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NFHS rule 5 Section 1 article 1 (F)

A ball becomes dead immediately when:

F: a fair batted ball touches a runner or umpire before touching any fielder and before passing any fielder other than the pitcher.

Ruling- Dead ball.. runners return to bases occupied at the time of the pitch unless forced by batter runner. Batter awarded first base and credited with a single.

Your case.....dead ball, runner returns to second and Batter awarded 1st...
Last edited by piaa_ump
No,although a batted ball hitting both a runner and umpire would both result in a dead ball, it does so with different results.

My response is for batted ball hitting an Umpire (see italics). Which is umpire interference.

Hitting a runner in these circumstances would result in the runner being called out and the batter runner being awarded first.
I saw a funny one yesterday in a state playoff softball game. Base umpire caught a fair ball after it had passed the fielder and the 3rd base bag. Once he realized what he had done, he dropped the hot potato and turned to look for a hole to crawl into. Poor guy must have felt like the world's biggest horse's patoot. This was correctly ruled a live ball. (not his call Roll Eyes )
Last edited by spizzlepop
just one more question on my scenario with ball hitting pitcher then umpire standing behind the mound. If first base umpire (3 man system in district playoffs) calls time (incorrectly), is the play still immediately dead on the time call?

In our recent game, the runner from first was going to second, but stopped when he heard "time called" was later tagged out. Umps first awarded second base to that runner from first, with batter safe at first, but later reversed the call with runner going to second called out.
Not always. Under FED rules, if the ball has passed an infielder other than the pitcher, and no other infielder has a play, the runner is not out and the ball stays live. NCAA is similar. OBR has the runner out unless he had no chance to avoid the ball (i.e., the runner was shielded by a fielder, and the ball passed through or directly by that fielder.
Originally posted by dash_riprock:
Under FED rules, if the ball has passed an infielder other than the pitcher, and no other infielder has a play, the runner is not out and the ball stays live.

Can you clarify?? If 3B is in, misplays a groundball, hits runner @ second going to third, but the SS may have had a play then you can cal the runner out? I didn't know that.

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