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My son and I got into a bit of a discussion about the sanctity of NLIs. Are there circumstances in which a school, which has early signed a player, can revoke that NLI prior to the start at the freshman year in college.

Poor senior year play?

Injury during senior year in HS?

Drop in academic performance in senior year of HS?

I told him I would ask the definitive source -- this site. Thanks.
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SF Sam - There are many who would be much more wise in this area than I, but...

It could not be taken away just because a player does poorly on the field that senior year.

It could be taken away if the player isn't clearinghouse eligible.

It could be taken away if there's off field incidents and I can't remember how it's phrased... but basically arrests or things like that.

It can't just be pulled because coach has discovered something else he would rather do with that money.

Again, many will have more in depth answers than me, I'm sure.
Letter Becomes Null and Void. This NLI shall be declared null and void if any of the following occur:

Admissions Requirement. This NLI shall be declared null and void if the institution named in this document notifies me in writing that I have been denied admission or, by the opening day of classes in the fall 2007 has failed to provide me with written notice of admission, provided I have submitted a complete admission application.

It is presumed that I am eligible for admission and financial aid until information is submitted to the contrary. Thus, it is mandatory for me, upon request, to provide a transcript of my previous academic record and an application for admission to the institution named in this document.

If I am eligible for admission, but the institution named in this document defers admission to a subsequent term, the NLI shall be rendered null and void. However, if I defer my admission, this NLI remains binding.

Eligibility Requirements. This NLI shall be declared null and void if, by the opening day of classes in the fall of 2007, I have not met (a) the institution’s requirements for admissions, (b) its academic requirements for financial aid to athletes, or (c) the NCAA requirements for freshman financial aid (NCAA Bylaw 14.3) or the junior college transfer requirements.

If I become a nonqualifier (per NCAA Bylaw 14.3), this NLI shall be rendered null and void.

If I am a midyear football junior college transfer, the NLI becomes null and void if I fail to graduate from junior college at midyear. The NLI remains binding for the following fall term if I graduated, was eligible for admission and financial aid and met the junior college transfer requirements for competition for the winter or spring term, but chose to delay my admission.

One-Year Absence. This NLI shall be declared null and void if I have not attended any institution for at least one academic year (or attended an institution such as a preparatory school or junior college that does not participate in the NLI program), provided my request for athletics financial aid for a subsequent fall term is denied by the signing institution. I may still apply this provision if I initially enrolled in an NLI member institution but have been absent for at least one academic year. To apply this provision, I must file with the appropriate conference office a statement from the Director of Athletics at the institution named in this document that such financial aid will not be available for the requested fall term.

Service in the U.S. Armed Forces. Church Mission. This NLI shall be declared null and void if I serve on active duty with the armed forces of the United States or on an official church mission for at least twelve (12) months.

Discontinued Sport. This NLI shall be null and void if the institution named in the document discontinues my sport.

Recruiting Rules Violation. If the institution (or a representative of its athletics interests) named in this document violated NCAA or conference rules while recruiting me (as found through the NCAA or conference enforcement process or acknowledged by the institution), this NLI shall be declared null and void if the violation results in my need for eligibility reinstatement by the NCAA student-athlete reinstatement staff.

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