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Originally posted by Rob Kremer:
For those wondering, this was a very big reason why this was not a consideration in the end for son.

Wondering about what?

Just judging from the construction of the two sentences, it would refer to wondering about why his son did not conisder attending U Miami.

I would guess that TPM mean that post for those who knew his son was at one time or is noe choosing a school.
Last edited by NWBB
Correct, UM was son's dream school, all of his life, had an opportunity he passed up and many have wondered why.
It just wasn't the right place, he preferred that middle of nowhere place to any big city program.
Growing up just less than an hour, the lure of the beaches, Miami nightlife, and a troubling growing trend of violence in Miami just didn't do it for him, realizing after he grew up and began the recruiting process.
Good points, but it all comes down to the right fit.

Been some really bad stuff happening on college campus' lately, but for some reason the U gets lots of attention. I just wanted to point out this is not uncommon among big city schools. Miami is tough. Local news is scary sometimes.
Speaking of Miami, I am right now watching Miami football playing Duke in Miami.

Now, I know this isn't a big year for U, and I know they are playing what should be a weak opponent (although Duke just took the lead late in the second quarter) but they ARE ranked 20th.

The stands are empty! Can't be more than 1/3 full.

I can tell you this, out here in podunk Oregon .... there isn't ANY game where the stands are not full at either OSU or UO.

What gives?
This perhaps is also why MLB in Miami just doesn't work, too much going on in south florida, it's a beach day here and the game is off campus, if it were at the old OB, it would be packed.
I was at CU/UM game a month ago, it wasn't filled up either, but a good crowd in attendance.
UM is an international school with many alumni from other places besides FL.
Now go to a UF or FSU game, sold out.
Could be, if you attend a UM baseball game, they are empty except for the big in state rivals they play against.
Right now things are very tough here in Miami, as far as football, Dolphins rule, but lately they can't fill the place either.
FWIW, I didn't enter the stadium to watch the UM/Clemson game, we stayed outside to watch on TV, in he sun it was in that stadium close to 95 with 100% humidity that day.
Taking away the OB has really put a damper on some UM games, though I saw the buses bringing students, not sure if there was a charge.
FWIW, the bowl games here are packed.

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