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Just a general rambling story. Two 2013 RHP's that I have seen for a while.


1. I've seen since he was 9. Throws mid 80's, has a good curve (which he tips with his delivery), good location and control. Can probably throw 86-87 in a bullpen situation, but will set at 84-85 in a game. 6' 170. Hasn't really done much showcase, but has been seen by a few local schools. Is a good pitcher who can get wins. Gets stronger through the season. Wants to pitch at a mid-major Div. I but hasn't been seen by many schools.


2. I've seen since he was a 9th grader. Throws mid to upper 80's, good curve. 6' 195 with good frame and big legs. Has done lots of showcase and college camps. Has done a lot of camp bullpens and 1 - 2 inning showcase work. Inconsistent in games. Isn't a big game winner but shows "good stuff" in losing or a 2 inning showcase situation. Wants to pitch at a mid-major Div. I.Has been seen by many and in contact with many but no offers going into his senior year.


Local DII came to watch them both throw a bullpen. #1 showed well, threw mid 80's. #2 went off the charts, hitting 91. Coach offered to both on the spot - how much I don't know. Neither accepted and I don't think that either are very interested.


No question here. Just throwing it out there as something I've heard about recently.





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I agree with Fenway.


You have left out an important factor, grades and test scores.

It's not all about how hard you can throw, how many pitches one has in his arsenal that gets you into a specific program or not. How are academics?


However, at some time this year before august, they will both have to make a decision and it isn't always what one wants

Pitcher #1 is a good, but not great, student. Don't know about SAT's.


Pitcher #2 is a smart kid with good grades, and very good SAT scores. #2 threw mid 80's last year and could crank it up in the high 80's at times. Don't know where the 91 came from. Sort of surprising. It is my understanding that he threw 91 in bullpen and then was able to replicate it when the coach showed up.


To my knowledge, this is the first time that either has actually gotten an offer.

It is my understanding that another DII (same conference) has shown up to watch these two pitchers. From what I know, this school has also offered pitcher #2 an offer that is much better than what the first school offered. Though the offer was not accepted, it is being considered. I don't know if this school offered anything to pitcher #1.


I'm on the outside looking in and catch tidbits here and there.

 Many D2's have very fine programs, I am not sure for the reason or importance of this topic.  Maybe they are just not seen as D1 players despite what they throw or don't throw.

Does one of those players belong to you?


FWIW, the coaches probably came out to see one pitcher and liked what they saw in both, obviously.

As I mentioned in the first post, no real question. Just a rambling post, more of an observation really.


Do either one of these kids belong to me? No. Have I watched them play and develop over the years? Yes. So, I have an interest in what happens but I'm in no position to give them or their parents any advice. I'm an outsider watching from a distance.


Got some clarification on the offers. Whatever the first school offered to player 1 was so little that it isn't being considered.


As for player #2, he actually received a very good offer from the first DII school. The offer he received from second DII was a bigger percentage scholarship, but that school has a much higher cost of attendance. Therefore the first offer, though a lower percentage, actually means they would pay less out of pocket to attend.


I'm just throwing this off the wall in case anyone is interested in the process that these two are going through.

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