than missing a pitchers TrackMan info.  And I'm certain that we will continue to make mistakes for as long as we exist.  Wish it weren't so, but it is.

Not sure if everything above makes sense.  If we make a mistake we need to own it.  It's just that sometimes information gets out there that doesn't quite explain everything.  Then when I try to explain things, it sometimes ends up being worse yet.

So are you saying that every game at Lake Pointe is in fact running the track man app even if it isn't showing on the PG site? If my son pitched a lake Pointe game and we never saw any track man data anywhere, could it just be because my son wasn't in the "pool of players" to be followed? If so, is that data available somewhere ? Not complaining at all, just curious if I can see some of his track man data just for reference? Just mostly curious

2019Lefty21 posted:

So are you saying that every game at Lake Pointe is in fact running the track man app even if it isn't showing on the PG site? If my son pitched a lake Pointe game and we never saw any track man data anywhere, could it just be because my son wasn't in the "pool of players" to be followed? If so, is that data available somewhere ? Not complaining at all, just curious if I can see some of his track man data just for reference? Just mostly curious

You can go to the Trackman website and sign up for free.

As a Georgia resident, I can tell you that the scoreboards at East Cobb never work. Why? No idea but it's the truth. 

I have been to LP a bunch and the scoreboard have been down a time or two but never for an entire game. 

I like that with TM I know my son's max fastball and exit velo. I can now see how he progresses in each area over the next four years. 


There is no way for me to answer your question without knowing much more about the situation.

Which game, which field, which team, which player?

You can private message me and I will try to find answers.  

No I'm not saying your son wasn't recorded because he didn't get certain numbers.  My point regarding that was tat we are very unlikely to make a mistake on a pitcher that is a big time prospect or one that records excellent TM or velocity readings.  

There might be a reason we missed your son.  And it is always possible we just screwed up.  Either way, you have peaked my interest in finding out what took place.  

So far, the only thing I know is what you have posted.  Based on that I could only reply that all the fields have TM units and we pay taggers to run those units for every single game played there.  That is not to say they always appear on the scoreboards or there isn't other technical problems at times.  For sure, I know that mistakes are made at times and we always want to correct them.  

So I'm interested in finding out what happened in your situation.  It certainly isn't that I don't believe what you're saying, other than when you said something about no TM on some fields.  That I know for a fact is not true, even though, with all due respect, you might have thought that.

Thanks for the link above to TM.    I have a couple of questions maybe someone can help me with.  What is exactly measured with exit speed?  The speed of the ball off of the bat?   What if the exit speed is in the 31st percentile but the distance avg is in the 85th percentile?   Now my big question.....what does it mean if a pitchers fastball (82-83 mph avg.)has more spin rpm than his breaking ball?   Is that a good thing?   He has been a very successful pitcher both at his hs and in travel ball.  He doesn't strike a lot out but generates a lot of fouls and grounders.  

PG....thanks for the response! I will look and see if I can track his data down on TM website. I will also send you the vitals on his game, team, and date in a PM if I can' I said, his pitching coach was excited and wanted to follow on TM but we couldn't see it being broadcast so we just assumed it wasn't running on our field....hope we were wrong! Thanks again!

You know, I need to look into those percentiles.  I'm curious if they are being computed correctly.

Spin rates can mean different things.  Both high and low fastball spin rates are good.  In the middle range, not so good.  Curve spin rates usually higher is better, but that number doesn't mean everything.  I've heard Kershaw's curve doesn't have a real high spin rate.

so TM numbers can be very helpful, especially if in the high range, but just like most everything else, those numbers don't tell the whole story.

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