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I know that given the Pirates past history of selling off talent and the current level of play does not bode well for keeping anyone.... but I'll throw my .02 in..

I believe that Freddy Sanchez, Jack Wilson, Jason Bay, Jose Castillo, Randall Paulino, Zach Duke and Mike Gonzales are the team I want to have the Pirates build around......

But I dont think anyone is unmoveable to this ownership group....

On the other hand, if you have any offers for Joe Randa or Jeromy Burnitz, ......well...
Last edited by piaa_ump
Originally posted by nd943:
When I think of untouchables I think of top young prospects. With the Angels that would mean Brandon Wood, a shortstop who has 23 HR and 40 doubles in AA this year. I think you would have to add him to the list of untouchable Anaheim players.

If I hear one more thing about a "prized prospect" for the angels,Im going to puke.
It was a short 2 years ago,3b Dallas Mcpherson had 40 HR in AA,and look at him now.He couldnt stay healthy if his life depended on it.

Kasey Kotchman is another example(though he had a rare illness)

Jeff Mathis is another.

Do you possibly realize how much anaheim could have gotten for those guys 2 years ago as far as trade value goes?It wouldve likely been enough to land an impact bat.

At this point,brandon wood has had 1 good year at class A ball,and is having a solid year at AA,but he strikes out way too much.A guy who is lost in all of the HR wood hits is SS eric aybar(further up on the depth chart).Eric aybar is a career .300 hitter in the minors,has great defense and obviously has a solid bat.Thats the guy I keep.Not to mention there isnt room for all of these players on one field

at this point,Im so sick of angels GM bill stonemans unwillingness to deal young prospects for proven MLB players.Just imagine what he couldve gotten for those guys I mentioned,
Last edited by futurecatcher27
Don't you think you're being a little harsh on Dallas McPherson? He's 26 years old and in his 2nd year in the major leagues. He has 17 HR in 113 career games. If it was up to me no one would be untouchable, except maybe a top notch pitching prospect like the Sox have with Lester and Papelbon. I agree with your opinion on Ayber. He is ready for the big leagues right now. He hits for average, runs, and plays great defense, but would has the power numbers. If you hit a lot of HR's you'll get the most attention.
I cant wait for mcpherson to be healthy.I think he can be a 25HR,100RBI type guy.

With that said,he has been injured a good portion of his MLB career,and had a history of back spasms in the minors.

My point is,the angels labeled those guys untouchable because they were the "future",yet we have now morgaged two years of stellar Starting pitching because they were labeled "untouchable" and we are still waiting.How long must the angels wait before they admit a bust or just move on?

At this point,the only players that are prospects(if you can even call them that anymore)that I wouldnt move are weaver,saunders,kendrick,napoli.

Anyone else can be moved for MLB ready bats.Just think,the Red Sox asked for Wood,Kotchman,and a player to be named for manny ramirez(LA times).
I agree to a certain extent. The Red Sox felt Lester was going to be great when hew as in AA. Many teams asked for him but they simply refused to get rid of him. I think the only way a minor league player should be untouchable is if the organization thinks he is going to be a hall of fame type player, then even if he dissapoints he can still be a very good player.
Yankees. Untouchable would be Jeter and Rivera. And a i would trade my prospect to Cincy for Ryan Freel.

I HATE Freel!!! I think he was on base every AB against the Phils this weekend!! He reminds me of Pete Rose - play a lot of positions, get dirty at all of them, alwasy find a way to get on base andscore runs. I would take him in a heartbeat!

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