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This later starting date is supposed to help "Northern" teams and has been an explanation for their "slow" start. Kind of interesting that yesterday the Big Ten was 1-8 (Iowa the lone victor). The Big Ten was one of biggest proponents for moving back the date. Doesn't look like it helped yesterday.
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The uniform start date was actually an attempt to begin practice Feb 1, which in turned moved the start date up further. It was supposed to be an advantage for those who couldn't get onto an actual playing field in January. I am not sure with teh weather, that actually worked. Many teams have indoor practice facilities, many teams do not, so it you were hit with bad weather you couldn't use the field anyway.
IMO, you will see lots of teams (the big programs as well as the smaller) struggle mid week games but still see the same teams emerge to the 64 field, then 32, with those that have pitching arms still in great shape and talent to emerge towards the final 16 then 8. I do beleive that the RPI will be skewed due to 5 games a week, with smaller programs using their best pitching staff against larger programs, midweek to gain a win and boost their RPI. SOS will be a larger consideration in determining the field and the first half season will not be as strong a consideration.

The one really good thing about this, you need all of you players to participate. I think that you will see more and more freshman in the game who would normally sit. If this sticks, pitchers will be in greater demand than they already are.

Now, why I think they actually did it (as I read in the new rule) to give players more time in the classroom january and february before season begins to improve the APR. It'a all about the APR. With a compressed schedule 5 games a week now until the end of May, not sure if this will work either. Lots of traveling going on.

My prediction, this won't last or the schedule will be cut back to 50-52 games.
Last edited by TPM
I hear a lot of opposition about the football playoff because kids will miss class, but I remember missing class 2 or sometimes 3 whole days during the season. There was sometimes when I didn't get to my Tuesday/Thursday classes for 3 weeks.

I'm not sure this is the answer because now the season will be more condensed and kids will be missing class more often as the semester goes on. Then again, I can't think of an answer to this, it's just the nature of the beast when you play 56 games between February and the middle of May.

As far as the division between north and south, I'm not sure that will ever get evened out. Imagine yourself as a coach being a "free agent" much the way high school seniors are. If you have no strings attached in the north and there are northern and southern schools wanting you, where would you go?

Great quote!

Another one I heard a few years ago is guys from the North will go South, but guys from the South will not go North.

I am sure that academics are a part of this equation but the fact remains that when the Northern schools are recruiting, many of them use the later start date to tell kids that it will balance the playing field. Maybe some, but I seriously doubt it will ever have much effect. Think any games are gonna happen in Lake Zurich this week? Next week? Personally, I see sore arms from over used pitching staffs....

Nuff said. 49 degrees today, maybe I will go ice fishing in my backyard pond!

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