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“Many of us know all about the "Unwritten" rules of the game. Most of these have been made up to uphold the respect for the game and the opposing teams.

I seen this statement and was think Why Are or Are Not these unwritten rules not in print. If the opposing team gives up and doesn't put forth the effort why should another team let up on their behalf? We had a kid on three base that stole home when the pitcher was walking back to home with his head down And we was told by ump that was sorry of us. Seen a kid take off his helmet just be for he run thru home and was call out on a homerun hit and had one call on us for a kid taking off helmet at 1 base to get his hair back out running. “I was unable to find in rulebook.” Kids throwing glove at ball and sided he lost glove trying to catch ball that was 20 foot over his head.
What are some of the unwritten rules of the game you seen used?
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Originally posted by gindog:
Originally posted by gindog:
Work with me here “Many of us know all about the "Unwritten" rules of the game. Most of these have been made up to uphold the respect for the game and the opposing teams.

I seen this statement and was think Why Are or Are Not these unwritten rules not in print
If the opposing team gives up and doesn't put forth the effort why should another team let up on their behalf?When a team get 6 or 7 runs on a team are they to let up in the other team.

We had a kid on three base that stole home when the pitcher was walking back to pitching mound with his head down and we was told by ump that we was sorry of us to sending him. Do you think this is unsportman ship?

Seen a kid take off his helmet just befor he runs thru home was called out on a homerun hit for taking off helmet. IS this a unwritten rule?

We had a ump call a kid out for taking off helmet at 1 base to get his hair back out of eyes at end of play.Is this a unwritten rule? I was unable to find in rulebook.

Is a kids throwing glove at ball and sayed he lost glove trying to catch ball that was 20 foot over his head. Is this a unwritten to be ok?

What are some of the unwritten rules of the game you seen used?
Last edited by gindog
I agree with biggerpapi, but perhaps english is your second language?

The unwritten rules we speak of are things that happen within the game that are more or less "gentlman's rules". They don't exist in the rule book but they are there.

A good example would be Bryce Harper throwing a kiss to the pitcher after he hit a HR. That's just not proper behavior and might warrant a call for a purposeful retalitory hit later on.

The above mentioned scenerios, not sure of the stealing curcumstances because you just can't steal when you want and you cannot remove your helmet when you want either. These are not part of the "unwritten rules" we talk about.

Unwritten rules seem to fall into two categories.

1) Being a smart aleck or "rubbing it in". Example being the Bryce Harper air kiss.
2) Aggressive play when the game is say 99% decided. Might call these unwritten guidelines rather than rules. An example would be top of the 9th, ahead by 10 runs, baserunner hits a single and then steals second. I think a version of this happened in MLB earlier this year or last year, can't recall.

The unwritten list what constitutes these indistinct rules is extensive. Some veterans on this site could probably name hundreds.
Originally posted by gindog:
It would not be so bad if I did not had a bad case of dysiexia. Some days are better then other. That why to been two years of lerking and not registering on this site. Thanks for making me fill welcome and Im use to it.

If this is really true all you had to do was let us know that you had a problem but.....
Do you have true dyslexia or do you have dysgraphia?
I worked with dyslexic students in LD class and although you are an older adult, they used better grammer and spelling in writing than you have here.
Perhaps lack of schooling?
I work with disabled adults and whatever the reason, if they have difficulty they will politely explain their situation so that you can fully understand what they are trying to accomplish without excuses.

Your name alone calls attenton to you, why in the world would you choose that as your name here?

Just my observation.
Originally posted by SultanofSwat:
Originally posted by TPM:
I worked with dyslexic students in LD class and although you are an older adult, they used better grammer and spelling in writing than you have here.
Perhaps lack of schooling?

It's spelled "grammar". What's your excuse?

My excuse, I type to fast and don't recheck.
FWIW, I never made fun of gindog, I agreed with biggerpapi that I didn't understand and I did try to answer his question, as did someone else.

What did you do, SoS?

I get a kick out of some websters here, they cry injustice but first in line with comments, and they person knows who I am talking about.
Originally posted by igball:
Please except my sincere apology for making a stupid joke at your expense. It was wrong. Please continue to post to your hearts content and I'm sure you'll get much better responses than mine.

Take care and my apologies.
I have NO hard filling to anyone.. Thank to you and everyone
Originally posted by gindog:
I seen this statement and was think Why Are or Are Not these unwritten rules not in print.

I seen a couple:

"The Unwritten Rules of Baseball: The Etiquette, Conventional Wisdom, and Axiomatic Codes of Our National Pastime"

By: Paul Dickson

But an even better read is:

"The Baseball Codes: Beanballs, Sign Stealing, and Bench-Clearing Brawls: The Unwritten Rules of America's Pastime"

By: Jason Turbow and Michael Duca

Originally posted by TPM:
Originally posted by SultanofSwat:
Originally posted by TPM:
I worked with dyslexic students in LD class and although you are an older adult, they used better grammer and spelling in writing than you have here.
Perhaps lack of schooling?

It's spelled "grammar". What's your excuse?

My excuse, I type to fast and don't recheck.

Too funny.
Last edited by wraggArm
Originally posted by wraggArm:
Originally posted by TPM:
Originally posted by SultanofSwat:
Originally posted by TPM:
I worked with dyslexic students in LD class and although you are an older adult, they used better grammer and spelling in writing than you have here.
Perhaps lack of schooling?

It's spelled "grammar". What's your excuse?

My excuse, I type to fast and don't recheck.

Too funny.

I don't lie.....

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