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Does a scholarship mean your on the team or just invited for the first year or even just the first semester? I'm guessing you can get cut even if offered money correct? What does it mean if you get offered 500-750? Is that good? Does that mean they want you a little or alot? I thought JUCO's gave 24 full rides per year not sure, maybe they are not talking athletic money but academic money. If that's the case, what chance do you have to make the team if 85 players try to make the team and you weren't offered athletic money. Your cut I guess and even if you make the team it does not cost them anything. How can we know the level of interest a coach has in a kid and can you have them put it in writing? I think I read in the NLI it outlines dollar amounts, when its good for and for what reason. Can they put in it that you will be on the roster in the spring or do you have to earn that too? A full ride is guaranteed but a roster spot isn't? not sure how I follow. Still trying to figure this thing out. Needing to help some kids with this as some parents don't have a big interest in doing this research. Any help is appreciated.
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A fully funded Juco has 24 full scholarships. However, most juco's are not fully funded. As far as what the scholarship offer means for roster/playing time, at most schools, no playing time is guaranteed.

I'd be curious what juco's you are talking about having 85 players. Most have about no more than 45 tryout.

In college, everyone has to earn playing time. It can never be written into a NLI.

Nowadays, if a kid is offered a scholarship, the college is banking on the kid performing, and counting on him for the year. Coaches don't offer money to people they are planning on getting rid of. They get rid of them if they can't perform.
Baseball DAD - OMG! Really?!

Someone please chime in if I mess something up here...

1. If anyone is offered a athletic scholarship, they are on the team until they lose thier spot (for any number of reasons). You could lose your spot by Christmas if your lazy or get into trouble, etc etc... and scholarships are still year to year.

2. I guess if you get offered what amounts to $500-$750 a month, that is great. If it's $500-$750 per year... not so great.

3. 24 full rides?

4. If you are on athletic scholarship, you have made the team... until you lose your spot to someone else.

5. I have never heard of 85 kids walking on at a school... but, if there were 25 roster spots and and only 20 were filled already by scholarship athletes/invited walk-ons -- and 85 came out, I guess you'd have 5/85ths of a chance to make team... or 1/19th of a chance....

6. The level of interest a coach has in a player is pretty much correlated with the athletic scholarship offer.

7. Everyone has to earn a spring spot....

8. Any scholarship offer is good for one year. Kid could be cut or let go or whatever, but the money for that player is already spent for that school year.

9. The kids you are trying to help, just tell them to find a computer and go to
Yes they do get 24 full scholarships if the program is fully funded by the school.
Texarkana is one such school. They carry 28 so 4 roster spots are walk ons.
And yes some Jucos bring 80-90 kids in the fall and cut down to 35 or so for the spring.
Clarendon is one of those schools. They will offer to pay for books then cut the kid in the spring.
I know of 2 kids that had this experience at that school.
The more kids that the baseball program brings in, the more tuition it produces for the school.
You really need to research the school and it's history or the kids could end up with a miserable fall and no options for the spring.
Texarkana is one such school. They carry 28 so 4 roster spots are walk ons.
And yes some Jucos bring 80-90 kids in the fall and cut down to 35 or so for the spring.
Clarendon is one of those schools. They will offer to pay for books then cut the kid in the spring.

Rhino14, we have a friend who has a son playing at Clarendon. I personally went to 2 games with them this fall. Their fall team carried 42. Seen it with my own eyes. Fall roster loading happens in most schools D1, JC, and NAIA alike. Parents just do your own research. You are you sons biggest and most times only source of information treading through the world of college baseball recruiting! Roll Tide!
Wondering how fast these rosters fill up. I guess they recruit early for their top choices and some late and even some kids try to walk on.

Just wondering how fast money runs out where scholarships are less and less the more you wait.

I'm guessing to calling coaches at these schools and asking directly or just call to get a workout or an interview.

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