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We are looking into attending these two camps possibly this summer for our 2015.  Can anyone give me information on your experience good and bad on these camps?  What did you like or dislike about them?  How did they compare to other camps you have attended?  Was it comparable to Metro Scout League camps?  Recommendations on other camps in the DFW area?  Thanks so much for any information you can offer.


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I can speak to Top 96, though not in the Dallas area, they run very much the same everywhere.


For a 2015, you'll want a camp with your schools attending.  "Your schools" being schools at which your player can be admitted academically and could potentially play ball.  Exposure to your schools this Summer is key.


Top 96 does a pretty good job of publishing which schools will be at which showcases.  Sometimes these aren't the decision makers for those schools (Head Coach or Recruiting Coordinator) so you'll need to check the publicized list.  Other coaches may influence, but the Head Coach or Rec Coord are the best to be in front of.


Typically Top 96 attendees get written evals by a college coach for hitting, defense, baserunning, and pitching (or whatever of those things the player does at the camp).  There is a showcase portion and games, so it runs similar to most showcases.  Top 96 typically has an instructional component too where players can select from a menu of different stations (e.g., middle infield play) where a college coach instructs on that topic.


You asked for recommended camps in the DFW area.  To reiterate, your 2015 should get in front of the coaches from his schools list.  Wherever those coaches will be this Summer (and he can ask them) then that's where your player will want to be. 


Good Luck!

Verbally committed 2015 LHP also received invite to Baseball Factory Team One "showcase" this summer; stating that selection for Under Armour All-American rosters will be selected from the regional showcases.  Will be at East Cobb at the same time...any thoughts on the value in this experience?   I know there are mixed feelings on the HSBBF related to BF...



my 2017 went to a Top 96 Academic camp last Nov. and I thought it was a pretty well done event.  Following up with what Branson said, my kid was assigned or whatever to a coach and that guy took notes and did the written evaluation.  At the end of day 1, that coach called out 5-6 names and then went with that group off to the side.  then he called each individual kid in the group along with the parent over to go over the evaluation and to answer any questions that we might have.  We had a good guy who gave my son a lot of great feedback on what he saw that day and was very nice and patient with us.  Day 2 was game day and it was brutally cold and some were more into it than others, but all of the coaches stuck it out all day and seemed to be paying attention.   Our main goal was to get my son the experience of going to a showcase event as we figured they would not be paying too much attention to a kid who had not played a high school game yet.  It was close to home so other than the fee it was inexpensive and I think it was worth it for the experience and feedback.  I have since talked to a couple of recruiting coordinators at big schools and they said that it is a good event for a kid to go to be seen by a bunch of coaches and it is a good 'first-contact' type of thing for them. 

My 2014 attended a few of the Complete Showcases last summer. He enjoyed the experience and was able to make a few contacts from the showcases. The school he ultimately committed too was able to get an initial evaluation of him from the showcase. The showcase is well run, efficient and worth the money. We didn't do the Top 96 although we did have plans to attend but once he committed, it was no longer necessary.

We recently attended the Complete Showcase last week.  Over all I think we were pleased.  For the quantity of kids there it ran pretty smoothly.  Does feel like somewhat running cattle through but I guess that is to be expected with trying to get that many kids seen in a descent amount of time.  My son did stand out as far as 60 times as well as Bat Velo.  The two coaches spoke to us to give our evaluation and were very impressed at his lighting speed only being 17.  Now saying that we haven't heard a word from any of them.  One of the coaches wrote his number down on his hand and the other wrote his number on our eval and said to call him.  We did text him and told him about a tourney he was in but heard nothing back.  Is there a specific time frame they contact you if they are going to contact you after a showcase if they are interested or is this typical talk from them?  Both coaches were pretty well known JUCO's that play very competitive in our area.  They both told him they would be more then happy to have him on their team.  Because he's a 2015 and they are focused on 2014 they wait till later in the summer or do they finish their rounds doing their showcases then settle in and make contact with those they are interested in?  We feel like he would be a solid D2 kid.  We are being realistic that D1 is probably not where he is best suited.  He could survive, but would be a long hard road we believe and we would much rather him have playing time then bench time.  I did send emails out to the coaches that are attending our next upcoming showcase (Under Armor).  Will the coaches take a look at those prior to the showcase?  Will it impact them to watch for him with his 60 time stated in the subject line or are we wasting our time trying to contact them prior to the event?  One good thing is that with his time being documented at the Showcase I am able to show proof and documentation that he ran those stated times.  Many have questioned that speed at his age.  It has been a great asset going to these events.  I can see him becoming more comfortable and performing better at each event/tryout we go to.  Hopefully by next year he will have it down PAT!

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