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I was curious what the budget is for your travel team and what all it covers. We've got ours pegged to be at about $7500 which will cover their uniforms (and misc t-shirts, socks, pullovers, etc), league fees, assoc fees, insurance, game balls, umps, and 4 or 5 tourney fees. This is our first year so we have to get pretty much everything.

"Hey 'bout a catch?"
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Our budgets range from $10,000-$18,000 per team. BUT, our big expense is paying coaches and trainers. Without the coaching, we're at $6,000-$10,000 per team (it'd be maybe $1500-$2000 more if we were first starting).

Some expenses are known: Uniform, Insurance, Tournament Fees (roughly $400/per around here).

Variables are: Field Costs, Coaching Costs, Umpires, Financial Assistance, miscellaneous (team party, etc).

If you have volunteer coaches, you need to decide if your team is going to pay their travel expenses, etc. For a national tournament week, that can be another $2,000 when you add up hotel, air, rent-a-car and some food.
Originally posted by redbird5:
It depends on how much you want to travel. I know some 10U teams with a 20k budget and some with 5k.

This year, our travel will be pretty much in-state and the associated travel expenses will be borne by the parents (food, hotels, etc.). Unless we get some big corp sponsor or something, the team will only be paying for tourney fees.

"Hey 'bout a catch?"
Astrodad, Slider24. Where does this money come from? The parents I know do not have that type of resources? Major sponsors? What sponsor would put out a large amount (over $500) of money for a pre high school team?

Does the team cover all travel expenses for the players and parents to each event plus all of the ususal team equipment, etc?

We operate on a shoe string budget. My player parents pay $450 for the spring/summer season then a little more for Aug. to Nov. Each family pays for their own room and board for out of town trips. We play between 60-75 games a year, most in tournaments.

FieldBuilder teach me baseball and I'll teach you relativity...No we must not, You will learn about relativity faster than I learn baseball.
--Albert Einstein
My sons team sponsored four tournaments in 2003 and three tournaments in 2002. That was where the bulk of the money came from. Also, player fees, garage sale, golf tournament, and many small companies donating money. The team does not pay for the families travel expenses.

I'm still reading, it ain't time yet!!!
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When I coached 12U last year our spring budget was $ 7500.

10 tournaments$ 400 each
sanction fees $ 200
Insurance $100
hats/shirts $ 700
field practice fees $ 1500
Prof. Instruction/clinics/supplies $ 1000

We had some fundraisers and a few sponsors and were able to get it down under $ 100 per kid(per month).

Were also able to raise an additional $ 3000 through sponsors to got to World Series.
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