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I just wanted to put this out there for the (many) folks who read or tentatively post on HSBBW. We are all just looking to do right for our boys.

I am so thankful to all of the advice I’ve gotten here, and the *best* advice has come from people who knew some (private) details about my kid.

You should never ever post private info in public (player names, or usernames that you use in other forums that attach to your player’s name). Unless you want that info public. The Internet never forgets.

But in my time here I have *only ever* found people who just want to help, never found any political BS people or anyone meaning to do anything besides help a kid out.

PM’s are a great way to introduce yourself and “reveal” some private info about your kid. You are going to find people who have a huge pool of knowledge that is just waiting for you to tap into. There are parents of kids at literally every angle of the baseball spectrum. This is an extremely generous community.

And also - please donate to HSBBW.

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