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Yeah, this is totally unrelated, but, somehow, I know I will get great feedback here.

What's the best online or video golf lesson series for teaching my boys to play over this summer?

We are the rankest of amateurs.   

P.s. Oldest is a P.O., so he may as well learn to play the links.

I am that wretch.

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A joke from the 80s when the Japanese were buying up American golf courses ...

A Japanese businessman returned to Japan. At the airport he was wielding a gold club over his head. His friends asked him what he was doing. He replied. "Just got back from America. Learned new game called, 'Oh, dammit.'" **

** cleaned up for this site

There are a lot of big names out there, but I like Martin Chuck's lessons. (You can search for his YouTube channel.) My son learned from a local pro, but the teachings of the pro is very similar to what Chuck teaches online.

As I mentioned in another thread last year, the baseball swing and golf swing have a lot of similarities. Half of our school's golf team are baseball players. The baseball swing taught them good weight transfer, keeping the head still, and a powerful swing. Many baseball players are long hitters in golf. My son swings baseball bat ~80mph; with a golf driver, he does an easy 3/4 swing and boom, 280 yards down the fairway. Another baseball power hitter hits his drives ~300 yards consistently. For them, the short game is the key, since there's nothing like chipping and putting in baseball. If they can figure out the shots around the green, they can be competitive golfers.

cabbagedad posted:

OMG, golf is ten times worse than baseball when it comes to the variety of conflicting swing mechanic teaches.  I'll be curious to see what gets offered up here.  

Oh, great.  Not what I wanted to find out.  Do they send out emails trashing each other's system and produce videos where they spend 80% of the time talking about stuff like "external rotation" and "spine angle" and 20% telling you what you want to know about, if they even bother to do that?  

Bogeyorpar posted:

There are a lot of big names out there, but I like Martin Chuck's lessons. (You can search for his YouTube channel.) My son learned from a local pro, but the teachings of the pro is very similar to what Chuck teaches online.

As I mentioned in another thread last year, the baseball swing and golf swing have a lot of similarities. Half of our school's golf team are baseball players. The baseball swing taught them good weight transfer, keeping the head still, and a powerful swing. Many baseball players are long hitters in golf. My son swings baseball bat ~80mph; with a golf driver, he does an easy 3/4 swing and boom, 280 yards down the fairway. Another baseball power hitter hits his drives ~300 yards consistently. For them, the short game is the key, since there's nothing like chipping and putting in baseball. If they can figure out the shots around the green, they can be competitive golfers.

The few videos I've researched so far have shown a definite similarity between the golf swing and the baseball swing.  Weight transfer, head still, late powerful hip rotation after sliding the hip forward.   Maybe he will learn to hit with power and get off of the PO train.

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