5 kids decided to "joy ride" at 3:00 AM!! Rumor has it they had been "using or drinking". Driver lost control on neighborhood street, hit a tree & the small truck burst into flames. Driver was trapped behind the wheel & couldn't be saved. Others had severe to critical injuries, but managed to get out of the truck!
Where is the PARENTING?
My son's freshman year, 5 boys (none of which had a license) decided to also go out and joy ride shortly after the baseball season was over. 4 of them were freshman baseball players with my own son. Didn't see an 18 wheeler coming... two were immediately killed... two were in critical condition.
While I don't know the specifics of your situation, I know the details of mine. There ABSOLUTELY was good parenting involved. Had been since all 5 boys had been born. All 5 were great kids from great families. "Rumor" had it that the driver had been drinking and/or doing drugs. Tests proved otherwise.
The point here is that even with good parenting... bad things can happen. The boys snuck out of their houses after their parents thought they had gone to bed. One even disabled the alarm system to get out. The parents didn't even know the boys were gone until the police showed up the next morning. I am painfully aware that even with all the good parenting I try to give that kids will still make bad choices.