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You may want to look through this thread from last year, lots of good information from people that are very familiar with the program.


Richmond was in the final two for my son.  We really liked the academics, coaches and campus.  We also had the chance to attend a few of their games during the A10 tournament and liked what we saw in the team/coaching dynamics during the game.    


mcphuguy posted:

Thanks so much!   Another school that really likes him is Boston College.  ACC school of course but similar in certain ways.  Thoughts about Richmond vs BC?


The only similarity I see is they are both great schools academically.  The similiaries stop there for me.

When you factor in baseball programs, it is vastly different.  BC is in a premier conference, although they are not competitive today nor have they been in the recent past.  Richmond is a D1 mid-major and always competitive in the A-10.   If your son's goal is to win a conference championship, and advance to an NCAA Regional (this was my son's baseball goal) then it becomes a big difference between the two.  Teams flock south for February and March games, and Richmond has the facilities (new artificial turf field) and warmer weather to accomodate these northern teams (hence less travel for southern teams).   Full disclosure:  I live in Richmond.

As always JMO.

Last edited by fenwaysouth
mcphuguy posted:

  Thoughts about Richmond vs BC?

I also live in Richmond; son plays driving distance away.  Right now it is sunny, cool (47 degrees), trees and azaleas in bud, and the dogwoods are blooming!  Great day for baseball!  We will head to Boston to watch son play in 2 1/2 weeks (late April).   I will let you know then how the weather fares out. (Right now it is 33 degrees in Newton, MA and feels like 22).  

Richmond has become quite the foodie town as well.   

If you have to fly...Boston certainly has the better airport and fares, but the cost of living (apartments, if he should choose to live off campus) is better in RVA.  

I haven't been on the BC campus in years, but I remember it being very nice (in the summer).  The campus at UR is hard to beat.  Absolutely beautiful.  And the academics are none too shabby!

Can wait until next year when son's team will play UR on their new turf field.....lovely!



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