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First and foremost this forum should be required reading for every parent of a son starting a baseball path. Quick background, oldest son is a 2022 LHP/OF 6’1 160#, youngest son is a 2025 utility R/R 5’11 130#. For me, zero baseball experience growing up. In regards to this forum I first discovered it several years ago when 2022 was playing 11U/12U with an average local club. It was a good fit as a couple of 2022’s friends were on the team and the parents meshed well. 2022 was one of the better players on the team and there would be solicitations now and then from bigger well known programs. I took the advise from here which was no one cares what club program a kid played for at 10U 12U etc. 2022 stayed with local the local travel team into 8th grade with zero regrets and great memories. Things changed a little for 2022 his freshman year. His HS is a small public school, about 1000 students. He wanted to give football a try and the summer going into freshman year he started conditioning and a successful football season followed. I can confirm what’s been repeated here numerous times, football (for my son) was the best thing that happened to his baseball game. 2022 made the HS varsity baseball team as a freshman and was an everyday starter from day one and had much success. It’s a small school so it’s not unheard of for freshman to play varsity but it put a smile on dad’s face. I’ll always stand by that football is a big part of his success. The summer following he was on local 16U team and did well facing a stepped up level of competition. Sophomore year football again but it went into the middle of December so I will say he was a little behind in prepping for baseball. COVID hit and after 6 preseason games the season ended. 2022 did get the start on the mound in 2 of the games and did well. With COVID shutdown 2022, 2025 and I spent months jumping fences at the HS to get work in and converted the garage into a mini training facility, very basic but enough to work. Yes, we used the advise from this forum of what others around the country were doing. 2022 did play this past summer/fall for an 18U team and was able to get several tourneys in nearby states. Because of this forum and comparing PG stats etc I know about where 2022 stands on the possibility of playing college with his current metrics, it’s HA D3 or NAIA.

My 2025 four years ago was a Little League 6 consecutive innings and one at bat a game player (minimum play requirement). A new born giraffe would be the best way to describe him. Today he’s still a LL player, loves it and is having success. 2025 plans on playing HS football and HS baseball, we’re fortunate the HS is small and there’s not a tremendous amount of talent so 2025 should have 4 years of athletics and seeing the field. Would a travel club at 10U, 11U etc benefited my 2025, absolutely not. This summer when 2025 steps on the HS baseball field for their summer program am I worried about how he will do, absolutely but I believe he will make it. Maybe he’s that elusive late bloomer that’s been mentioned, lol.  My two son’s path to the HS baseball field are different but so far it’s been a rewarding ride.

For all of you who take the time to share your wisdom and experience here, thank you. I’ve touched on several subjects (there’s many I’ve excluded) and wanted to introduce myself and share a little bit of my experience and the impact the posters here have had on our baseball journey.

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One of the most under rated things I think in this day and age is letting (encouraging) kids to play multiple sports.  Specializing in one sport hurts more than it helps (my opinion).  For my son, basketball was huge.  While he was really good, he just didn't have the height to play in college.  But knowing this, he played for the fun, competition and a break from baseball.  Didn't hurt that it put him in amazing shape.

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