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I was describing this site to a neighbor about what a fantastic and valuable source of information, perspectives and opinions it has and how it's helped guide us along the way towards playing baseball at the next level.  My neighbor's son is playing high school football and is wondering if there is a similar community or valuable source of information about college recruiting for football.


Anyone have experience in where to find similar information about high school football recruiting?  Thanks in advance for any ideas that I pass along to my neighbor.

Original Post

I don't know of a site devoted to football like this site but in reality the process isn't all that different for the two (or any) collegiate sports.


1.  he has to be good enough

2.  his grades have to be good enough (actually better than good enough)

3.  he has to be seen by the right people

4.  if he relies only on a high school coach then he's in trouble

5.  since he can't rely only on high school coach then he has to realize that it's up to him



To be seen by the right people he has do to certain things.  Baseball has showcases where all these coaches come to watch guys work out.  Football has combines which basically do the same thing.  They want to measure athleticism through various skill workouts.  The internet is a valuable tool to find out what schools will attend which combines or use email to ask where they will be.  Nothing wrong with asking a coach where they are going to attend because if you're good they want to see / talk to you (within the rules) but if you're not then it's no harm because no real time is wasted because they didn't come to JUST see you.  They saw a bunch of people and they are looking for certain skills or levels.


The next thing is attend camps hosted by the schools on your narrowed down list of however many you want to list (or afford to attend).  You want to play at school X then you need to be seen by the coach of school X.  If you go to school X's camp then the coaches of school X will see you which is your goal.  If you are good enough they will see you; if you are not good enough then hopefully it benefits you in someway which allows you to get better.


One thing people don't realize is how small the coaching world is - we talk about it on here about how these coaches know / talk to one another.  The same is for every sport - they know / talk to each other.  So while you may go to school X camp and either they don't have a spot for you or your skill level isn't to their ability they have friends who they may recommend you to behind the scenes.  The DI school X coach may know the DII coach at school Y and tell him about you and give your contact info to them.  Now if you're smart you will listen to coach from school Y because that is a chance to play at the next level.


While there are differences between the sports at the end of the day recruiting is recruiting is recruiting.  Get out there and be seen by the people you want to be seen by.

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