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I heard the discussion. However, the players are not the game either. Players are interchangeable, to a degree, some better than others, but they are not the game.

They ARE however, why we watch. It is the plays and pitches they make.

However, from a design standpoint, baseball umpires are required to make definitive calls on every pitch, involving a much greater level of involvement than any other sport. Therefore, as it is judgment, it is called into question more often.

I love Skip Schumacher as a player, I hate his fastening and unfastening batting gloves between every pitch. There are many others. This stuff is not the game. It is stupid, habitual, rituals doing nothing positive for anyone except the player himself, EGO.

That being said, the same can be said of some umpires. I think they get the vast majority of calls correct. When I watch my son's college games, all I want is a consistent strike zone, hustle to be in position, and I can't fault the umpires when that happens. Sometimes it doesn't, but in the past three years, it has happened much more than it hasn't.

Make the game the focus, not the individuals, players or umpires (or even a few egotistical coaches and managers)
Originally posted by TWit:

The players are the GAME--not the umpires---thus the players can have the egos---stop protecting the ineptitude of the umpires--I would say "men in blue" but they want to be called by first names now--I didn't call my teachers and Professors by their first name

Official Rules of Baseball, 9.01 (B):

Each umpire is the representative of the league and of professional baseball, and is authorized and required to enforce all of these rules.

The lowest paid people on the field are charged by MLB to be leagally and institutionally responsible for the conduct and safety of the game, players and managers.

No one is baseball is irreplaceable. Not the greatest batter, best umpire or fattest manager.

Ego? Sure. Anyone who has worked hard for years with little reward along the way is entitled to an ego when they become one of the best 64 people in the nation who have the same job. Umpires, players and managers need a strong ego to survive.

But add to all this, umpires are held to higher performance and ethical standards than players or managers, and justifiably so.
Last edited by Jimmy03
Lighten up Francis you made a comment about the egos of MLB umpires, and I simply stated a fact.
Why do you have such a hard on for umpires? You must have lost a girlfriend to one or something.
Or is it the fact that between the lines what they say goes and what you say is squat?

Originally posted by TRhit:
The players are the GAME--not the umpires---thus the players can have the egos---stop protecting the ineptitude of the umpires--I would say "men in blue" but they want to be called by first names now--I didn't call my teachers and Professors by their first name
and more jibberish from a bitter ex coach who I would imagine watched a great many games from the parking lot after being sent packing by the umpire.
You have no credibility on this board, because of you obvious bias against umpires. Umpires are a part of the game whether you like it or not. Chill old man.
Originally posted by TRhit:

More umpire jibberish plain and simple

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