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Kevin Edwards, was tragically killed in a car crash early this morning. He went to Marion Catholic High School. He went to Arkansas Pine Bluff. He was an excellent lefty pitcher, could play other positions as well.

My son played with him for a season with the Norwood Blues. He would close tournament championship games for us. He was a true gentleman. A friendly, polite, bright young man. My sincere condolences to his Mother, Kim and his Father, Larry. They were at every game. A very close family.

It is the nightmare we all fear. May they all stay safe.
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This was truly a special young man! My son also played with Kevin on the Norwood Blues. He was some one that always had a smile on his face and was a great teammate. My son enjoyed spending time around him.
His parents are both outstanding people and were there all the time to support him. His mother would also provide coaching when needed. This is a baseball family! They have much to be proud of!
One of the best things about being around youth sports is the people you get to know. The Edwards are special people. My heart was shaken upon hearing of this horrible event.
I know he also had a special relationship with Lloyd Burchett. They played together for many years, and attended the same college. None of us can begin to imagine his pain. Our prayers also go out to Lloyd.
This is something that is simply unexplainable, our thoughts and prayers are extended to his family. Your son was special and will be remembered!
I have been fortunate to have spent time with Kevin and the Edwards, I am thankful for every moment spent with them and could only wish there were more memories. If one could sacrifice their life for another, Kevin would be a person I would choose. It is unimaginable what great things this young man was going to accomplish. Always a smile and respectful of those that came into contact, with leadership skills that would make a misguided man do good. Today's Society is truly at a loss, we all are.
Kevin's father Larry and Lloyd Burchett Sr. started the South Cook Cougars to give their sons as well as others the opportunity to compete among top teams. Most if not all from that team have been given the opportunity to play at the collegiate level. My son was fortunate to play with this team, he not only learned about the game but more importantly learned great values and was given a lesson in life.

God Bless The Edwards
We didn't know Kevin, but our son played against him when they were 12. I remember it was always a fun time to play against the South Cook Cougars.

One of my son's teammates from his 12 year old team is over tonight and he learned about Kevin. He said that Kevin was probably the nicest guy in the world. There is much sadness.

They will all be in our prayers. Kevin, may eternal rest be granted to you.
My heart broke for this family when I read about the accident in the paper. Reading the personal memories of people who knew this young man makes the heart ache so much bigger. I hope it is some comfort for his parents to know how highly regarded their son was in the eyes of those who knew him.

God bless his family and comfort them in the hard days ahead.
I played with Kevin for 4 years at Marian....He was by far one of the nicest guys I have met. He always had a smile on his face, and was always there to offer advice about anything whether it was baseball or just life in general. Kevin was a true competitor, and loved the game of baseball. He was a great friend, a great poet who spoke from his heart, and a great player who always worked hard and got the most of his ability every time he took the field. We lost an incredible guy.
No words can explain just how wonderful this person and Kevin's family are.

We also played with the Norwood Blues and Kevin was that guy when things were good, bad or indifferent, Kevin kept the team together with an always positive outlook along with tons of laughter.

A huge loss to a very "special" person.

God Bless Kevin and the Edwards family as they will always be with us in our hearts.

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