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I am surprised by TAPPS ruling but glad that cooler heads have prevailed...still haven't heard anything from our school administrators so not sure what they will rule on this.

PCD - It's not too late for a transfer. Smile but that darn required waiting period might be a problem.

tychco - my fingers are crossed that not one of the boys so much as sneezes or coughs at practice today...don't want to give the administrators reason to shut us down. Smile
Last edited by cheapseats
Wouldn't it make more sense, to finish up the last game of district for this week, so the teams that don't make playoffs can go on with their lives! Everyone gets there senior night in, etc.

I am so afraid because this is not football ( **** I sound bitter) that the UIL will just shut down everything ( except spring football) and no playoffs!
Last edited by planocatdad
By suspending all baseball games until 5/11, the UIL has created more panic than there already is. I can't believe that some schools are even closing just because of the threat, with no cases at those schools. The media got a hold of this and ran with it, because there is not to much of anything else going on right now.

Texas just made the national news about being the only state to cancel all athletic events. I think TAPPS got it right.
Just flew up from DFW this afternoon to DC with a plane load of folks breathing on each other. Everyone made it, but they did bring EMTs onboard to check someone out with flu-like systems before they let everyone de-plane.

Doesn't it seem like we're working this backwards, if we're not cancelling flights yet, and we're not closing schools yet, but we're compelled to cancel high school competitions????

What about MLB? Minor leagues? NHL? Rock concerts? Theaters? NBA?

Ops, I forgot...all that stuff makes someone alot of money.

Kinda like keeping schools open for TAKS but closing them for spring sports.

Okay...I'm off the soapbox.
Originally posted by RMMTX101:
And you bus kids from differnt areas of the state for the playoffs so there is a chance of cross contamination. Infected kids from southwest Texas give it to kids in the Metroplex who pass it to kids in east Texas may be the logic.

Then it must make sense then that intra-state travel of groups people, i.e. planes, commercial buses, etc. should be shutdown. Wait, if intra-state travel is bad then obviously they must have already shut down the borders with foreign countries, the source no less. Are the border crossings closed?

I think this is baseball and softball paying the price of fairness. I can see the actual logic of not having a multi-high school district/regional track meet worth of people milling around during the meet, especially districts closer to the border. ... but to be fair to the track guys, baseball and some others must share the pain.

Welcome to govamint help!
know what would be really funny? This virus actually kills a few million and we sit in front of our computers and go... at least none of our kids got it because we took precautions.

Get off this website and find out whats going on around the rest of the world... this bug may be for real.

I know it stinks for baseball... and no where near as much fun!
Last edited by 7-2 PO
Whether they close schools or shut down baseball games, if the virus is destined to mutate and spread, it will unless everyone stays home in a bubble.

These so-called precautions are a joke. Are these kids going to stay home for more than a week? No! They are going to go to the movies, the mall, etc. where other kids and people are.

This is nothing more the CYA politics and a hollow gesture...
Last edited by tychco
Originally posted by ACowboyFan:
That is very funny...I wonder if the Egyptians will now kill all the chickens too.

Washing my hands has always been a very good habit and one I hope I passed on to the kids.

Can we organize some pick-up baseball games during this period of time or will the UIL come and shut it down.

FANTASTIC! Lets call our friends over in Soutlake and see if we can use the indoor facility with them (I am sure the UIL wont be checking to see if they are using it or not) I can be the MOM at the front door taking everyones TEMPERTURE and we can pass out MASK and inbetween innings pass the GERM-X.

OK...I know we should not be kidding...

But can we really do this?

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