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This kind of stuff was always so frustrating to me growing up...if you play long enough, you're gonna run into teachers like this. Just wait until he gets to college, it gets even worse...especially for baseball players, because they have more games than other athletes, and miss more class. Absolutely get the principal and athletic director involved. If he's earned all A's on the tests, then the data is on your side, and the teacher needs to be reckoned with. His transcripts are far more important than his batting average. Best wishes, and tell him to keep up the good work.
I mentioned awhile back on the site but I think it bears repeating for those who TRULY believe their son has a future in college baseball

I met with the AD, counselor and Principal with regard to my son as he entered HS as a freshman---there was never a problem--in fact they made it so that teachers called me at night if there was any decline or missing of reports(thankfully they were few and far between)and the guidance counselor got info out within 24 hours of my request or my sons request--the AD also kept me informed as to who had called and was attending the game that day. He would call me at my office

They also saw to it that his last class of the day was PE which was taught by the baseball coach so we had no problems like other describe here

Again folks it is all about "doing your homework"
Last edited by TRhit
Well that was conveinent, but not all baseball coaches teach Gym...

One thing a school can do to help is flip the schedule upside-down a few times in the spring. That way track kids, golfers, baseball players, etc. aren't missing the same class to leave early; they are missing 1st or 2nd period once in a while... it takes a little planning but we do it and it does help.

I do wish we offered the "athletics" hour at the end of the day like texasballcoach mentioned he has. that would be sweeeet.
Last edited by trojan-skipper

We did try to meet do our homework. We met with his counselors and tried to work the schedule best we could. We had no trouble last year his freshman year with football or baseball and this past fall his sophomore year with football. There was just no way getting around this class at this time.

Just to update everyone I did meet with the AD and got the kind of response you would have hoped i would get. He offered to talk to the teacher and if he did not get the kind of response he liked he would get the principal involved. I thanked him for his time but told him to hold off that I want my son to try again with his teacher. Try to handle this himself. However it is nice to know that we have the offer of help from the AD.

Thanks again to everyone fro their POV's and perspective.
trojan skipper

It was not convenient --it was planned out---it did not have to be his coach in the final PE class --it could have been another PE teacher--many of the in season athletes were in the class

Perhaps we just approached it in a business manner and we had receptive school people involved

I am offering advice on how we did it so that perhaps someone can learn from it ---I do not need your sarcasm---

You know I sometimes wonder why I even bother to offer advice from my experience(s)
I teach in a subject area in which, by state guidelines, students are graded, in part, on their "employability skills." Attendance and participation are two of the considerations for this portion of students' grades.

It is explained in the state guidelines that the students need to understand, that in the "real world" there are consequences for missing work, whatever the reason.

So, I hold students responsible for their performance. However, since we are teaching them real world skills, I also allow, and encourage students who miss class to perform some work that will compensate for an absence. Afterall, an accountant who misses work on Tuesday, is free to go in to the office Saturday and clean up his desk.

In the case of the OP, I would ask for a meeting with the principal and the teacher. I would suggest that since the student is missing time due to a school sanctione event that is held at a school scheduled time, some opportunity be provided for the student to perform a task that would compensate for the missed time. The student, afterall is representing his school.

Having taught in four schools for six different principals, I have yet to meet one that would not cooperate with a positive, non-threatening parent who came in with workable solution to help his child's education efforts, not just a demand.
Intresting Story

There is a private school in the State, that competes with the largest schools in sports. A few years back the school qualified for the State Tournament in basket ball. The tournament had opening round games scheduled during the school day( 10 am, 12, 2.

The leader of the school in question, announced that the school would NOT allow it's team, to leave school to participate in a EXTRA curricular activity. He came out and said, my job is to educate these boys, and round out their education with sports for physical fitness, not the other way around.

It was a huge deal. The more people (parents of the team) complained about the not allowing the team to go, the more public opinon started swinging to back up the leader of the school.

The schools that did send teams to play during the school day, started getting grilled in the press and on talk shows on the radio about the issue and why students were missing school for extra curricular activites.
The superendendants tried to pass it off on the Athletic association for scheduling the games, only problem was the superintendents made up the association.

Since that happened there have not been any State or Conference tournments, during the school day.
What has happened to High School Spirit?

Our teachers used to all attend the games?---Never see teachers at games anymore---most of them trip over themselves running out the door at the days end bell

OH --- and arent sports/extra curricular activities part of educating the young minds they are in charge of?
TR: no it was conveinent. I know what the word means and I'm not being sarcastic. Gym is not offered in every school every period of the day. At ours it is not offered at the end of the day because the football coach uses his last period of the day to prepare for fb.

Glad it worked for you... many people do experience frustrations with their schedule.

Still not trying to be sarcastic, just understanding about the initial question. Good night everyone, I've got an 8th grader that needs his homework proofread.
Its def not the pay that keeps me around, its the 6-10 college/pro who come to work out with us over xmas...or the former player who gets into med school, or the fireman that i see helping someone...those are the reasons why we do what we do..the relationships that last a lifetime...

txt from a college player i got:
player:"coach, thank for everything you have done for me, you made me into the player i am"
me: "no, you made yourself into that player, I just showed you the way"
When I was in high school, we also had PE or athletic training class at the end of the day. Practice actually began-football, baseball, basketball, whatever-before school got out.

Of course we also had 7 period days. Now they have these godforesaken 4 period days. A day. B day. C day. What the H ever happened to it just being the school day? Could you sit through 4 90 minute classes a day when you were 12, 16 years old?? Don't get me started.........

yeah we are on a and b days...its nice for the teacher because i prepared for 2 days, not everyday...but you really can only talk for about 20 min and they are ready for me to shut up haha...then we get into activities about what we talked about...gotta use media stuff these days...computers, video clips, games...our teachers just talked then gave us book work haha
Yeah, Texas, I can understand it from the teacher's standpoint.

My question is, look how we all turned out (oh wait that might not be a good example, LOL), and they have been systematically changing the school system for years, from the text, to the teaching, to the procedures, to the testing, etc., etc. etc.

Yet all you ever hear is how bad education is and how we got to fix the school system.

I thought they already fixed it!!!

If it wasn't really broke to begin with, then why did they really try to fix it???
Last edited by getagoodpitchtohit

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